Laser Genital Area Whitening : The Radiance of Beauty and Self-Confidence... Women's bodies are works of art equipped with unique beauty. Every detail of this art deserves to be protected with sensitivity and care. Our clinic, which focuses on the sexual health and aesthetic needs of women in Ankara under the leadership of Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN, offers a range of innovative solutions by prioritizing privacy and security. One of the prominent among these solutions is Laser Genital Area Whitening applications.

This treatment, which can be expressed as a relaxing adventure where modern technology meets aesthetics, is dedicated to the most special areas of the body. Laser Genital Area Whitening aims to brighten women's self-confidence by removing color tone irregularities. Are you ready to take your love for yourself and your body one step further by opening the doors of this unique aesthetic journey in our article written by our specialist physician?

Laser Genital Area Whitening is an aesthetic treatment method used to correct color tone irregularities, spots or darkening in the genital area. This application aims to achieve a lighter and homogeneous appearance by using special laser technologies and regulating the skin tone.

Laser Genital Area Whitening applications are among the preferred applications;

  • Skin Tone Irregularities: Color tone differences in the genital area,
  • Pigmentation Problems : Blemishes, moles or other pigmentation problems,
  • Postpartum Changes : Color changes that occur after pregnancy and childbirth,
  • Signs of Aging : Skin tone changes in the genital area due to aging,

can be shown.

Laser Genital Area Whitening is performed with special laser devices (Monalisa Touch Laser) under the control of a specialist physician. The device regulates the color tone by focusing on the melanin pigment under the skin. This treatment, which does not require anesthesia, is completed in a comfortable process.

Laser Genital Area Whitening takes an average of 15 to 20 minutes. However, the treatment time may vary depending on the needs of the person and the size of the treatment area. After this treatment, where the desired results are usually achieved in 2 to 3 sessions, the person can continue his daily routine from where he left off. Application results are permanent for an average of 2 to 3 years.

Laser Genital Area Whitening Prices vary depending on the size of the treatment area, the type of device used and clinic policies. You can contact us using our communication channels to get detailed information about the treatment plans and fees made by our specialist doctor...

Advantages of Laser Genital Area Whitening under the Supervision of a Specialist Doctor;

  • Experience : Procedures performed by a specialist physician and his experienced team
  • Security and Confidentiality : Practices carried out under sterile clinical conditions with emphasis on personal confidentiality
  • Solution to Individual Needs: Tailor-made treatment approach for each patient
  • Modern Technology : Utilization of the latest laser technologies

can be stated as.

Laser Genital Area Whitening Op. Dr. Under the expertise and assurance of Meltem ERKMEN, it offers a very reliable option to eliminate women's aesthetic and functional disorders. Call us now for detailed information and appointment...

Why the Genital Area Darkens

Color tone changes in the genital area can be caused by many factors. Pregnancy, hormonal changes, aging and genetic factors can cause the skin tone to darken over time. This can affect the self-confidence of many women and lead to aesthetic concerns. This problem that women are exposed to is easily eliminated with applications referred to as Laser Vagina Whitening or Laser Genital Area Whitening.

What is Laser Genital Area Whitening

Laser Genital Area Whitening is an aesthetic treatment method applied to correct color tone irregularities in the genital area and to obtain a lighter (homogeneous) appearance. This treatment, performed by our specialist doctor and his experienced team, is based on the principle of regulating the skin tone using personalized laser technologies (Monalisa Touch Laser).

Where is Laser Genital Area Whitening Performed

Laser Vagina Whitening applications should be performed by specialist doctors in sterile clinical environments. Under the leadership of our physician, our center in Ankara attaches great importance to hygiene standards and confidentiality principles. Laser Vagina Whitening is performed by a team of experts in this special center, offering patients a safe and effective experience.

How to Whiten the Genital Area with Laser

Laser Genital Area Whitening is a special treatment method that combines modern technology with aesthetic applications. This treatment performed by an experienced team under the leadership of a specialist physician is performed using special laser technologies. Laser Genital Area Whitening procedures applied under these conditions provide comfortable, safe and successful results.

