Rebirth in Privacy and Security: Hymen Stitching... Women's bodies are home to social expectations as well as expressing themselves. In Ankara, we serve an important stop in the journey of women's liberation & self-discovery under the leadership of Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN in reliable and sterile clinical conditions. The name of this stop is Hymen Stitching, which allows women to be reborn in many issues that women are uncomfortable with and affect their self-confidence...

This aesthetic surgery journey, which secretly touches everyone's inner world, is carried out in great confidentiality and hygiene under the supervision of Mrs Meltem. So what are the most curious about this sensitive subject? A valuable guide written by our specialist physician and opening the doors of the Hymen Sewing process ...

Hymen is a thin membrane layer at the entrance of the vagina. It is also commonly known as Chastity Membrane in the society. This membrane layer may lose its elasticity or tear due to many factors during the life process. This situation pushes many women into a search.

Hymen Stitching is an application preferred after cases where the membrane is torn for cultural, religious or personal reasons. In other words, women may consider this Aesthetic Surgery procedure if the membrane ruptures due to sexual intercourse or any other activity.

Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN performed under the supervision of a team of experts in a sterile clinical environment. This application, which is completed in a very comfortable and safe process under local anaesthesia, can be performed using surgical methods or laser technology.

The Hymen Sewing procedure is completed within 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the treatment technique. The healing process after the operation varies from person to person. Although it is normal to have mild discomfort and swelling immediately after the application, the healing process is completed smoothly within a few days when the recommendations of our physician are followed.

Thanks to the anaesthesia used during the procedure, minimal pain or discomfort is felt. After the treatment, mild pain and discomfort is normal. But this situation decreases within a few days. Hymen Stitching offers temporary and permanent results according to your request. Here, one of the treatment methods of Temporary Hymen Stitching or Permanent Hymen Stitching is preferred in line with the needs and demands of the person.

Hymen Stitch Prices may vary depending on factors such as clinic, physician, technique used and anaesthesia. Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN serves in her clinic with the mission of providing this process, which is a very sensitive situation for women, with comfortable, successful, confidential and affordable prices. For more information about treatment prices, you can contact us using our communication channels...

Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN Among the Advantages of Hymen Stitching Under Supervision;

  • Performed by an expert and experienced surgeon,
  • Achieving successful results with great secrecy,
  • Minimising the risk of infection with the procedure performed in a sterile clinical environment,
  • Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN's recommendations are followed by a rapid healing process,
  • Personalised treatment plan and satisfaction-oriented service,

can be specified.

Hymen Stitching, which women prefer to increase their sexual health and self-confidence, is performed safely with the expertise and experience of Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN. Before any Aesthetic Surgery application, the patient's expectations and health status are evaluated with a detailed counselling and examination process. It should not be forgotten that it is important to follow the doctor's recommendations before and after each surgical intervention.

Call Us Now to get detailed information about Hymen Stitching and to make an examination appointment to have Hymen Stitching in Ankara...

What is Hymen

Hymen is a thin membrane layer at the entrance of the vagina. There may be congenital differences in this tissue, also known as the Virginity Membrane in the society. The main task of the hymen is to prevent germs coming into the vagina from outside. In this way, vaginal infections that women may be exposed to are prevented.

Types of Hymen

Hymen can be of different types and shapes. Although it is generally defined as a thin membrane layer, it can be half-moon shaped, perforated or thick. Each woman's Hymen is different and this can be affected by genetic factors.

Types of Hymen;

  • Septate Hymen
  • Klibriform Hymen
  • Semi-Septal Hymen
  • Labial Type Hymen
  • Annular Type Hymen
  • Crescentric Type Hymen
  • Fimbriad Type Hymen

as a hymen.

Every woman's body structure is different and the Hymen also varies. It is important to consult a specialist physician to get detailed information on this subject and to evaluate the individual situation. Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN offers the most accurate information and guidance in this regard with a sensitive approach to women's health. You can contact us using our communication channels to make an appointment.

How to Break the Hymen

The process of hymen deterioration differs from person to person. Rupture of the membrane may occur during sexual intercourse, during other activities in the body or due to demanding physical activities such as sports. This may be a process accompanied by bleeding.

