Vaginal Infection: A New Beginning in Vaginal Health... Women's health is one of the cornerstones of our overall well-being. Paying due attention to this sensitive issue opens the doors to improving our quality of life. Especially diseases such as Vaginal Infections are among the conditions that can negatively affect women's lives and can only be solved with the right treatment.

Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN, who serves in sterile clinical conditions in Ankara, offers a new start in vaginal health with her expertise in Gynecology and Genital Aesthetics. In this article, we will take a detailed look at Vaginal Infections , Symptoms and Treatment Methods and discover the advantages of stepping into a healthy life under the guidance of a specialist.

"It should not be forgotten that a healthy future starts with the right information and professional support..."

Vaginal Infections are a health problem caused by an increase in microorganisms that disrupt the balance of the vagina. These infections caused by fungi, bacteria or parasites are a condition that women feel uncomfortable and require treatment.

The most common question we receive today is "What are the Symptoms of Vaginal Infection?";

  • Itching and burning sensation,
  • Excessive vaginal discharge,
  • Bad odor
  • Pain during urination or sexual intercourse,
  • Redness and swelling in the vaginal area,

we can respond as follows.

If left untreated, Vaginal Infections can become chronic and lead to serious complications. Discomfort may increase, quality of life may decrease and the risk of spreading to other reproductive organs may arise. It would be the best behavior for women with suspicion of Vaginal Infection to consult a Gynecologist and Obstetrician. Our specialist physician in Ankara offers a reliable health service to his patients in this regard.

Vaginal Infections can be treated with personalized treatment plans after the examination by a specialist doctor. Drug Therapy(such asAntibiotics, Suppositories, Cream ) or different applications should be performed under the control of a physician. However, among the measures that can be taken against vaginal infections other than drug treatment;

  • Paying attention to hygiene rules,
  • Use cotton underwear,
  • Avoiding perfumed products,
  • Regular medical check-ups,

can be specified.

Advantages of Vaginal Infection Treatment under the supervision of Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN inAnkara;

  1. A safe treatment process with expert staff and sterile clinical environment
  2. Personalized treatment plans and detailed examination
  3. Advanced treatment methods and technological infrastructure
  4. A healthcare service focused on privacy and patient satisfaction

as vaginal infection treatment.

With the experience of our specialist doctor, Vaginal Infection Treatment in Ankara contributes to a healthy and comfortable life for women. It is important to remember the importance of regular check-ups and organizing living conditions for a healthy life. For more information and to make an appointment, you can contact ususing our communication channels...

Vaginal Infections are problems that occur as a result of disruption of the vaginal flora balance. Caused by fungi, bacteria or parasites, this condition manifests itself with symptoms such as itching, bad odor and excessive discharge. Vaginal infections can occur after situations such as not paying attention to hygiene rules, antibiotic use or hormonal changes.

Symptoms of Vaginal Infection

Vaginal Infections, which are among the gynecological diseases that women are most exposed to today, are diagnosed with many symptoms that vary from person to person. All conditions expressed within the scope of Vaginal Infection Symptoms;

1-) Itching and Burning Sensation

  • Severe itching in the vaginal area
  • Increased burning sensation during urination or sexual intercourse

2-) Excessive Vaginal Discharge

  • Abnormal discharge with changes in color, odor and density
  • It may have a milky or cheesy consistency, different from normal vaginal discharge.

3-) Bad odor

  • Bad odor manifested by a fish-like smell
  • An unpleasant odor that is markedly different from normal vaginal odor

4-) Pain during urination or sexual intercourse

  • Pain and discomfort during urination or sexual intercourse
  • Tenderness and swelling in the vaginal area

5-) Redness and Swelling in the Vaginal Area

  • Symptoms of redness and swelling around the vagina
  • It may indicate irritated, sensitive vaginal tissue.

can be summarized as follows.

