Orgasm Vaccine : Support for Women's Sexual Health... Sexual health is an important part of our general health. It requires courage to talk about this issue, to have information and to seek solutions. Women's sexual health is an issue that requires particular care and sensitivity.

The applications performed by Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN in a sterile clinic in Ankara, in an environment where confidentiality and security are prioritized, make a positive touch to the sexual lives of women. One of these touches focuses on a subject that we frequently hear about and curiously research today ="Orgasm Vaccine"

This special vaccine that improves sexual health in women is also known as the O Shot. When performed under the supervision of our physician, it offers a number of advantages regarding sexual health. In this article, we take a step closer to the details of Orgasm Vaccine and the professional services of our doctor.

Orgasm is defined as the climax of the sexual arousal process. In women, rhythmic contractions in the body mark the moment when sexual pleasure is maximized. However, many women may have difficulty experiencing Orgasm due to sexual problems. O Shot is a treatment method also known as "Orgasm Vaccine". In this method, plasma-rich platelets (PRP) from the body are injected into the sexual area. O Shot aims to improve women's sexual health by increasing sexual arousal and orgasm frequency.

The Orgasm Vaccine is a preferred treatment option for women who want to improve their sex life and deal with sexual dysfunction. This vaccine is especially applied to support women with orgasm problems. Orgasm Vaccine

  • It accelerates the process of sexual arousal,
  • Increases the frequency and intensity of orgasm,
  • Relieves problems such as vaginal dryness,
  • It allows women to feel satisfied during sexual intercourse.

Orgasm Vaccination is performed in the experienced hands of our doctor. During the procedure, plasma-rich platelets from the patient's own blood are injected into the sexual area. This method positively affects sexual health by activating the body's own healing mechanisms.

Orgasm Vaccine Prices may vary according to the method to be applied, clinical conditions and individual needs. After the detailed evaluation to be made by our doctor, you can contact us using our communication channels to get Special Price Information for you...

Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN's expertise and experience provide a reliable environment for Orgasm Vaccine applications. Procedures performed under clinical conditions prioritize the privacy and confidentiality of patients. In addition, the individual approach and patient-oriented service of the specialist physician allows women to safely improve their sexual health.

In summary, Orgasm Vaccine stands out as a reliable option to increase women's sexual health and improve their quality of life under the professional supervision of our physician. You can contact us immediately to have the sexual lifestyle you dream of by taking advantage of this miraculous treatment...

What is Orgasm

Orgasm is the climax of the sexual arousal process. It occurs during sexual intercourse or other activities related to sexual arousal. It is characterized by rhythmic contractions and intense pleasure felt in the genital area. Orgasm, which is a physiological response, is of great importance as an indicator of sexual health and expresses the sexual satisfaction of the individual.

What is O Shot

O Shot is a treatment method called "Orgasm Vaccine". It involves plasma rich platelets (PRP) derived from the patient's own blood. PRP has the ability to stimulate the body's natural healing processes. O Shot aims to improve female sexual health, increasing sexual arousal and optimizing the frequency of orgasm.

What is Orgasm Vaccine

Today, women's sexual health and satisfaction has become an important issue. Women resort to various treatment methods to make their sexual lives healthier and more satisfying. At this point, the Orgasm Vaccine applied by our doctor stands out as a treatment option that positively affects women's sexual lives.

Orgasm Vaccine is a treatment using the O Shot method. This vaccine offers a solution to sexual health problems by using the body's own power. This special vaccine performed by our physician helps women to have a more satisfying experience by positively affecting their sexual life.

Why Orgasm Vaccination

Orgasm Vaccine is a preferred treatment option for women who want to improve their sexual health and cope with sexual dysfunctions. Especially women with orgasm problems aim to make their sexual life more satisfying thanks to this vaccine. It can also have a positive effect on problems such as vaginal dryness.

What Does Orgasm Vaccine Do

Orgasm Vaccine, one of the most demanded Genital Aesthetic applications today, offers many advantages to women. Among the advantages of Orgasm Vaccine application to women,

  • Increases Sexual Arousal: Orgasm Vaccine strengthens sexual responses in the body by triggering sexual arousal. In this way, more intense and satisfying sexual experiences are obtained.
  • May Increase Orgasm Frequency: Plasma-rich platelets (PRP) contained in the vaccine increase the frequency of orgasm. This contributes to women experiencing more regular and frequent orgasms in their sexual lives.
  • May Alleviate Vaginal Dryness: Orgasm Vaccine offers a solution to sexual health problems such as vaginal dryness. The treatment regulates the moisture balance by revitalizing the tissues in the vaginal area.
  • Can Support Sexual Dysfunctions: Orgasm Vaccine provides support to women who want to cope with sexual dysfunctions. Especially individuals with orgasm problems make their sexual life more satisfying with this vaccine.

can be shown.