Does the Hymen Deteriorate Outside the Relationship

Hymen Rupture can be caused not only by sexual intercourse but also by other activities in the body. Situations such as sports, heavy lifting, a traumatic event or vaginal examination can also result in Hymen Rupture. It is important to know that these situations are not directly related to the sexual history of the person.

Hymen Examination

Hymen Examination is an examination performed by Obstetricians & Gynaecologists or Gynaecologists. This examination is performed to assess the structure and integrity of the hymen. It can be performed during a traditional gynaecological examination or during a special appointment. However, this examination should not be performed without the consent of the person and confidentiality should be given importance.

You can access our article on every subject you are curious about Hymen Examination from link.

What is Himenoplasty

Himenoplasty is a surgical procedure medically referred to as Hymenoplasty. This procedure aims to repair or reconstruct the hymen. This Aesthetic Surgery application, which is preferred for cultural, religious or personal reasons, involves repairing the membrane at the vaginal entrance. Hymenoplasty Op. Dr. It is performed by specialists such as Meltem ERKMEN in sterile clinical environments and applied under local anaesthesia.

How to Sew the Hymen

Hymen Sewing is a procedure performed by a specialist physician in a sterile surgical environment. The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia. The hymen repair involves repairing the torn or damaged area. The doctor sews the stitches with a special technique. This gives the hymen a natural appearance. The treatment time is short and patients can return to their normal activities within a few days.

Each Hymen Sewing Technique should be specially planned according to the individual's preferences, needs and physiological condition. For this reason, a detailed consultation with a specialist surgeon should be made to determine the most appropriate method for Hymen Sewing. Competent specialists such as Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN work meticulously to determine the most appropriate solution with a sensitive approach to the needs of women.

Temporary Hymen Sewing

Temporary Hymen Restoration offers a short-term solution. This procedure may be preferred for a particular event or cultural reason. The membrane created with Temporary Hymen Stitching is ruptured during sexual intercourse, which is planned to occur within 2 to 6 days. The bleeding that occurs during this rupture alleviates the responsibility imposed on the woman.

You can access our article, in which we address every issue you wonder about Temporary Hymen Stitching, from link.

Permanent Hymen Sewing

Permanent Hymen Stitching aims to repair the membrane in a long-term manner. In this method, it is important to be carefully sewn by the physician and to follow the healing process correctly. Permanent Hymen Stitching is preferred for women who want to achieve long-term results.

You can reach our article, in which we touch on every subject you are curious about Permanent Hymen Stitching, from link.

Hymen Suture with Microsurgery

Microsurgery is a technique used for hymenectomy. In this method, the surgeon sews very thin stitches with the help of a microscope. In this way, a more natural appearance is provided. Since microsurgery is a detailed and sensitive procedure, it is applied by specialist physicians.

Hymen Stitching with Flap Method

The Flap Method is another technique used to repair the hymen. In this method, a piece of vaginal tissue (flap) is taken and the membrane is sutured. This technique helps to achieve durable results by providing a stronger connection between the tissues. This method is a technique applied by specialist physicians.

Hymen Suture Surgery

Hymenoplasty is also known as hymenoplasty. This surgical procedure involves repairing or reconstructing the hymen. The operation is performed by a specialized surgeon in a sterile environment. Hymenoplasty is performed under local anesthesia and the operation time is short, allowing the patient to have a quick recovery process.

Symptoms of Hymen Stitch Healing

Although the symptoms of recovery after Hymen Stitching vary from individual to individual, mild discomfort, swelling and minimal bleeding are normal. When Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN's recommendations are followed, patients can return to their normal activities within a few days. Medications such as antibiotics or painkillers can be used during the healing process. It is important to attend the follow-up appointments recommended by the doctor regularly.

Is Hymen Stitching Understandable

Hymen Stitching is a procedure that cannot be clearly understood (detected) even under doctor's control if it is performed by specialist physicians. The application is performed by a specialist doctor. A special planning is made taking into account the wishes, needs and body structure of the person. Patients can have a detailed discussion with the physician about the details of the operation and their expectations in order to understand the process and make a decision.

The health status of each individual is different. For this reason, it is important to get a detailed consultation from a specialist doctor before deciding on Hymen Restoration. Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN works sensitively in understanding the health & aesthetic expectations of patients, providing accurate information and treating them safely.

