G Spot Augmentation: The Elegant Era of Sexual Aesthetics... Sexual health and aesthetics have become an important element to improve the quality of life of individuals. The solutions offered by modern medicine play a major role in making women feel healthier, more beautiful and satisfied.

At this point, the G Spot Augmentation procedure performed in Ankara under the leadership of Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN not only offers an aesthetic transformation, but also stands out as an elegant expression of sexual health. Let's open the doors of a world where sexuality meets aesthetics while starting this unique journey.

The G-spot is defined as the area known as the Grafenberg Point, where sexual pleasure and orgasm increase with a special stimulation on the vaginal wall. Located on the anterior wall of the vagina, close to the bladder, the point may be in a different location in each woman. The G-spot is sensitive to stimuli.

The G-spot is an area that increases sexual pleasure when stimulated with stimuli. With the right stimulation, it provides sexual satisfaction by strengthening orgasm. The correct stimulation of the G-spot positively affects sexual life. The G-spot can be stimulated with circular or back and forth light pressure. This stimulation can be done with fingers, tongue or specially designed sex toys. Since every woman's body structure is different, discovering the right stimulation requires experience and communication.

G Spot Augmentation can be performed using specialized surgical techniques and fillers. This application makes the G-spot more prominent and increases arousability. G Spot Augmentation treatments are performed in 2 to 3 sessions, each session lasting approximately 15 minutes. The duration of the treatment & number of sessions may vary depending on the methods used and the individual condition of the patient.

G Spot Augmentation applications are performed under local anesthesia. In this way, the process is completed with minimal pain. When the healing is completed in the post-treatment period, the aesthetic and functional changes obtained are permanent for 8 to 12 months. However, the individual's lifestyle and hormonal changes may affect these results.

G Spot Augmentation Prices may vary depending on the methods used, the location of the clinic, the experience of the physician and the specific needs of the patient. The price of the treatment can be clearly determined as a result of the examination to be performed by the specialist physician. You can contact us using our communication channels to get appointment and price information...

Advantages of G Spot Augmentation under the supervision of Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN;

  1. Expertise and Safety : Our doctor is a professional specialized in Gynecology and Genital Aesthetics. With his experience and knowledge in this field, he serves people in a safe environment.
  2. Confidentiality : G Spot Augmentation is performed by prioritizing patient confidentiality. Our physician and his team approach their patients with care and ensure the protection of personal information.
  3. Personalized Approach: The body structure of each patient is different. Our doctor aims to achieve the best results by creating a customized treatment plan for his patients.

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G-spot augmentation offers an advanced option in modern medicine to achieve both aesthetic and functional goals. Under the experienced supervision of our physician, women can choose this method to meet their unique needs and experience a positive change in their sexual life.

Contact Us Now to have all kinds of treatments including G Spot Augmentation performed within the scope of Genital Aesthetics with the expertise and assurance of our doctor...

What is G-Spot

The G-spot is a special point located on the anterior wall of the female genitalia, close to the bladder. Also called the Grafenberg Point, the G Point is a sensitive point that can increase sexual pleasure and orgasm with appropriate stimulation. However, since every woman's anatomy is different, the location of the G-spot may vary from individual to individual.

Where is the G-spot

The G-spot is located on the front wall of the vagina, close to the bladder. This area can increase the intensity of orgasm by responding to sexual stimulation. The G-spot, which is located in a different position in every woman, varies depending on personal anatomical differences.

What Does the G Spot Do

The G-spot is a special area on the anterior wall of the female genitalia and has various functions. This area, which makes women more comfortable during sexual intercourse and increases their pleasure, has a very important place in the female body.

Details about the Functions of the G-Spot;

  • Enhancing Sexual Pleasure: The G-Spot can increase sexual pleasure when properly stimulated. Especially with the right stimulation, it can increase the intensity and quality of orgasm.
  • Facilitating Orgasm : For many women, the G-spot helps to experience orgasm more easily and intensely. This can contribute to increased sexual satisfaction and a stronger emotional connection with the partner.
  • Improving Sexual Health : G-Spot stimulation can improve overall sexual health by increasing blood flow in the vaginal walls. This can support a healthy genital area and regular sexual functioning.

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How to stimulate the G-spot

The process of stimulation of the G-spot can vary from person to person. The G-spot can be stimulated by circular or back and forth light pressure, specially designed sex toys or the touch of the partner. Since every woman's body structure is different, the most effective form of stimulation can be found by trial and error. Communication and comfort play an important role in this process.

