Mona Lisa Touch Laser : The Gift of Modern Technology to Genital Aesthetic Applications... Monalisa Touch is a fractional carbon dioxide laser system used in the treatment of problems such as age-related vaginal enlargement, numbness, sexual reluctance and urinary incontinence in women. With these applications successfully performed under the supervision of Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN in Ankara, many problems that women are exposed to for different reasons are rapidly eliminated.

Monalisa Touch Laser has been used in the field of Cosmetic Gynecology since 2010. This treatment is one of the first laser technologies used in the field of Genital Aesthetics. Mona Lisa Touch Laser;

  • Vaginal Rejuvenation
  • Urinary Incontinence Treatment
  • Troubleshooting Menopause Problems
  • Lichen Sclerosus Treatment
  • Facilitating Orgasm
  • Genital Area Whitening

It is used in various areas such as.

Monalisa Touch Laser is preferred in cases such as vulvar vestibulitis causing pain during sexual intercourse, prevention of frequent vaginal infections, burning of warts or lesions in the genital area, treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa.

During Monalisa Touch Laser applications, a thermal effect is applied to the tissue through the apparatus placed in the vagina. The thermal effect initiates the inflammation process in the area and helps a rapid regeneration process. This treatment, which is painless and can be comfortably tolerated by patients, is completed in an average of 15 minutes.

This application, in which the desired results are obtained if approximately 3 to 4 sessions are performed in a 6-week period, should not be applied to pregnant women, those who have been treated for cancer of the genital area and those at risk of cancer without tests under the control of a specialist physician. Before Mona Lisa Touch Laser application, tests should be performed by a Specialist Gynecologist under all circumstances.

Mona Lisa Touch Laser Prices vary depending on the policies of the clinic where the procedures are performed, the application area and the number of sessions. For detailed information on this subject, you can contact us using our communication channels...

In summary, Monalisa Touch Laser application is a modern and effective treatment option that supports women's sexual health. Under the supervision of our specialist doctor, having this application under sterile clinical conditions can be a conscious choice that prioritizes women's health. Contact us now for more information and to make an appointment...

What is Monalisa Touch Laser 

Mona Lisa Touch Laser is a Genital Aesthetic treatment method that provides the elimination of many aesthetic or functional problems that women are exposed to for different reasons in their genital areas. This application is the first laser technology that sets the direction in cosmetic gynecology. Recently, it has become a highly demanded application by women.

What are Monalisa Touch Laser Applications 

Mona Lisa Touch Laser technology is preferred in the treatment of many disorders seen in the vaginal area of women. It is FDA approved for Vagina Whitening, Vagina Tightening, Vulvar Rejuvenation, Incontinence, Postpartum Stretch Mark Treatment and Laser Labioplasty.

Mona Lisa Touch Laser Application Areas in detail;

  • Genital Area Whitening: Mona Lisa Touch Lasers are very successful in Vagina Whitening and bleaching treatments. The application can be performed without anesthesia and takes an average of 4 to 5 minutes. The imagined effect occurs after an average of 3 to 4 weeks.
  • Laser Urinary Incontinence Treatment: If there is no advanced pelvic organ prolapse, the problem can be eliminated without surgery with fractional lasers such as Mona Lisa Touch.
  • Elimination of Menopause Problems : After Monalisa Touch Laser treatment, blood circulation increases, collagen is renewed, Vaginal Dryness and the negative effects of the Menopause period end.
  • Facilitating Orgasm : Mona Lisa Touch Laser and Genital PRP combination treatments give very successful results in problems such as not being able to orgasm, being difficult, not being able to orgasm at all in sexual intercourse, and being able to orgasm only with masturbation.
  • Lichen Sclerosus Treatment: Genital PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) treatment combined with Mona Lisa Touch Laser can also be applied in Lichen Sclerosus disease.
  • Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation (LVR) : Laser Vaginal Narrowing, renewal, rejuvenation, rejuvenation, regaining firmness is the most common application area.

It can be explained as.

Is Monalisa Touch Laser Good 

Mona Lisa Touch Laser Genital Aesthetics and Gynecology is a safe, comfortable and successful treatment method if performed under sterile clinical conditions by a specialist doctor. This application, which uses all the possibilities provided by modern technology, offers many advantages to those who have it.

Mona Lisa Touch Laser Advantages;

  • Excellent Laser Tissue Interaction: Thanks to a special pulse (D-Pulse), it provides maximum effectiveness without any side effects.
  • Quick and Painless Treatment: Laser energy is supplied to the vaginal walls in fractional mode (DOT-Therapy). This means that only a small amount of vaginal tissue is directly exposed to the laser beam.
  • Maximum Patient Compliance : Different types are available to meet the clinical and anatomical needs of specific patients.

can be summarized as.

Monalisa Touch Laser Price 

In order to get information about Mona Lisa Touch Laser Prices, it is necessary to be examined by a specialist physician. Since the problems and treatment plan of each patient are different, it is not correct to pronounce a clear price.

Monalisa Touch Laser Prices 2024 also vary depending on many factors, but these factors include;

  • Genetic characteristics and age of the person to be treated,
  • Problems in the patient's genital area,
  • Number of sessions required for the desired look,
  • Monalisa Touch Laser techniques to be applied to the person,
  • The experience of the clinic and the physician who will perform the treatment,

can be shown.

Call Us Now to have detailed information about the procedures to be performed within the scope of Monalisa Touch Laser procedures, to be examined by our specialist physician in the field of Aesthetic Surgery and to create a treatment plan tailored to you...

Monalisa Touch Laser Ankara 

Nowadays, women are eager to treat any kind of discomfort in their genital areas for different reasons in order to stay physically healthy and feel psychologically comfortable. Finding the clinic and specialist physician with the best conditions in this regard is very important for one's health and life.

Monalisa Touch Laser is applied in safe and sterile clinic conditions under the leadership of Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN in Ankara. Our physician, who is one of Ankara's leading doctors in this field, treats various disorders for women's genital health with her experience and experience.

Contact us using our communication channels to have the genital area structure of your dreams with a comfortable, safe and painless treatment process...

Dr.Meltem Erkmen


Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Number of Operations

2 to 3 Sessions
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Operation Duration

15 to 20 Minutes
Dr.Meltem Erkmen


No Anesthesia
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Sensitivity Process

1 to 3 Days
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Full Recovery

1 to 2 Months
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Persistence of Results

2 to 3 Years
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Length of Stay in Hospital

Same Day Release

Monalisa Touch Laser Reviews ?

People who have Mona Lisa Touch Laser under the supervision of our specialist doctor in Ankara make very good comments. As a result of the treatment, women who have achieved the vaginal area structure they dream of are very happy and self-confident.

Those who have Monalisa Touch Laser?

Those who have Mona Lisa Touch Laser in our sterile clinic in Ankara by Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN have the aesthetic genital area appearance they dream of as a result of the application. This situation is expressed to our physician and our team quite frequently.

In which areas is Monalisa Touch Laser used?

Mona Lisa Touch Laser technology is preferred in the treatment of many disorders seen in the vaginal area of women. It is FDA approved for Vagina Whitening, Vagina Tightening, Vulvar Rejuvenation, Incontinence, Postpartum Crack Treatment and Laser Labioplasty.

Dr.Meltem Erkmen