Clitoris Aesthetics : An Aesthetic and Functional Approach in Women's Health... The female body is like a mysterious labyrinth where many beauty and functions are in perfect harmony. The clitoris, located in a rare corner of this labyrinth, is not only a biological structure, but also the symbol of a woman's sexual freedom and pleasure. Aesthetic and functional concerns may arise in this mysterious organ. This is exactly where the Clitoris Aesthetics application comes into play.

Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN, with her expertise in the field of Gynecology and Genital Aesthetics, performs successful applications on many issues that women are uncomfortable and need in sterile clinical conditions in Ankara. In this context, Clitoris Aesthetics is one of the most frequently requested treatment methods in order to eliminate the aesthetic and functional discomfort of women.

As part of the female genitalia, the clitoris is a structure located above the entrance to the vagina, outside and containing dense nerve endings. This small organ contains many nerve endings that play an important role in the process of sexual arousal in women. The clitoris, located just above the entrance of the vagina at the junction of the labia minora, is visually small but grows and becomes more prominent during sexual arousal.

The clitoris plays a central role in female sexual arousal. It contributes to the woman's pleasure by growing with stimulation during sexual intercourse and other sexual activities. The clitoris can be stimulated by touch, oral stimulation or by careful techniques applied by a partner during sexual activity. This helps to increase the woman's sexual satisfaction.

Clitoris Aesthetics treatment performed under the supervision of our specialist doctor in the field of Genital Aesthetics aims to eliminate aesthetic concerns in the clitoris area and optimize function. This application can be performed with surgical or non-surgical methods. In each case, a special planning is made according to individual needs and expectations.

Clitoris Aesthetics Prices vary depending on the type of procedure performed, the method used and individual demands. For the details of the service offered by our specialist physician in sterile clinical conditions, it would be the most correct behavior to Contact Us using our communication channels.

Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN's experience and expertise allows you to achieve reliable results with Clitoris Aesthetics. This aesthetic treatment, which is carried out in sterile clinical conditions in Ankara, is meticulously handled in terms of privacy and safety of individuals. Clitoris Aesthetics performed by our specialist physician offers solutions suitable for aesthetic and functional expectations.

In summary, Clitoris Aesthetics is a special application that responds to the needs of women in sexual health and aesthetics. This aesthetic intervention applied with the expertise of our doctor can positively affect women's health and quality of life and increase their self-confidence. You can contact us immediately to get support in this regard...

What is the Clitoris 

The clitoris is a small (sensitive) organ located above and outside the entrance to the vagina as a fundamental part of the female genitalia. It contains many nerve endings and plays a central role in the process of female sexual arousal. The clitoris becomes larger and more prominent during sexual intercourse and contributes to the woman's pleasure. This is an important element in female sexuality and, although anatomically small, is one of the keys to sexual satisfaction.

Where to find the clitoris 

The clitoris is located just above the entrance to the vagina, at the junction of the labia minora. Located in the center of the genital area, it contains important nerve endings that are involved in sensitivity and arousal to other genitals in the body. The clitoris represents a remarkable and special point of female anatomy.

What is Hudoplasty 

Hudoplasty is a surgical procedure frequently used in the field of genital aesthetics. It aims to eliminate aesthetic concerns in the clitoris area. This procedure involves the regulation of the clitoris covers or surrounding tissues. Hudoplasty is an intervention performed to correct the aesthetic appearance and provide relief in functional issues.

You can access our article titled Hudoplasty, where you can find detailed information about this procedure, also referred to as Clitoral Hudoplasty, from link.

What Does the Clitoris Do 

As an important part of the female genitalia, the clitoris plays an important role in sexual arousal and satisfaction. Functions of the clitoris in bullet points;

  • Plays a Role in Arousal and Pleasure: The clitoris grows and becomes more sensitive by increasing blood flow during sexual arousal. This growth contributes to the woman getting more pleasure during sexual intercourse or other sexual activities.
  • Facilitates Orgasm : Stimulation of the clitoris increases the likelihood of a woman experiencing orgasm. Orgasm is the peak of sexual satisfaction and the clitoris plays an important role in this process.
  • Increases Sexual Satisfaction: When the clitoris is stimulated during sexual activities, this can increase a woman's sexual satisfaction and satisfaction.

as we can state.

How to Stimulate the Clitoris 

The clitoris can be stimulated by various stimulation techniques. Clitoral stimulation can be achieved through touch, oral stimulation or careful application by a partner during sexual activity. This can help increase a woman's sexual satisfaction. The clitoris is important to ensure that the woman gets pleasure during sexual intercourse and other sexual activities.

