Birth Control : Conscious Approach in Women's Health... It is the most fundamental right of every woman to lead a healthy life and to have a conscious and safe reproductive process. Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN, who applies successful treatments in the field of Women's Health in Ankara, offers a modern approach to birth control with her expertise in Gynecology and Genital Aesthetics.

Many Birth Control Methods offered by modern medicine are applied by our doctor in a sterile clinical environment and on the basis of confidentiality. This plays an important role in improving the quality of life of women and building a healthy future. In this article, we will discuss the prominent elements of the services focused on women's health offered by our doctor and the advantages of birth control methods in Ankara.

Birth Control is a concept that includes various methods applied to prevent and plan unwanted pregnancies of couples. These methods range from hormone-containing drugs to surgical interventions. These techniques, which help couples to control the risk of pregnancy when they have sexual intercourse, can be used in different methods for men and women.

Various Birth Control Methods are successfully applied in our clinic under the supervision of our specialist doctor. These techniques include; Hormonal Birth Control Pills, Birth Control Implants, Spiral, Birth Control Needles, Birth Control Surgical Interventions. Each of these methods is selected taking into account the specific needs and health status of women.

Advantages of applying birth control methods under the supervision of Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN in Ankara;

  • Expertise and Reliability: Our doctor applies Birth Control Methods with extensive knowledge and experience as a physician specializing in Gynecology and Genital Aesthetics.
  • Options Suitable for Individual Needs: Our specialist physician, who prioritizes patient satisfaction, offers Birth Control Methods suitable for each individual's specific health status and preferences.
  • Confidentiality and Security : Practices performed in sterile clinical conditions in Ankara include high-level measures for the privacy and security of patients.
  • Comprehensive Service : Our physician supports women to make an informed decision by not only practicing birth control methods, but also informing and counseling their patients.

can be summarized as.

Our experienced doctor and his expert team offer a comprehensive approach to protecting women's reproductive health and planning. You can contact us using our communication channels to get detailed information about Birth Control and to make an appointment...

Doğum Kontrol

What is Birth Control 

Contraception is the general name for various techniques and medical practices used to plan or prevent pregnancies at the desired time. These techniques are divided into two main categories: hormonal and non-hormonal. Hormonal Birth Control Methods prevent pregnancy by changing the hormonal balance in the female body. Non-Hormonal Birth Control Methods, on the other hand, work by mechanically or chemically preventing sperm movement and thus preventing the fertilization of eggs in the uterus.

What are Birth Control Methods

A wide range of contraceptive methods are available for men and women. For women in particular, different techniques are used, including birth control pills, birth control implants, spirals, birth control injections and surgical interventions for birth control.

Today, among the methods used within the scope of Birth Control;

  • Birth Control Pill
  • The Morning After Pill
  • Birth Control Injections (3 Monthly Injections)
  • Birth Control Spiral (Hormonal Spiral)
  • Birth Control Stick
  • Birth Control Implant
  • Sperm Killing Tablets (Spermicides)
  • Tubal Ligation in Women (Tubal Ligation)
  • Birth Control Methods Diaphragm
  • Condom (Condom, Sheath, Hood)
  • Ligation of the Ducts in Men (Vasectomy)

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Birth Control Pills 

Birth control pills are a hormonal method that contains hormones called estrogen and progestin. These pills prevent ovulation by affecting the woman's natural cycle and reduce sperm motility by thickening the cervical mucus. Birth Control Pills, which have a high success rate when used correctly, should be taken at the same time daily and prescribed by a specialist physician.

Although there is a misconception among the public that they are only used on intercourse days, these pills should be used correctly and regularly. Among the advantages that women will have thanks to Birth Control Pills;

  • Periods become regular.
  • Menstrual bleeding decreases.
  • Reduces painful periods and premenstrual tension.
  • Protects against ovarian and uterine cancer.
  • It prevents the growth of these cysts in those with cysts in the ovaries or breasts.
  • Prevents ectopic pregnancy.
  • Prevents inflammation in the uterus and tubes.
  • Prevents acne and acne formation.
  • When stopped, pregnancy can occur immediately.
  • Suitable for women of all ages.

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However, it is important to remember to take a pill every day. It is useful to have a reminder. These pills, which can sometimes cause nausea and vomiting, should preferably be taken before going to bed at night. Birth Control Pills, which can cause 1 to 2 weight gain in some users due to increased appetite and salt retention, should be used under the control of a specialist physician.

You can access our article on birth control pills from the link

The Morning After Pill 

Most of the unintended pregnancies or menstrual delays suspected of pregnancy have a history of morning-after pill use. These pills, known as the morning-after pill and containing high doses of synthetic progesterone, are not suitable for regular use. They are suitable for use after a condom rupture or failure of the withdrawal method. 

The morning-after pill prevents pregnancy by 90% to 98% when used within the first 24 hours, while the probability of preventing pregnancy drops to 75% for pills used within the first 48 hours. After high doses of hormones, menstrual disorders may occur. Depending on the drug brands, single or double dose use is available. For this reason, the package insert should be carefully examined before use.