Hospitals Performing Hymen Stitching

There are many clinics and centers that perform Hymenoplasty in Ankara. The most important criterion in choosing a clinic should be the expertise and experience of the physician serving in this field. Individuals who want to have Hymen Stitching in Ankara can have this application done with great confidentiality, trust and success under the control of an experienced physician such as Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN.

Best Doctors for Hymen Stitching

Determining the Best Hymenoplasty Doctors in Ankara varies depending on personal preferences and needs. Specialized, experienced and reputable doctors such as Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN are frequently preferred names. References, patient satisfaction, experience and expertise are important criteria in doctor selection. In addition, a personal interview with the physician can help patients better understand their expectations and trust.

If you want to have Hymen Stitching for different reasons, you can choose Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN Gynecology & Obstetrics and Genital Aesthetics Center as the safest address in Ankara. You can contact us immediately to get detailed information and make an appointment...

Hymen Suture Success

The success of hymenoplasty is related to the planned execution of the operation and the patient's compliance with the doctor's recommendations. Success can be evaluated as a natural appearance and function of the membrane, a painless healing process and meeting the patient's expectations.

The success of the Hymen Stitching is also related to the sterility of the environment where the operation is performed, the fact that it is performed by a specialist physician and the effective communication between the patient and the doctor. Experienced doctors such as Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN evaluate success in terms of the importance given to the patient's health, aesthetic result and patient satisfaction.

Hymen Stitch Prices

After Hymen Stitching
For the success of the treatment and the health of the person after Hymen Stitching, care should be taken to the issues specified by the physician. Conditions to be considered after hymen stitching are in items;

  1. Rest and Rest : Adequate rest is important for your body to recover after the operation. Avoid too much activity in the first days.
  2. Use of Medication for Pain and Swelling: Use painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications recommended by your doctor regularly. This will relieve pain and reduce swelling.
  3. Cleaning and Hygiene : Keeping the operation area clean and dry reduces the risk of infection. Use the cleaning products recommended by your doctor and be careful when showering.
  4. Avoiding Sexual Intercourse: It is important to avoid sexual intercourse for a certain period of time after treatment. Be careful about this during the recovery period specified by your doctor.
  5. Avoid strenuous exercise and heavy lifting for the first few weeks. This supports the healing process.
  6. Checking and removing stitches: If stitches have been applied, make an appointment for stitch control at the time specified by your doctor. It is very important to remove the stitches at the appropriate time.
  7. Following the Doctor's Instructions : Strictly follow the instructions recommended by your doctor. Stick to the doctor's instructions on medication, cleaning and other issues.
  8. Consult a doctor in case of any problems: If you experience any excessive pain, signs of infection or other problems during the healing process, contact your doctor immediately.

can be specified as.

When the stitches fall off after hymenoplasty

The stitches used during hymenoplasty fall off spontaneously within 1 to 2 weeks. However, when the stitches will fall off varies depending on the person's body structure, healing speed and the details of the surgical intervention. It is very important to regularly go to the appointments determined by your doctor for the control and removal of stitches.

Symptoms of Infection after Hymen Sewing

It is important to consult a doctor immediately if signs of infection are observed after hymenoplasty. Symptoms of infection may include redness, swelling, abnormal discharge, extreme pain or fever. Paying attention to the hygiene rules recommended by your doctor and seeking professional help without delay in case of symptoms can reduce the risk of infection.

Recovery Process After Hymen Sewing

The healing process after hymenoplasty may vary from person to person. Mild pain, swelling and tenderness may be observed in the first few days. To speed up the healing process, you should follow your doctor's recommendations, rest, use medications regularly and pay attention to hygiene rules. Full recovery may take several weeks depending on the body structure of the person and the details of the treatment.

Bleeding After Hymen Sewing

A slight bleeding is normal after the hymen stitch. However, in case of excessive or continuous bleeding, you should consult a doctor immediately. Bleeding decreases and stops completely in the first few days after the operation. Avoiding sexual intercourse for the period recommended by the doctor can help prevent bleeding in this process.