How to Enlarge the G Spot

G-spot augmentation treatment is an intervention performed for aesthetic and functional purposes. Special surgical techniques or fillers can be used to make the G-spot more prominent. This application can contribute to the strengthening of sexual satisfaction by increasing the excitability of the G-spot. G-spot augmentation is a personalized process and should be performed by a specialist physician.

It is among the most preferred G Spot Augmentation methods today;

  • G-spot Filling
  • G-Shot (G-Spot Vaccine)
  • G-spot Augmentation Surgery

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G-spot Filling

G Spot Filling : An Innovative Approach in Sexual Aesthetics... With the developments in the field of sexual health and aesthetics, G-Spot Filler is an innovative application that emerged in order to increase women's sexual experience and find solutions to their aesthetic concerns.

G-Spot Filler is an aesthetic procedure applied to the G-Spot area using special fillers. These fillers contain substances such as Hyaluronic Acid, which are safe and compatible with the human body. G-Spot Filler aims to make the G-Spot more prominent and increase its stimulability.

G-Spot Filling is performed by an experienced physician in a sterile clinical environment. The patient's individual needs and expectations are evaluated before the procedure. Then, a special filler is injected into the G-spot area under local anesthesia. These injections enhance sexual satisfaction by increasing the prominence and excitability of the G-spot.

G-Spot Filling is completed in an average of 15 minutes. Local anesthesia ensures patient comfort and minimal discomfort during the treatment. Individuals can return to their daily activities immediately after the procedure. However, heavy physical activities should be avoided directly.

G-spot Filler offers a special solution for individuals who prioritize sexual health and aesthetics. This innovative application is an option offered by modern medicine to increase sexual satisfaction and eliminate aesthetic concerns. However, it is very important that the individual is examined by a specialist physician before any aesthetic intervention.

G-spot Augmentation Surgery

G Spot Augmentation Surgery: Personalized Solutions in Sexual Aesthetics... With the developments in the field of sexual health and aesthetics, G-spot Augmentation Surgery is a prominent intervention to increase sexual satisfaction and strengthen self-confidence in women.

G Spot Augmentation Surgery is an aesthetic procedure in which the G Spot area is made more prominent using special surgical techniques. This surgery aims to increase the excitability of the G-spot, strengthen sexual satisfaction and eliminate aesthetic concerns. Performed by specialists such as our physician, this surgery offers personalized solutions and provides a tailored approach to the needs of the individual.

G Spot Augmentation Surgery is performed by a specialist doctor in a sterile environment. Before the operation, the individual needs of the patient are evaluated and the operation plan is created individually. During the surgery performed under local anesthesia, a specific filler is injected into the G-spot area by applying special surgical techniques. These injections make the G-spot more prominent and enhance sexual satisfaction by increasing stimulation.

G-spot Augmentation Surgery is a specialized solution offered by modern medicine to address women's sexual health and aesthetic concerns. Before any surgical intervention, it is important that the individual has a detailed consultation with her doctor and clearly expresses her expectations.

How Long Does G Spot Augmentation Take

G Spot Augmentation Surgery is completed in a period ranging from 30 minutes to 1 hour. This time may vary depending on the techniques used and the individual condition of the patient. After the surgery, patients can return home on the same day. However, it is important to follow the healing process in accordance with the instructions recommended by the doctor.

Things to Consider After G Spot Augmentation

As after every application in the field of health, care should be taken to the issues specified by the specialist physician for the health of the person and the success of the procedure after G Spot Augmentation treatment. Things to Consider After G Spot Augmentation;

  • Rest Period : After surgery, the body will need a recovery period. Heavy physical activities should be avoided during a certain rest period.
  • Medication Use : Painkillers and other medicines recommended by your doctor should be used regularly. This can help minimize discomfort and pain.
  • Cold Packs : Cold packs can be used to reduce swelling and bruising that may occur after treatment. However, cold packs should not directly touch the skin and should be applied for the periods recommended by the doctor.
  • Sexual Activity : It is recommended to avoid sexual activity after surgery. Care should be taken during the recovery period determined by the physician.
  • Toilet Hygiene : Hygiene rules should be observed when meeting toilet needs. Water-based cleaners and gentle cleaning methods should be preferred.
  • Doctor Check-ups : It is important not to miss follow-up appointments after surgery. Following the follow-up program recommended by your doctor will help to manage the healing process effectively

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When to have intercourse after G-spot augmentation

When to start sexual activity after G Spot Augmentation varies depending on the individual's healing process. Specialized physicians recommend avoiding sexual activity for a few weeks after surgery. During this time, the body should be given time to heal and allow the filler to settle.