Birth Control Needle 

Contraceptive injections contain the hormone progestin and are injected under the skin. This method provides long-term protection with injections at regular intervals. The injection prevents ovulation and thickens the cervical mucus, making it difficult for sperm to reach the uterus. Contraceptive injections should be used in conjunction with regular health checks and on the advice of a specialist doctor.

Birth Control Injections are available in monthly or every 3 months forms. They are synthetic hormones given intramuscularly in depot form. Especially the long-term menstruation effects of 3-month preparations are a very common situation. After the injection, the hormone is slowly released into the blood. Similar to the pill, they prevent the formation of the egg. They also thicken the secretions in the cervix, preventing sperm from passing through and reaching the uterus.

To learn all the details about Birth Control Needles, you can click on the link and read our article.

Birth Control Methods Suppositories 

A contraceptive suppository is a small medical device that is inserted directly into the cervix. These suppositories prevent pregnancy by blocking the movement of sperm or thickening the cervical mucus. Suppositories containing low-dose hormones provide natural protection and have a long-lasting effect. However, it is important to consult a specialist physician before using suppositories.

Birth Control Methods Spiral 

A contraceptive spiral is a small device inserted into the uterus. Available with or without hormones, spirals prevent pregnancy by preventing fertilization or ovulation in the uterus. The use of a spiral provides long-term protection and can be considered an effective method of contraception when inserted correctly.

Intrauterine Devices are the most preferred and long term contraceptive methods. The Intrauterine Device (IUD), known as a spiral, prevents sperm from reaching the egg and fertilization, and even if fertilization occurs, it prevents the fertilized egg from settling in the uterus by disrupting the inner wall structure of the uterus.

Birth Control Spirals, which are known to be an effective method (99%) in preventing pregnancy, should preferably be inserted in the first three days of menstruation. This is because the uterine canals are open and to prevent possible pregnancy. Intrauterine devices, which provide protection from the moment they are inserted, offer the opportunity to return to fertility as soon as they are removed.

Copper birth control spirals provide effective protection against pregnancy for 10 to 12 years. These spirals, which do not affect sexual intercourse, may cause discomfort in the partner when the string is left long. The IUD can increase the number of menstrual days and the amount of bleeding up to 2 times, especially in the first 3 to 6 months. This situation returns to normal afterwards.

Since intrauterine devices (IUDs) may cause pain during menstruation, it may be recommended to use painkillers during this period. Spirals that are not suitable for those with sexually transmitted diseases may slip from the uterus into the vagina. Even if it is recommended to check the thread manually at the end of the menstrual period, it is correct to have a gynecological examination by a specialist physician every 6 months and to check the placement with ultrasonography. If the spiral is out of place or displaced downwards, its protection decreases. Most of the pregnancies that occur while the Intrauterine Device is inserted are seen for this reason.

Hormonal Spiral (Mirena): It should be preferred especially in women over 40 years of age who require hormone therapy with irregular bleeding. It may not be suitable for every woman who says "I want to have a hormonal spiral" without an indication. It can reduce menstrual bleeding and sometimes cause it to stop completely.

Birth Control Methods Implant 

A contraceptive implant is a small tube placed under the arm that releases the hormone progestin. This hormone prevents ovulation and prevents pregnancy by thickening the cervical mucus. The implant provides long-term protection and can be easily inserted and removed. This method, which can be applied by a specialist physician, is known as an effective birth control option.

In our clinic in Ankara, under the control of Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN, implants that we place under the skin such as Implanon - Nexplanon are one of the most effective birth control methods. This method, which is as effective as birth control pills in preventing pregnancy, is also expressed as a comfortable Birth Control Method that does not need to take pills every day.

A small, soft, elastic rod placed under the skin and containing hormones prevents pregnancy by releasing a small amount of hormones on a daily basis. The implant is placed on the inner side of the upper arm under local anesthesia. With 3 years of protection, Birth Control Implants can be removed with a small intervention when desired.

Birth Control Methods Diaphragm

This technique is described as a barrier type method made of thin elastic plastic - silicone, which the woman places on the cervix before sexual intercourse. The diaphragm, which protects against pregnancy by preventing the passage of sperm into the uterus, must be placed before each sexual intercourse and removed after intercourse.

Sperm Killing Tablets (Spermicides) 

Sperm Killing Tablets are inserted into the vagina by the woman before sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy. They kill the sperm before they reach the uterus and make them unable to fertilize the egg. Although the protection is not very high, it is recommended to use an additional method (condom, withdrawal, etc.).

Tubal Ligation in Women (Tubal Ligation) 

Tubal Ligation in women is a permanent method of contraception provided by surgically cutting and tying the tubes between the uterus and ovaries where the egg is fertilized, either by opening the abdomen under general anesthesia or by laparoscopic (closed) method. Bilateral consent of the spouses is required before this procedure.

Tubal ligation can be reversible by microsurgical method and re-pregnancy is also possible by IVF method. This application is not preferred at a very early age unless there is a serious reason. Our specialist doctor finds this treatment suitable for patients over 35 years of age.