Burning after Hymen Stitching

Slight Burning Sensation After Hymen Sewing is Normal. However, in case of excessive burning or pain, a doctor should be consulted. Burning is felt in the first days and decreases over time. Medications and hygiene rules recommended by the doctor can alleviate such discomfort.

Toilet After Hymen Sewing

The need for toileting after hymen stitching should be done carefully to avoid damaging the stitches. After urination, wiping should be done gently and cleaning should be done with warm water if possible. In addition, hands should be washed thoroughly after toilet.

Sitting After Hymen Sewing

Sitting should be comfortable after hymenoplasty. However, a slight feeling of discomfort is normal in the first days. This discomfort will decrease as the healing process progresses. Nevertheless, a doctor should be consulted in case of extreme pain or discomfort. Sitting and other daily activities should be carried out in accordance with the doctor's recommendations.

Hymen Stitch Price

In order to get detailed information about Hymen Stitch Prices, it is necessary to be examined by a specialist physician. Since the demands and treatment plan of each patient are different, it is not correct to pronounce a clear price.

Although Hymen Stitch Prices 2024 also differ depending on many factors, these factors include;

  • The genetic structure and age of the person to be treated,
  • Characteristics of the patient's genital area,
  • The Hymen Sewing method to be applied to the person,
  • The experience of the clinic and the physician who will perform the application,

can be shown.

Call Us Now to have detailed information about the procedures to be performed within the scope of the Hymen Sewing procedure, to be examined by our specialist physician in the field of Genital Aesthetics and to create a treatment plan tailored to you...

Ankara Hymen Restoration

Today, women may be under pressure about Hymen (Virginity) due to cultural pressure and community expectations. In order to prevent these situations and to start the process of becoming a family without any problems, Hymen Examination and Hymen Stitching applications are procedures that make a great contribution.

If you are in doubt about your Hymen, if you want to be examined and if necessary, if you want to have a sewing procedure, you can get support from Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN Gynecology & Obstetrics and Genital Aesthetics clinic, which is the first center that comes to mind when it comes to Ankara Hymen Sewing. Contact Us Now for Information and Appointment...

Dr.Meltem Erkmen


Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Number of Operations

Single Session
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Operation Duration

30 to 40 minutes
Dr.Meltem Erkmen


Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Sensitivity Process

1 to 3 Days
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Full Recovery

2 to 3 Days
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Length of Stay in Hospital

Same Day Release

How much is a hymenal hymen?

The prices of hymenoplasty vary depending on the details of the procedure, the techniques used and the experience of the doctor. In general, the cost of this operation is determined within the framework of a personalized treatment plan. For more detailed information and clear prices, you can contact ususing our communication channels...

How is the hymen sewn?

Hymenectomy is a surgical intervention performed under local anesthesia. During the operation, the ruptured membrane is repaired and reconstructed using special surgical techniques.

How to recognize a hymenectomy?

When Hymen Stitching is performed by a specialized surgeon in a sterile environment, a natural appearance is obtained and is incomprehensible.

How Much Does Hymen Stitching Cost?

The prices of hymenoplasty vary depending on the details of the procedure, the techniques used and the experience of the doctor. In general, the cost of this operation is determined within the framework of a personalized treatment plan. For more detailed information and clear prices, you can contact ususing our communication channels...

When should hymenoplasty be performed?

Hymenoplasty can be scheduled depending on personal preferences. It is possible to choose a specific date to achieve the best results with the treatment. This process is planned as a result of a meeting between the patient and the physician.

How long does it take to sew the hymen?

Hymenoplasty Operation is completed in an average of 20 to 30 minutes. This time may vary depending on the techniques used, the details of the operation and the characteristics of the patient. In most cases, the operation takes 30 minutes or less.

How much is the hymen sewing?

The prices of hymenoplasty vary depending on the details of the procedure, the techniques used and the experience of the doctor. In general, the cost of this operation is determined within the framework of a personalized treatment plan. For more detailed information and clear prices, you can contact ususing our communication channels...

How is Hymen Stitching Done?

Hymenectomy is a surgical intervention performed under local anesthesia. The membrane torn during the operation is repaired and reconstructed using special surgical techniques. In this way, a natural looking hymen is obtained.

Where is hymenoplasty performed?