Waiting for the period determined by your doctor to have sexual intercourse is important to ensure that the surgery is successful and effective. Contacting your doctor before starting intercourse and following his/her recommendations will contribute to a healthy healing process.

G Spot Augmentation Benefits

G Spot Augmentation treatment offers many physical and psychological advantages to women. Among the benefits of G Spot Augmentation applications;

  • Increasing Excitability : G Spot Augmentation can make the G Spot more prominent and increase its arousability. This benefits women's private life by increasing sexual satisfaction to higher levels.
  • Increasing Orgasm Intensity : G-Spot Augmentation can allow for more sensations during orgasm. This increases the intensity and satisfaction of the sexual experience.
  • Aesthetic Corrections : G Spot Augmentation offers solutions to aesthetic concerns, helping women to feel more satisfied with their bodies.
  • Increasing Sexual Confidence : Aesthetic and functional improvement of the G-spot increases women's sexual self-confidence. This allows them to have a more comfortable and satisfied experience in sexual relations.

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G Spot Augmentation Prices

In order to get detailed information about G Spot Augmentation Prices, it is necessary to be examined by a specialist doctor. Since the problems and treatment plan of each patient are different, it is not correct to pronounce a clear price.

G Spot Augmentation Prices 2024 also differ depending on many factors, but among these factors;

  • Genetic characteristics and age of the person to be treated,
  • Location of the G-spot in the vagina ,
  • Number of sessions required for the desired result,
  • G-Spot Magnification technique to be applied to the individual,
  • The experience of the clinic and the physician who will perform the application,

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Call Us Now to have detailed information about the procedures to be performed within the scope of G Spot Augmentation procedures, to be examined by our specialist physician in the field of Genital Aesthetics and to create a treatment plan tailored to you...

Ankara G Spot Augmentation

Nowadays, women are eager to treat any kind of discomfort in their genital areas for different reasons in order to stay physically healthy and feel psychologically comfortable. Finding the clinic and specialist physician with the best conditions in this regard is very important for one's health and life.

G Spot Augmentation is a method applied for women to experience the pleasure they dream of during sexual intercourse and to have orgasms more easily. With Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN, who successfully applies this treatment in Ankara, women can experience the happy unions they desire much more easily.

Contact us using our communication channels to complete the procedures that need to be done in your genital area with a comfortable, safe and painless treatment process to achieve the passionate sexual intercourse you dream of...

Dr.Meltem Erkmen


Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Number of Operations

2 to 3 Sessions
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Operation Duration

15 to 20 Minutes
Dr.Meltem Erkmen


Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Sensitivity Process

1 to 2 Days
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Full Recovery

1 Week
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Persistence of Results

8 to 12 Months
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Length of Stay in Hospital

Same Day Release

What's a G-spot?

The G-spot is a special point on the anterior wall of the vagina and is an area of increased sexual arousal and orgasm.

Where is the G-spot located?

The G-spot is located on the front wall of the vagina, close to the bladder.

How to enlarge the G-spot?

G Spot Augmentation is an aesthetic procedure performed using special surgical techniques or fillers.

Does G Spot Augmentation cause menstrual irregularities?

No... G-spot enlargement does not cause menstrual irregularities.

Who Cannot Have G Spot Augmentation?

Individuals with pregnancy, active infections or certain health problems should not undergo G Spot Augmentation.

Are There Side Effects of G Spot Augmentation?

No... G Spot Augmentation treatment has no side effects.

Do men have a G-spot?

No... There is no G-spot-like structure in men. However, the prostate area can sometimes be stimulated by a similar stimulation.

Is G Spot Augmentation Permanent?

G Spot Augmentation results are not permanent. However, the person's lifestyle and hormonal changes can affect the results.

Is G Spot Augmentation Harmful?

No... G Spot Augmentation is a safe procedure when performed by a qualified doctor. However, as with any treatment, it is important to assess the potential risks.

Does every woman have a G-spot?

Yes... Although every woman's anatomy is different, they have a G-spot in their genital area.

Is G Spot Augmentation Done to Everyone?

A person's suitability for G-Spot Augmentation is determined based on their health history and needs.

Is G Spot Augmentation an Obstacle to Pregnancy?

No... G-spot augmentation does not prevent pregnancy.

What is G-Spot Filling?

G-Spot Filling is an aesthetic application that allows volume to be added to the G-Spot area by using special fillers.G-Spot Filling is an aesthetic application that allows volume to be added to the G-Spot area by using special fillers.

What is G-Shot?

The G-Shot is a procedure that emphasizes the G-Spot with hyaluronic acid injections.

Dr.Meltem Erkmen