Innovative Solutions in Women's Health : Expert Guided Abortion... Developing technology and expertise in women's health offer innovative solutions in many areas. In this context, under the leadership of Ms. Meltem in the sterile clinical conditions of Ankara, successful applications are carried out on many issues that women need. Especially abortion is a preferred intervention in the sensitive period of women and this process is carried out in confidentiality and confidence with the expertise of our physician.

In this article written by our specialist physician, we will explore many curious topics, from what abortion is to how it is performed, to the advantages of abortion under the guidance of Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN. Are you ready to be included in this journey led by our competent staff and our doctor by addressing an important stop in women's health?

Abortion is a medical intervention to terminate a pregnancy. This procedure, also referred to as curettage, is performed to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. This procedure can be performed by different methods depending on the stage of pregnancy.

Abortion is a method used to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, but may be preferred if the pregnancy is likely to cause serious harm to the mother's health or in cases of fetal abnormalities. Abortion can be a surgical or medication procedure, depending on the stage of pregnancy. The technique used is determined by the individual's health status and preferences.

The duration of the abortion procedure varies depending on the method used and the stage of pregnancy. The average treatment time can be stated as 15 to 20 minutes. The recovery process after this procedure, which is completed in a very short time, may differ from person to person. Full recovery is seen within 1 week to 10 days after abortion.

Abortion is a procedure that can be legally performed by any woman over the age of 18 up to the 10th week of pregnancy in Turkey. While married women also need the permission of their spouses, unmarried women can undergo this procedure of their own volition. Individuals under 18 years of age can benefit from abortion with the permission of the prosecutor's office and their parents if necessary.

Abortion is a safe, comfortable and successful procedure when performed by a specialist in the field of Gynecology and Obstetrics under sterile clinical conditions. Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN and her team use all her experience and knowledge to provide the most comfortable & painless experience possible.

Abortion prices may vary depending on the method used, the clinic and the health status of the person. In our clinic, which is the first center that comes to mind when it comes to Ankara Abortion procedure, our physician has made it a mission to help women with great confidentiality and affordable prices. You can contact us immediately to be treated under the most favorable conditions...

Our doctor's expertise and experience ensures that the abortion process is managed sensitively and safely. By offering customized solutions to women's needs, it provides confidential and reliable service in a hygienic environment. For more information about abortion or to make an appointment, you can contact us using our communication channels... Expert guidance is always important to make healthy and informed decisions.

What is Abortion

Abortion is a medical intervention to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. This procedure, which is usually performed in the first trimester, can be performed surgically or with medication. Abortion is also the first application that comes to mind in pregnancy situations that put the mother's health at risk.

With the expertise of our physician, abortion procedures performed in sterile clinical conditions in Ankara are carried out safely with the techniques offered by modern medicine and the most effective method suitable for the health status of the individual is preferred.

Is Abortion Legal

Abortion is legal in Turkey and can be performed in officially authorized clinics under certain conditions. Abortion, which is performed in accordance with legal regulations, is performed in cases where there are significant risks to the health of the mother & baby, fetal abnormalities are detected or unwanted pregnancies.

Our doctor, who is one of the first physicians who comes to mind when it comes to abortion treatment in Ankara, offers abortion applications in accordance with the legal framework, based on confidentiality and security. Our expert team communicates in detail with their patients, explains the legal procedures and guides them through this process.

How Abortion is Performed

Abortion procedures performed under the supervision of our doctor are performed in accordance with the standards of modern medicine. Our specialist physician analyzes the patient's condition and determines the appropriate anesthesia method and treatment technique.

"How is an abortion?" or "How is an abortion performed?" in detail in articles;

  1. Initial Evaluation : Before the abortion, our specialist physician conducts a detailed interview with the patient. Pregnancy history, health history and general health status are evaluated.
  2. Gynecological Examination : Gynecological examination is performed before the abortion procedure. Ultrasonography is used to evaluate the age of the pregnancy and the internal structure of the uterus.
  3. Choice of Anesthesia : Abortion can be performed under local anesthesia or light sedation. The choice of anesthesia depends on the patient's preferences and health status.
  4. Cervical dilation : In surgical abortions, the cervix is dilated. This step facilitates the passage of the instruments needed to reach the uterus.
  5. Use of Aspiration or Abortion Needle: Once inside the uterus, aspiration or abortion needle is used to suck out the pregnancy material.
  6. Control and Monitoring : After the abortion procedure is completed, the patient's vital signs are closely monitored. This stage allows any complications to be detected quickly.
  7. Recovery Process : The person can go home from our clinic on the same day without the need for hospitalization. However, the healing process takes a few days. The person can return to normal daily activities in line with the guidance of our specialist physician. The healing process may vary depending on the personal health status.

we can explain.