What is Good for Vaginal Infection

Vaginal Infections are diseases that women can be exposed to very frequently for different reasons, and if timely measures are not taken, they can cause serious problems in the future. Among the issues to be considered in order to prevent Vaginal Infections or to heal quickly;

  1. Doctor Control : It is important to consult an Obstetrics and Gynecology specialist when symptoms of infection are noticed. With a professional examination, an accurate diagnosis can be made and an appropriate treatment plan can be created.
  2. Attention to Hygiene Rules: Paying attention to daily hygiene rules can reduce the risk of infection. It is important to avoid perfumed soaps and hygiene products.
  3. Use of cotton underwear: Preferring cotton underwear allows the vagina to breathe and prevents moisture from accumulating.
  4. Antifungal and Antibiotic Treatment: Antifungal drugs can be used for fungal infections and antibiotics for bacterial infections. Medications prescribed by the doctor should be followed exactly.
  5. Balanced Nutrition and Water Consumption: It is important to take care to eat a balanced diet to strengthen the immune system. Drinking plenty of water can help remove toxins from the body.
  6. Avoiding Stress: Stress can weaken the immune system. Relaxing activities and meditation can help to cope with stress.

can be shown.

In addition to these measures, everyone's individual vaginal health needs are different. Therefore, it is important to create an individual treatment plan in accordance with the doctor's recommendations. You can contact us immediatelyto get rid of Vaginal Infections that you are exposed to for different reasons easily and quickly...

What Happens If Vaginal Infection Is Not Treated

If vaginal infections are left untreated, problems can become chronic and lead to serious health problems. Discomfort may increase, there may be a risk of spreading to the reproductive organs and the overall quality of life may decrease. For this reason, it is very important to consult a specialist doctor when symptoms are noticed.

How Many Days Does Vaginal Infection Heal

Recovery Time of Vaginal Infections may vary depending on the type and severity of the infection and the response to treatment. Symptoms improve rapidly after treatment is started. However, the full recovery process may vary according to individual differences. When treated according to the doctor's recommendations, most Vaginal Infections can be controlled in a short time.

How to Treat Vaginal Infection

Treatment of Vaginal Infections depends on the type of infection. Antifungal drugs can be used for Fungal Infections and antibiotics for Bacterial Infections. It is important to follow the treatment recommended by the physician exactly. In addition, paying attention to hygiene rules, using cotton underwear and avoiding perfumed products can also support the healing process.

How to Examine for Vaginal Infection

Vaginal Infection Examination is performed by an Obstetrician and Gynecologist. The doctor listens to the patient's complaints, takes a general health history and performs a physical examination. If necessary, a sample of vaginal discharge can be taken and laboratory examination can be performed. This examination is important for establishing the correct diagnosis and effective treatment plan.

How Long Does Vaginal Infection Last

The Recovery Time of Vaginal Infections shows a significant improvement within a few days after treatment is started. However, complete recovery may vary depending on the type of infection, individual health status and response to treatment. When treated according to the doctor's recommendations, most Vaginal Infections can be controlled in a short time.

Vajinal Enfeksiyon Tedavisi

Vaginal Infection Medicines

Vaginal Infection Medicines may have antifungal or antibacterial properties depending on the type of infection. These drugs should be used in the correct dosage with the recommendation of the specialist doctor.

  • Antifungal Drugs : Used against fungal infections. For example; fluconazole, clotrimazole and miconazole can be shown.
  • Antibacterial Drugs : Effective against bacterial infections. Antibiotics such as metronidazole and clindamycin can be used.

During the treatment process, full compliance with the medication and treatment methods recommended by the doctor is important. In addition, regular doctor control after Vaginal Infection Treatment is important to prevent recurrence of the disease. In case of any questions or concerns about the use of medication and the treatment process, the patient should consult a specialist physician.

Vaginal Infection Antibiotic Names

Antibiotics used in vaginal infections are preferred in the treatment of bacterial infections. These antibiotics should be used at the dose and for the duration determined by the doctor.

  • Metronidazole : It is a type of antibiotic commonly used in the treatment of bacterial infections.
  • Clindamycin : It is an effective antibiotic for bacterial infections.