Hymenectomy is performed by specialist surgeons in private clinics or aesthetic surgery centers. In this regard, it is very important to choose a reliable and experienced health institution. When it comes to Hymen Restoration in Ankara, Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN continues to be the first physician that comes to mind.

Is Hymen Stitching Performed in a State Hospital?

No... Hymen Restoration is performed in private health institutions and clinics. The state hospital does not perform such aesthetic surgery procedures.

Is Hymen Stitching Obvious?

No... Hymenoplasty is incomprehensible when performed by a specialized physician. A careful surgical technique is used to ensure a natural appearance.

Is the hymen sewing recorded?

Even if Hymen Stitching is recorded in health institutions that respect patient confidentiality, no information is shared in any way without the consent of the patient. All procedures are carried out with great confidentiality and personal rights and privacy are given importance.

Is Hymen Sewing Legal?

Yes. .. Hymenoplasty is a legal practice.

Does Hymen Stitching Hurt?

Does Hymen Stitching Hurt? A slight pain may be felt during and after Hymen Stitching. However, these pains can be alleviated with appropriate medication and proper rest.

In Which Hospitals Is Hymen Stitching Performed?

No... Hymen Restoration is performed in private health institutions and clinics. The state hospital does not perform such aesthetic surgery procedures.

How long does it take to sew a hymen?

Hymenoplasty Operation is completed in an average of 30 to 40 minutes. This time may vary depending on the techniques used, the details of the operation and the characteristics of the patient. In most cases, the operation takes 40 minutes or less.

How Many Days Does Hymen Stitching Last?

The Hymen Suture offers different durability periods depending on the application technique. Temporary Hymen Stitching lasts 2 to 6 days, while Permanent Hymen Stitching lasts a lifetime.

How long before marriage is hymen sewing performed?

Hymenoplasty is performed at different times before marriage depending on personal preferences. How long before marriage varies depending on the expectations and planning of the person. You can get the clearest information on this subject from our specialist physician by using our communication channels and contacting us.

Is Hymen Stitching Visible at Birth?

No ... When a proper surgical technique is used, Hymen Restoration is not visible in any situation, including childbirth. However, the healing process after the procedure and the skill of the doctor are important.

Is Hymen Restoration Guaranteed?

Yes... Although the results of Hymen Restoration vary depending on the body structure of the person, the healing process and the details of the surgical intervention, it offers guaranteed results when performed by expert hands.

Is Hymen Stitching Recorded in the Hospital?

Even if Hymen Stitching is recorded in health institutions that respect patient confidentiality, no information is shared in any way without the consent of the patient. All procedures are carried out with great confidentiality and personal rights and privacy are given importance.

Is Hymen Stitching a Definitive Solution?

Yes... Hymen Stitching applications offer women a definitive solution.

Can Hymen Stitching Be Performed on Everyone?

Yes... Hymenoplasty treatment can be performed with great confidence, comfort and confidentiality for every woman of legal age who needs this procedure.

Is Hymen Stitching Understandable After Intercourse?

No ... When a proper surgical technique is used, Hymen Stitching is not visible in any situation, including intercourse. However, the healing process after the procedure and the skill of the doctor are important.

How many times can the hymen be sewn?

Women can apply for Hymen Restoration as many times as they need.

How Many Years Does Hymen Stitching Last?

The Hymen Suture offers different durability periods depending on the application technique. Temporary Hymen Stitching lasts 2 to 6 days, while Permanent Hymen Stitching lasts a lifetime.

How Many Days Does Bleeding Last After Hymen Sewing?

Mild bleeding after Hymen Sewing starts immediately after the operation and decreases within a few days. The duration of bleeding may vary depending on the person's healing process.

Does Hymen Stitching Cause Pain?

A slight pain may be felt during and after Hymen Sewing. However, these pains can be alleviated with appropriate medication and proper rest.

Is Hymen Stitching Understandable in Examination?

No... Hymenoplasty is incomprehensible when performed by a specialized physician. A careful surgical technique is used to ensure a natural appearance.

Who performs hymenoplasty?

Hymenoplasty is performed by Gynecologists or Genital Aesthetic Surgeons. It is very important to choose an experienced physician in this regard.

Dr.Meltem Erkmen