The abortion process may vary according to the health status of the individual and the stage of the pregnancy. Our doctor and his team work meticulously to determine the most appropriate and safe method for their patients and provide one-to-one support at every stage of the process.

One of the most demanded applications after abortion can be expressed as Hymen Stitching. You can reach our article where we answer all the questions you may have about Hymen Stitching and touch on every detail from link.

Abortion Ankara

Turkey, which has become a country that sets the world standard in health practices, has specialized physicians in every subject that individuals need. This is also the case in Ankara, where people can easily access the treatments they demand.

Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN combines more than 30 years of experience in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology with sterile clinical conditions and expert team in Ankara and successfully performs every treatment that women need, especially abortion, with great confidentiality and trust.

You can contact us using our communication channels to get support about the problems you are exposed to for different reasons and to have an abortion procedure in Ankara by a physician who respects your privacy...

How Many Minutes Does an Abortion Take

Abortion is a procedure that can be performed very quickly and safely under sterile clinical conditions under the control of competent physicians in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The application process is completed within 15 to 20 minutes.

Up to How Many Months Abortion is Performed

In line with the laws in our country, the limit for abortion is set as the 10th week of pregnancy. Women who meet the other conditions can consider this option before the end of 2.5 months of pregnancy. Abortion can be performed legally within the first 2.5 months in clinics authorized by the Ministry of Health.

Abortion Places

Abortion is a procedure that can be performed in hospitals and clinics authorized by the Ministry of Health. Our center, which is one of the most reliable places for women who want to have an abortion in Ankara, is known as a private clinic where applications are made in the fields of Gynecology and Genital Aesthetics.

You can contact us by using our communication channels to get detailed information about abortion or gynecological disorders that you are exposed to for different reasons...

Is Abortion Forbidden

No... Abortion is a legal procedure in Turkey within certain rules. It is sufficient for the person to be treated to be over the age of 18 and to be within the first 10 weeks of pregnancy.

When not to have an abortion

Abortion is known as the first treatment method that comes to mind in unwanted pregnancies or pregnancies that put the mother's health at risk. Abortion, which is a very valuable treatment method when applied by expert hands under hygienic conditions, cannot be applied under some conditions or is performed conditionally.

To the question "In which cases can abortion not be performed?"

  • Abortion cannot be performed after the first 10 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Even in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy, married women cannot undergo this procedure without the written consent of their spouses.
  • Again, even if the pregnancy process is appropriate, individuals under the age of 18 cannot have this procedure without a prosecutor's decision or parental signature.

we can respond as follows.

How Abortion Happens

The abortion procedure can be performed in a sterile clinical environment by specialists in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The procedure can be performed under local or general anesthesia. The specialist doctor ends the pregnancy by vacuuming the tissues in the uterus with certain techniques using the vaginal area. After this process is completed within 15 to 20 minutes, the person is discharged without the need for hospitalization.

You can access our article on how to have an abortion from the link

Up to How Many Weeks Abortion Can Be Performed

The legal limit for abortion in Turkey is set at the 10th week of pregnancy. Women who meet the other conditions may consider this option during the first 10 weeks of pregnancy.

Where is Abortion Performed

Abortion is a procedure that can be performed in hospitals and clinics authorized by the Ministry of Health. One of the most reliable places for women who want to have an abortion in Ankara is Op. Dr. It is known as a private clinic where applications are made in the fields of Gynecology and Genital Aesthetics under the control of Meltem ERKMEN.

You can contact us by using our communication channels to get detailed information about abortion or gynecological disorders that you are exposed to for different reasons...

Legal Duration of Abortion

In line with the laws in our country, the limit for abortion is set as the 10th week of pregnancy. Women who meet the other conditions can consider this option before the end of 2.5 months of pregnancy. Abortion can be performed legally within the first 2.5 months in clinics authorized by the Ministry of Health.

Is Abortion a Sin

The sinfulness/sinfulness of abortion is a matter for consultation with officially competent experts in religious matters. However, any situation that threatens the health of the person physically and psychologically should be treated and eliminated. Abortion procedure to be performed in this context will not carry any negativity.

Abortion Privacy

As Gynecology and Obstetrics Center, we value patient privacy and confidentiality in every treatment we perform. Ms. Meltem prioritizes the social life and private life of all the women she treats and completes all treatments, including abortion, with an understanding that keeps the patient & doctor relationship in front of every issue.