Suppository for Vaginal Infection

Vaginal Infection Suppositories are products used to treat the infection locally. These suppositories contain clotrimazole or miconazole. They are used by inserting them into the vagina.

  • Antifungal Suppositories : Suppositories inserted into the vagina can be effective in the local treatment of fungal infections. These suppositories contain clotrimazole or miconazole.
  • Antibacterial suppositories : There are also suppositories used against bacterial infections. These suppositories contain clindamycin.

Vaginal Infection Creams

Vaginal Infection Creams are products designed for local application and can help alleviate the symptoms of infection. These creams, especially used in the genital area, should be used in accordance with the doctor's recommendation and the treatment process should be followed regularly.

  • Antifungal Creams: It is used in the treatment of fungal infections in the genital area. It has ingredients such as clotrimazole, miconazole.
  • Antibacterial Creams: Used in the local treatment of bacterial infections. Creams containing clindamycin can be given as an example.

Laser Treatment of Vaginal Infection

Laser Therapy for Vaginal Infections offers an alternative approach to traditional treatment methods. Laser Therapy promotes healing of vaginal tissue, increases blood circulation and strengthens the immune system. This treatment can be considered especially for recurrent infections or resistant cases. It is important to have a detailed evaluation and consultation with the specialist before starting this treatment. Laser Therapy can be effective for certain conditions. However, it may not be suitable for every patient.

Vaginal Infection Medications

Medicines used to treat vaginal infections have antifungal or antibacterial properties. Antifungal drugs are effective against fungal infections and contain clotrimazole, miconazole or fluconazole. Antibacterial medicines are preferred for bacterial infections and contain substances such as metronidazole and clindamycin. These drugs should be used regularly at the dose and duration recommended by the doctor.

Vaginal Infection Herbal Treatment

While herbal treatment can be helpful in relieving Vaginal Infections, it should not be used as the main treatment. Some herbal extracts & oils may have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. For example; natural products such as aloe vera, sage oil and lavender oil can be used. However, the effectiveness of herbal treatments varies from person to person. It is important to consult a specialist doctor before using any herbal product.

Vaginal Infection Home Treatment

Home Treatment includes measures to ease and relieve the symptoms of vaginal infection. These include keeping the genital area clean, choosing cotton underwear, avoiding perfumed products and changing the genital area regularly. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, eating a balanced diet and avoiding stress can also reduce the risk of infection.

However, it is important to contact a specialist if symptoms persist or worsen. Home treatment aims to alleviate the main symptoms. However, the actual treatment should be under the supervision of a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Which antibiotic for vaginal infection

Vaginal Infections need antifungal medicines, not antibacterial medicines. Antifungal medicines commonly used against fungal infections include clotrimazole, miconazole and fluconazole. These medicines help Treat Vaginal Infection by preventing fungal cells from multiplying.

Antibiotics are used against bacterial infections. It is not a preferred method in the treatment of vaginal infection. However, considering the conditions that can sometimes occur with bacterial infections, treatment can be directed to appropriate antibiotics as determined by the doctor.

Does Vaginal Infection Cause Menstrual Delay?

Vaginal infections do not cause menstrual delay. However, the severity of the infection and the general stress level in the body can affect the menstrual cycle. If menstruation is delayed, it is related to factors such as hormonal changes, stress, pregnancy or other health problems. There is no cause and effect relationship between Vaginal Infection Symptoms and menstrual delay. Menstrual Irregularity should be evaluated by a specialist physician.

Does Vaginal Infection Cause Fatigue

Vaginal infections do not cause malaise. However, symptoms of the infection may include unpleasant conditions such as itching, burning, bad odor, pain. These symptoms can cause a general feeling of weakness in the body. Fatigue can occur as a result of the body's defense mechanism fighting the infection and consuming energy in the process. If fatigue is severe or persists for a long time, it is important to see a specialist. Because fatigue may indicate other health problems.

Vagina Infection Treatment Ankara

Nowadays, women are eager to treat any kind of discomfort in their vaginal area for different reasons in order to stay physically healthy and feel psychologically comfortable. Finding the clinic and specialist physician with the best conditions in this regard is very important for one's health and life.