What is Clitoris Aesthetics 

Clitoris Aesthetics is a special surgical or non-surgical intervention that aims to eliminate aesthetic concerns in the clitoris area and optimize function. This aesthetic application performed under the supervision of a specialist doctor is planned in accordance with the specific needs and expectations of the individual. This intervention helps women increase their sexual health and self-confidence.

How to Perform Clitoris Aesthetics 

Clitoris Aesthetics is an intervention that aims to eliminate aesthetic concerns and optimize the function of the clitoris, which is part of the female genital area, for different reasons. Implementation Procedure of Clitoris Aesthetics, also referred to as Hudoplasty;

  • Preliminary Evaluation: Clitoris Aesthetics performed by a specialist doctor begins with a detailed preliminary evaluation. The patient's expectations and needs are determined, the general health status is evaluated.
  • Surgical or Non-Surgical Options: Surgical interventions such as Hudoplasty or non-surgical methods such as Laser, Radiofrequency can be selected depending on the needs of the individual. Hudoplasty involves the arrangement of the clitoris lids or surrounding tissues.
  • Anesthesia and Operation: The operation is performed under local anesthesia. Surgical intervention aims to eliminate aesthetic concerns in the clitoris area and provide the necessary corrections.
  • Recovery Process : The recovery process after treatment may vary depending on the method preferred by the individual. Clitoris Aesthetics performed under the supervision of a specialist physician offers a safe and effective healing process.
  • Control and Follow-up: The patient's recovery process is followed by the specialist doctor and his team. Necessary controls are organized and communication with the patient is maintained.

can be summarized as.

Clitoris Aesthetics is a special intervention planned in accordance with the aesthetic and functional needs of the individual. It is performed reliably with the expertise of Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN in our clinic with hygienic facilities in Ankara. You can call us immediately to get information or make an appointment in this regard...

How Long Does Clitoris Aesthetics Take 

Clitoris Aesthetics is an application that can be performed quickly in great comfort and confidence by specialist doctors in the field of Genital Aesthetics. Although it varies from person to person, this treatment, which takes about 30 minutes, is performed painlessly under local anesthesia. With Clitoris Aesthetics, where the desired results can be obtained with a single session, lifelong permanent results are obtained.

Klitoris Estetiği

Things to Consider After Clitoris Aesthetics 

It is important for patients who have undergone clitoris aesthetics to take special care of their health in the postoperative period. Conditions to be taken care of after Clitoris Aesthetics;

  • Rest in the First Days: The body needs rest after the operation. Bed rest is important in the first days.
  • Following the Doctor's Instructions: The instructions given by the physician should be followed exactly. The doctor's directives on issues such as medication use and dressing change should be followed carefully.
  • Keeping the area clean: After treatment, the area should be cleaned as recommended by the doctor and hygiene should be maintained. Special cleaning products should be used and harsh movements and impacts should be avoided.
  • Pain and Swelling Control : Painkillers and cold applications recommended by the doctor should be used to control pain and swelling.
  • Sexual Activities : It is important to wait for the period determined by the physician to return to sexual activities. This period may vary depending on the person's healing process and type of treatment.
  • Avoiding Exercise and Heavy Load : Heavy exercises and loads should be avoided. Physical activities should not be started without the doctor's approval.
  • Follow-ups: Post-operative controls should be done regularly on the dates specified by the doctor. These controls are important to follow the healing process closely.

It can be stated in the form.

When to have intercourse after clitoris aesthetics 

The process of returning to sexual activities after clitoris aesthetics varies depending on the individual's recovery rate and the doctor's recommendations. It will be appropriate to start sexual activities within the period determined by the physician. However, each patient may experience different healing processes. Therefore, the doctor's recommendations should be followed meticulously.

Will There Be Scars After Clitoris Aesthetics 

Scars after Clitoris Aesthetics may vary depending on the surgical techniques used and the healing process of the individual. Aesthetic interventions performed under the supervision of a specialist tend to leave minimal scars. However, the person's genetic characteristics, healing ability and the complexity of the surgical process can affect the scars. It is possible to minimize the scars with proper care according to the doctor's instructions.

Clitoris Aesthetics Price 

In order to get detailed information about Clitoris Aesthetics Prices, it is necessary to be examined by a specialist doctor. Since the problems and treatment plan of each patient are different, it is not correct to pronounce a clear price.