After Abortion

There are some important points to be considered for a healthy healing process after abortion. Our specialist physician explains all these points to the patient in detail after the procedure. Things to be Considered After Abortion in items;

  1. Rest : Resting after an abortion helps the body to focus on the healing process. Light activities and lying down may be recommended for a few days after the procedure.
  2. Regular use of medicines: Regular use of medicines prescribed by your doctor is very important to keep the pain under control and reduce the risk of infection.
  3. Hot Water Bath : Hot water baths can reduce uterine contractions and help to relax. However, it is important to follow the doctor's recommendations.
  4. Physical Activities : Heavy exercise should be avoided in the first few days. Light exercises such as walking can contribute to the healing process.
  5. Sexual Activity : It is recommended to avoid sexual activity for a while after abortion. This period may vary depending on the doctor's recommendations.
  6. Good Nutrition : Adequate nutrition supports the body's healing process. It is especially important to consume foods containing iron and folic acid.
  7. Pain and Bleeding Monitoring: Painkillers recommended by our doctor should be used and the amount of bleeding should be carefully monitored. In case of abnormal bleeding, consult a doctor immediately.
  8. First visit to the doctor : Regularly attending the follow-up appointment recommended by the specialist is important to assess the healing process.
  9. Mental Health : It is important to get emotional support after an abortion. If necessary, it may be helpful to seek counseling or attend support groups.

can be summarized as.

Click on the link to read our article titled Things to Consider After Abortion and to have information about every issue in this regard.

Bleeding After Abortion

A slight bleeding after an abortion is normal. Light spotting or bleeding that may last for a few days after treatment may be part of the healing process of the lining of the uterus. However, it is important to contact a specialist immediately in case of symptoms such as excessive bleeding, heavy blood clots or foul-smelling discharge. These may be a sign of infection or other complications. (On average, some bleeding for 2 to 10 days is normal).

Pain After Abortion

Mild cramping pain is normal after an abortion. Painkillers prescribed by the attending physician may help to provide relief during this period. However, in case of symptoms such as severe and persistent pain, abnormal bleeding or fever, the doctor should be contacted immediately. This is important for early detection of a potential infection.

Menstruation After Abortion

After an abortion, the normal menstrual cycle is restored within a few weeks. However, this period may vary depending on the individual's body structure, hormone levels and the details of the procedure. Our physician explains the processes to be followed for the normalization of the menstrual cycle and a healthy reproductive system.

Sexual intercourse after abortion

It is recommended to avoid sexual activity for a while after abortion. This process may vary depending on the recommendations of our doctor. Avoiding sexual activity for the period determined by the doctor can contribute to the healing process of the uterus and reduce the risk of infection. (It will be correct not to have sexual intercourse for an average of 2 to 3 weeks).

Pregnancy After Abortion

After an abortion, the body begins to return to a normal state after pregnancy. However, the specialist may advise patients to be careful about getting pregnant again within a certain period of time. This period varies depending on the individual's body structure and health status.

Abortion Prices

In order to get detailed information about Abortion Prices, it is necessary to be examined by a specialist physician. Since each patient's demands and treatment plan are different, it is not correct to pronounce a clear price.

Abortion Prices 2024 also vary depending on many factors, but these factors include;

  • The genetic makeup and age of the person to be treated,
  • The gestational week of the patient's pregnancy,
  • The method of abortion to be applied to the individual,
  • The experience of the clinic and the physician who will perform the application,

can be shown.

Call Us Now to have detailed information about the procedures to be performed within the scope of the abortion procedure, to be examined by our specialist physician in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology and to create a treatment plan tailored to you...

Ankara Abortion Center

Today, women may want to have an abortion for different reasons. One of the most important issues at this stage is to be able to have a procedure by a specialist physician and under sterile conditions. One of the first clinics that comes to mind when it comes to Ankara Abortion Places is our center under the management of Ms. Meltem.

Click on the link to access our article titled Ankara Abortion and to have information about everything those who want to have an abortion in Ankara are curious about.

If you are in the first 10 weeks of your pregnancy and want to terminate the pregnancy, you can get support from Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN Gynecology & Obstetrics clinic, which is the first center that comes to mind when Ankara Abortion is mentioned. Contact Us Now for Information and Appointment...

Changes in the body after abortion

After an abortion, hormonal changes may occur due to the removal of intrauterine tissues. These changes may cause temporary fluctuations in menstrual cycle. In addition, it would be the best behavior to wait for a period of time determined by our doctor when deciding to return to the Birth Control Methods used before pregnancy.

Depending on the individual's body structure and health status, Post Abortion Hormone Levels will return to normal after a short time. During this time, it is important to follow the doctor's recommendations and make follow-up appointments regularly.

Dr.Meltem Erkmen


Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Number of Operations

Single Session
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Operation Duration

10 to 15 Minutes
Dr.Meltem Erkmen


Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Full Recovery

2 to 3 Days
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Length of Stay in Hospital

Same Day Release

What does abortion mean?

Abortion is a legal method used to terminate unwanted pregnancies or pregnancies that pose a risk to the expectant mother.

Is abortion banned?