Contact ususing our communication channels to get rid of Vaginal Infections that you are exposed to for different reasons with a comfortable, safe and painless treatment process...

Dr.Meltem Erkmen


Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Number of Operations

2 to 3 Sessions
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Operation Duration

30 to 60 Minutes
Dr.Meltem Erkmen


Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Sensitivity Process

1 to 3 Days
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Full Recovery

1 to 2 Months
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Length of Stay in Hospital

Same Day Release

Does Vaginal Infection Delay Menstruation?

No... Vaginal Infections do not cause menstrual delays. Menstrual irregularities may be due to hormonal changes, stress or other health problems.

How to Clean Vaginal Infection?

For Vaginal Infection Treatment, antifungal drugs & antibacterial drugs can be used on doctor's recommendation. In addition, hygiene rules should be observed and cleaning should be provided by following the recommendations of the specialist physician.

Does Vaginal Infections cause nausea?

No... Vaginal Infections do not cause nausea. But individual reactions can vary. It is therefore important to consult a doctor if symptoms persist.

Is Vaginal Infection an Obstacle to Pregnancy?

No... Vaginal Infections do not prevent pregnancy. However, infections should be monitored and treated more carefully during pregnancy.

How to Treat Vaginal Infection at Home?

Within the scope of Vaginal Infection Treatment at Home, medications used with the doctor's recommendation, attention to hygiene rules and healthy living habits can be applied. However, if the symptoms persist, a specialist physician should be consulted.

How to recognize a Vaginal Infection?

Symptoms of Vaginal Infection can include itching, burning, bad odor, pain and abnormal discharge. It is important to see a doctor if you have these symptoms.

Which doctor for Vaginal Infections?

An Obstetrician and Gynecologist should be consulted for Vaginal Infections.

What happens if a Vaginal Infections progresses?

If left untreated, Vaginal Infections can become severe, increase discomfort and lead to serious health problems. Doctor's recommendations should be followed in this regard.

How to Treat Vaginal Infection During Pregnancy?

Safe medicines should be used for Vaginal Infection Treatment during Pregnancy and doctor's recommendations should be followed.

How to Treat Vaginal Infection Naturally?

Vaginal Infections are naturally difficult to get rid of. But a healthy diet, good hygiene and avoiding stress can reduce the risk of infection.

How does Vaginal Infections discharge occur?

In Vaginal Infections, the discharge may have an abnormal color, odor or density. These symptoms may indicate a Vaginal Infection.

Does Vaginal Infection Delay Menstruation?

No... Vaginal Infections do not cause menstrual delay. Menstrual Irregularities may be due to other factors.

Does Vaginal Infection Cause Abdominal Pain?

No... Vaginal Infections do not cause abdominal pain. Depending on the severity of the infection, there may be pain and discomfort.

Is Vaginal Infection Detected in Urinalysis?

No... Vaginal Infections do not cause a significant change in urinalysis. A vaginal sample is required for diagnosis.

Is Vaginal Infection Transmitted to Men?

Vaginal Infections are not transmitted through sexual contact. However, bacteria or fungi can be passed between partners.

Does Vaginal Infection Cause Pain?

Yes... Vaginal Infections can cause pain, itching and burning sensation in the vaginal area.

Does Vaginal Infections cause abdominal swelling?

No... Vaginal Infections do not cause abdominal swelling. However, there may be a general feeling of discomfort depending on the severity of the infection.

Does Vaginal Infections show up in the blood?

No... Vaginal Infections do not cause any significant changes in the blood. A vaginal sample is required for diagnosis.

Is Vaginal Infection Sexually Transmitted?

No... Vaginal Infections are not sexually transmitted. But they can occur after sexual contact. Bacteria or fungi can be passed between partners.

Can you get pregnant with a Vaginal Infections?

Yes... Vaginal Infections do not affect the process of getting pregnant. However, infections should be monitored more carefully during pregnancy.

Dr.Meltem Erkmen