Clitoris Aesthetic Prices 2024 also differ depending on many factors, but these factors include;

  • Genetic characteristics and age of the person to be treated,
  • The current state of the clitoris and what needs to be done,
  • Number of sessions required for the desired result,
  • Clitoris Aesthetic technique to be applied to the person,
  • The experience of the clinic and the physician who will perform the application,

can be shown.

Call Us Now to have detailed information about the procedures to be performed within the scope of Clitoris Aesthetics procedures, to be examined by our specialist physician in the field of Genital Aesthetics and to create a treatment plan tailored to you...

Ankara Clitoris Aesthetics

Nowadays, women are eager to treat any kind of discomfort in their genital areas for different reasons in order to stay physically healthy and feel psychologically comfortable. Finding the clinic and specialist physician with the best conditions in this regard is very important for one's health and life.

Clitoris Aesthetics is a method applied for women to experience the pleasure they dream of during sexual intercourse and to orgasm more easily. With Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN, who successfully applies this treatment in Ankara, women can experience the happy unions they desire much more easily.

Contact us using our communication channels to complete the procedures that need to be done in your genital area with a comfortable, safe and painless treatment process in order to achieve the passionate sexual intercourse you dream of...

Dr.Meltem Erkmen


Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Number of Operations

Single Session
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Operation Duration

20 to 30 Minutes
Dr.Meltem Erkmen


Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Sensitivity Process

1 to 3 Days
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Return to Work Period

2 to 3 days
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Full Recovery

7 to 10 Days
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Length of Stay in Hospital

Same Day Release

What does Clitoris Mean?

The Clitoris is part of the female genitalia, a small organ located outside above the entrance to the vagina that plays an important role in sexual arousal and pleasure.

What is Clitoral Hudoplasty?

Clitoral Hudoplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to eliminate aesthetic concerns in the clitoris area. This procedure involves the arrangement of the clitoral valves or surrounding tissues.

What does Hudoplasty mean?

Hudoplasty is a term used in genital aesthetic surgery and refers to the correction or arrangement of the tissues of a specific area.

Who is Clitoris Aesthetics Performed?

Clitoris Aesthetics is an intervention for women who have aesthetic or functional concerns and seek improvement in this regard.

Which procedures are performed in clitoris aesthetics?

In Clitoris Aesthetics, surgical or non-surgical methods are used to improve the aesthetic structure and optimize the function of the clitoris area.

Why does clitoris pain occur?

Clitoris Pain can be due to various causes such as infections, trauma, hormonal changes or neural factors.

Why does the Clitoris Itch?

Itchy Clitoris can occur due to factors such as infections, allergic reactions or hormonal changes.

What is Clitoris Treatment?

Clitoris Treatment may include a variety of medical or surgical interventions aimed at improving discomfort or problems in the clitoris area.

How Does Clitoris Irritation Pass?

For Clitoris Irritation, it is important to consult a doctor and identify the underlying cause. With appropriate treatment, the irritation can go away quickly.

Does Clitoris Aesthetics Harm Virginity?

No... Clitoris Aesthetics is not directly associated with virginity. Individuals who are concerned about this issue can get detailed information by having a detailed interview with our doctor.

Does Clitoris Aesthetics Damage the Clitoris?

No... Clitoris Aesthetics does not harm the clitoris if performed correctly by a specialist surgeon.

Is Clitoris Aesthetics Understandable?

No... It is not understood that the person has had Clitoris Aesthetics.

Is Clitoris Aesthetics Recorded?

No... Clitoris Aesthetics is not recorded as it is performed within the rules of confidentiality and patient privacy.

Does Clitoris Aesthetics Prevent Giving Birth?

No... Clitoris Aesthetics does not prevent giving birth. However, careful evaluation may be required in planning pregnancy and postpartum processes.

How Many Days Does Clitoris Aesthetics Heal?

After Clitoris Aesthetics, 100% recovery is seen within 7 to 10 days.

Can Clitoris Aesthetics be performed together with Labiaplasty, Vaginoplasty, Himenoplasty?

Yes... Clitoris Aesthetics is a procedure that can be performed together with other Genital Aesthetic procedures.

Can Clitoris Aesthetics be performed together with Inner / Outer Lip Aesthetics, Vagina Tightening, Hymen Stitching?

Yes... Clitoris Aesthetics can be performed together with other Genital Aesthetic procedures. But in any case, individual needs and health status should be taken into consideration.

Does Clitoris Aesthetics Require Hospitalization?

No... Clitoris Aesthetics is an outpatient procedure that does not require hospitalization.

Dr.Meltem Erkmen