No... In Turkey, women who meet the legal requirements can have an abortion performed by gynecologists and obstetricians.

I'm afraid I'm going to have an abortion?

Abortion is a safe, comfortable and successful treatment method when performed by specialist physicians under sterile clinical conditions.

Is Abortion Paid?

Applications such as abortion are performed by clinics serving in the field of gynecology for a certain fee. Our physician, who is the first doctor who comes to mind when it comes to Ankara Abortion procedure, performs this treatment, which is very important for women, at an affordable price. For detailed price information, you can contact us using our communication channels...

Is abortion a sin?

The question of whether abortion is sinful or not is something that should be consulted with the clergy. However, any situation that threatens a person's physical and psychological health should be treated and resolved.

What to do with the baby taken after abortion?

The substances taken during abortion are expressed as tissues whose development is incomplete and cannot be expressed as a baby. In this process, women carry a set of tissues that have not become a baby.

When can abortion be performed?

Abortion can legally be performed up to the 10th week of pregnancy. However, the ideal period for the procedure is between the 5th and 7th weeks of pregnancy.

Up to how many months is abortion performed?

Abortion can legally be performed within the first 2.5 months of pregnancy. However, the ideal period for the procedure is between the 5th and 7th weeks of pregnancy.

Is the sin of abortion forgiven?

Whether abortion is a sin or not is something that should be consulted with the clergy. However, any threat to one's physical and psychological health should be treated and resolved.

Up to How Many Weeks Is Abortion Performed?

Abortion can legally be performed up to the 10th week of pregnancy. However, the ideal period for the procedure is between the 5th and 7th weeks of pregnancy.

How long does bleeding after abortion last?

Mild bleeding after abortion lasts between 2 and 10 days. This process varies from person to person.

When do hormones recover after an abortion?

Within about 1 week to 10 days after the abortion, the hormonal situation improves and the woman's menstrual cycle returns to normal.

Where can I have an abortion?

Abortion should be performed by specialist physicians in clinics authorized by the Ministry of Health in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

How many weeks is an abortion performed?

Abortion can legally be performed up to the 10th week of pregnancy. However, the ideal period for the procedure is between the 5th and 7th weeks of pregnancy.

Up to How Many Months Is Abortion Performed?

Abortion can legally be performed within the first 2.5 months of pregnancy. However, the ideal period for the procedure is between the 5th and 7th weeks of pregnancy.

How is a vacuum abortion performed?

Vacuum abortion is known as the most preferred abortion method today. During the application process, the tissues in the uterus are pulled from the vaginal area with the help of a special device. The pregnancy is terminated painlessly and easily.

When can you stand up after an abortion?

After the abortion, you can rest for an average of 10 to 20 minutes and stand up. In addition, you can go directly to your home and rest after this application that does not require hospitalization.

How many weeks is abortion performed?

Abortion can legally be performed up to the 10th week of pregnancy. However, the ideal period for the procedure is between the 5th and 7th weeks of pregnancy.

How long does bleeding after abortion last?

Mild bleeding after abortion lasts between 2 and 10 days. This process varies from person to person.

When is an abortion performed?

Abortion can legally be performed within the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. However, the ideal period for the procedure is between the 5th and 7th weeks of pregnancy.

Until what month is abortion performed?

Abortion can legally be performed within the first 2.5 months of pregnancy. However, the ideal period for the procedure is between the 5th and 7th weeks of pregnancy.

Where is an abortion performed?

Abortion should be performed by specialist physicians in clinics authorized by the Ministry of Health in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Is abortion banned in Turkey?

No... In Turkey, any woman over the age of 18 and within the first 10 weeks of pregnancy can legally have an abortion.

Is Abortion Hell?

The question of whether abortion is sinful or not is something that should be consulted with the clergy. However, any situation that threatens a person's physical and psychological health should be treated and resolved.

Is abortion difficult?

No... Abortion is a safe, comfortable and easy procedure if it is performed under the control of our physician and under sterile clinical conditions.

Is Abortion Caiz ?

The permissibility of abortion is something that should be consulted with religious officials. However, any situation that threatens a person's physical and psychological health should be treated and eliminated.

Is Abortion Legal in Turkey?

Yes... In Turkey, any woman over the age of 18 and within the first 10 weeks of pregnancy can legally have an abortion.

Is it a sin to have an abortion?

The question of whether abortion is sinful or not is something that should be consulted with the clergy. However, any situation that threatens a person's physical and psychological health should be treated and resolved.

Does abortion hurt?

No... Abortion is a safe, comfortable and painless procedure if performed under the control of our doctor and under sterile clinical conditions.

Is Abortion Outside Marriage Legal?

Yes... Being married or not is not an obstacle for women to have an abortion. Women who meet the legal requirements can have this procedure safely if they wish.

Dr.Meltem Erkmen