Doğum Kontrol Yöntemleri

Birth Control Methods for Men 

It is recommended to use condoms in all sexual intercourse, especially to protect against sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, although it is not 100% reliable, the reasons why the condom, which has a protective effect of around 85% against pregnancy, cannot provide 100% protection are condom use errors or the possibility of accidents such as condom tearing, puncture, staying in the vagina during sexual intercourse.

When using a condom, care should be taken to ensure that it is of the appropriate size, not expired, and not perforated or torn. After intercourse, the erection should leave the vagina before it is completely lost. In cases that occur during sexual intercourse, the intrauterine device can provide protection if the morning-after pill is used within 3 days within 5 days. However, unwanted pregnancies may occur in premature injections that may occur without a condom.

Ligation of the Ducts in Men (Vasectomy) 

Vasectomy is a procedure performed on men under local anesthesia. It is the cutting or ligation of the sperm ducts. The sperm produced in the testicles pass through the duct into the urethra and then out of the body. This surgical procedure prevents sperm from entering the urethra. As a result of the treatment, sperms are not mixed with the ejaculate, that is, there is no sperm in the incoming fluid.

Ligation of the Ducts in Men does not affect male erection, ejaculation, amount of semen, color, sexual desire and sexual satisfaction. Unfortunately, in our country, men do not prefer this treatment very much due to false beliefs.

As a result, the responsibility of pregnancy, birth and child rearing are known as phenomena belonging to women, and the responsibility of contraception is unfortunately imposed on women. Therefore, in order to prevent unwanted pregnancies and to avoid having to make annoying and sad decisions, we should take care to determine and apply the most appropriate contraceptive method without neglecting whatever period we are in.

Birth Control Methods Over 40 

Birth Control Options for Women Over 40 should be determined in accordance with age-specific health conditions and hormonal changes. In this period, options such as hormonal contraception, spiral or other mechanical methods are preferred. Our specialist doctor provides individual counseling on appropriate Birth Control Options for women over 40 and supports them to lead a healthy sexual life.

Modern Birth Control Methods 

Modern contraceptive methods are options that are constantly updated with technological and medical advances. Modern methods such as Hormonal Birth Control Pills, Implants and Spirals stand out in terms of effectiveness and ease of use. Our specialist physician offers the most up-to-date and effective options to her patients with her experience in modern birth control methods.

Traditional Birth Control Methods 

Traditional Contraceptive Methods include the Natural Calendar Method, Withdrawal and similar techniques. These methods are not recommended because of their low effectiveness due to irregular use. Although they are less reliable than modern methods, some couples may prefer them. However, it is important not to use them without consulting specialized doctors. Our doctor explains the risks of traditional methods to his patients and offers the most reliable and effective contraceptive options.

Ankara Birth Control 

Our institution, which offers comprehensive services in Gynecology and Obstetrics in Ankara, provides a wide range of services from women's health problems to special gynecological needs with our specialist doctor and team in sterile clinical conditions.

You can contact us immediately to get rid of the gynecological diseases you are exposed to for different reasons with the help of an expert and to be treated in great confidentiality and security...

Dr.Meltem Erkmen


Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Number of Operations

Single Session
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Operation Duration

20 to 30 Minutes
Dr.Meltem Erkmen


Anesthetic Cream
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Sensitivity Process

1 to 3 Days
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Full Recovery

3 to 5 Days
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Length of Stay in Hospital

Same Day Release

What are Female Birth Control Methods?

Female Birth Control Methods include hormonal and mechanical options such as Birth Control Pills, Spiral, Birth Control Needles, Birth Control Suppository, Birth Control Implant, Tubal Ligation.

What are Male Birth Control Methods?

Male contraceptive methods include the use of condoms, withdrawal, ligation of the ducts and hormonal drugs that may be used in the future.

What are high-risk contraceptive methods?

Among the High-Risk Contraceptive Methods, hormonal techniques may increase some health risks, especially in individuals with blood pressure problems or smokers. In this case, the process should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Which Birth Control Methods are The Best?

The Best Birth Control Method varies depending on the individual's health status, preferences and needs. The most suitable option should be determined in line with the specialist's recommendation and the needs of the person.

Irreversible Birth Control Methods?

Irreversible contraceptive methods include surgical interventions such as sterilization or tubal ligation.

Birth Control Methods in the Ottoman Period?

Herbal mixtures, calendar method and some traditional practices were used during the Ottoman period. However, modern contraceptive methods were limited due to the lack of knowledge and technology at the time.

Birth Control Methods Most Reliable?

The most reliable birth control methods include hormonal Methods such as Birth Control implants and birth control injections. However, since each individual's health status is different, the most reliable option varies depending on personal needs.

What do Birth Control Methods do?

Birth Control Methods prevent pregnancy at unwanted times and provide couples with pregnancy planning and sexual health control.

Birth Control Methods What is the Calendar Method?

The Calendar Method is based on the principle of estimating the fertile period using a woman's regular menstrual cycle. However, this method has a lower efficiency rate in terms of reliability than other methods.

Dr.Meltem Erkmen