Laser Genital Area Whitening Application Procedure;

  1. Examination and Assessment: It is the evaluation of the general health status of the patient and the determination of the special needs of the genital area. The examination performed by the specialist physician ensures that the treatment is planned individually.
  2. Preparation : No anesthesia is required prior to treatment. Anesthetic cream may sometimes be used to ensure patient comfort and minimal discomfort during the procedure.
  3. Laser Application : Special laser devices (Mona Lisa Touch Laser) form the main line of treatment. The device regulates the color tone by focusing on the melanin pigment under the skin. The underlying pigment is targeted without damaging the upper layers of the skin.
  4. Cooling System : A cooling system is used to cool the skin during laser treatment. This increases comfort in the treatment area. Reduces redness that may occur after the procedure.
  5. Post-Application Care : After the treatment, the patient is given detailed information about skin care and the healing process. There may be slight redness and sensitivity. However, these symptoms disappear spontaneously in a short time.
  6. Control and Follow-up : Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN's clinic offers regular controls and follow-up processes for its patients. This process is important to evaluate the results of the treatment and to intervene quickly if there are any problems.

can be summarized as.

Laser Genital Area Whitening is a safe and effective treatment method provided by modern technology. However, since the skin structure of each individual is different, it is important to make an individual evaluation under the supervision of a specialist doctor. If you want to have Laser Genital Area Whitening in confidence and comfort, Contact Us Now...

After Laser Genital Area Whitening

After Laser Genital Area Whitening, patients achieve a brighter and more even skin tone. A slight redness and sensitivity is normal after the application. However, this situation passes spontaneously in a short time. The full recovery process may vary from person to person. However, people can return to their daily activities immediately.

Laser Genital Area Whitening

Those who have Laser Genital Area Whitening under the supervision of a specialist doctor are individuals who are uncomfortable with skin tone irregularities and seek solutions to their aesthetic concerns. This treatment is especially popular among women seeking greater self-confidence in sexual health and aesthetics. Those who have it done prefer this treatment to achieve a more even color tone and an overall improved skin appearance.

Laser Genital Area Whitening Price

In order to get detailed information about Laser Genital Area Whitening Prices, it is necessary to be examined by a specialist physician. Since the problems and treatment plan of each patient are different, it is not correct to pronounce a clear price.

Laser Genital Area Whitening Prices 2024 also differ depending on many factors, but among these factors;

  • Genetic characteristics and age of the person to be treated,
  • Aesthetic disorders in the patient's genital area,
  • Number of sessions required for the desired look,
  • The Laser Treatment technique to be applied to the person,
  • The experience of the clinic and the physician who will perform the application,

can be shown.

Call Us Now to have detailed information about the procedures to be performed within the scope of the Laser Genital Area Whitening procedure, to be examined by our specialist physician in the field of Genital Aesthetics and to create a treatment plan tailored to you...

Ankara Laser Genital Area Whitening

Nowadays, women are eager to treat any kind of discomfort in their genital areas for different reasons in order to stay physically healthy and feel psychologically comfortable. Finding the clinic and specialist physician with the best conditions in this regard is very important for one's health and life.

Laser Genital Area Whitening is one of the most important techniques for women to achieve the aesthetic and flawless genital area appearance they dream of. With our physician who successfully applies this treatment in Ankara, women can quickly get rid of the aesthetic problems they are exposed to for different reasons and have the genital area appearance they dream of.

Contact us using our communication channels to have the genital area structure of your dreams with a comfortable, safe and painless treatment process...

Dr.Meltem Erkmen


Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Number of Operations

3 to 4 Sessions
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Operation Duration

15 to 20 Minutes
Dr.Meltem Erkmen


No Anesthesia
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Sensitivity Process

3 to 5 Days
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Full Recovery

2 to 3 Week
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Persistence of Results

2 to 3 Years
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Length of Stay in Hospital

Same Day Release

Is Laser Genital Area Whitening Permanent?

Laser Genital Area Whitening treatment offers long-lasting results. Although the duration of permanence varies depending on the skin type, age and lifestyle of the individual, it is expressed as 2 to 3 years.

Is Laser Genital Area Whitening Harmful?

No... Laser Genital Area Whitening is very safe as it is performed under the guidance of a specialist doctor and using modern technology.

How Much Does Laser Genital Area Whitening Cost?

Laser Genital Area Whitening Prices vary depending on the scope of the treatment, the laser technology used and the policies of the clinic. For detailed price information, you can contact us immediately using our communication channels.

Dr.Meltem Erkmen