Where to Get Orgasm Vaccination

Orgasm Vaccine is performed in sterile clinical conditions in Ankara with the expertise and experience of Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN. Women who want to have this special treatment in Ankara can choose Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN's clinic to improve their sexual health in a reliable and expert environment.

How to Get an Orgasm Vaccine

Orgasm Vaccine is known as a safe, comfortable and effective treatment if performed under sterile clinical conditions under the control of a specialist physician in the field of Gynecology and Genital Aesthetics. "How is Orgasm Vaccine done?" in items to the question;

  1. Counseling and Assessment : The Orgasm Vaccine process begins with an evaluation phase. Our doctor evaluates the patient's health history and determines the suitability for treatment.
  2. Blood Sample Collection: The plasma-rich platelets that form the basis of the vaccine are obtained from the patient's own blood. A small blood sample is taken at this stage.
  3. PRP Processing: The blood sample is subjected to a special process and separated into plasma-rich platelets. This process aims to concentrate the growth factors and cellular components contained in the blood.
  4. Injection Phase : Plasma-rich platelets are applied to the sexual area with a special injection method. This activates the body's own healing mechanisms and positively affects sexual health.
  5. Healing Process : After the application, the patient's body enters the healing process with the effect of plasma-rich platelets. In this process, a positive response to sexual health problems is expected.
  6. Follow-up and Evaluation : Our physician analyzes the patient's recovery process and schedules follow-up appointments if necessary. The patient's satisfaction and health are tried to be kept at the highest level.

can be answered as follows.

To be treated with the quality and assurance of Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN in the first center that comes to mind when you think of Ankara Orgasm Vaccine; Call Us Now to experience the passionate union you dream of...

How Long Does Orgasm Vaccine Last

Orgasm Vaccine Application Time is Very Short. The treatment starts with a consultation and evaluation process and includes blood sampling, PRP processing and injection. Although the total time varies depending on the health status of the person, the area to be treated and other individual factors, it can be completed in 20 to 30 minutes.

Orgasm Vaccine Duration of Action

Duration of Effect of Orgasm Vaccine varies from person to person. After the vaccine is administered, its effects begin to be noticed within a few weeks. During this time, the healing and revitalizing effect of plasma-rich platelets increases on sexual health. It is recommended to wait a few months for the full effect of the post-administration process and for the ongoing healing process.

Things to Consider After Orgasm Vaccination

As in every application in the field of health, there are issues that should be taken care of after Orgasm Vaccine. Paying attention to these situations is very important for the health of the person and the success of the treatment.

Things to Consider After Orgasm Vaccination in bullet points;

  • Rest for the First 24 Hours: Heavy exercise and excessive activity should be avoided for at least the first 24 hours after vaccination.
  • Cold Application : Cold application can be made on the recommendation of the doctor to reduce swelling and sensitivity in the area where the vaccine is applied.
  • Alcohol and Smoking : Since alcohol and smoking can negatively affect the healing process, these substances should be avoided during the vaccination process.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Drugs : Caution should be exercised in the use of anti-inflammatory drugs used to manage pain or swelling, except as recommended by the doctor.
  • Horizontal Position : Maintaining a horizontal position for some time after the application can support blood flow and the healing process.

can be summarized as.

When to have intercourse after orgasm vaccination

After the Orgasm Vaccine application, it is important when to start sexual activity, taking into account the sensitivity and healing process in the injection area. Our physician gives specific instructions to his/her patients. It may not be recommended to start sexual activity on the day the vaccine is administered or a few days later. It is important to complete the healing process and follow the time recommended by the doctor to achieve effective results.

Benefits of Orgasm Vaccine

Women who receive the Orgasm Vaccine have many physical and psychological advantages. Among the benefits obtained as a result of this treatment;

  1. Increases Sexual Arousal: The plasma-rich platelets in the vaccine enrich sexual experiences by increasing sexual arousal.
  2. May Increase Orgasm Frequency: Regular administration of the vaccine can increase the frequency of orgasms and make women's sex lives more satisfying.
  3. Provides a Solution to Vaginal Dryness: Plasma-rich platelets can alleviate vaginal dryness by revitalizing vaginal tissues.
  4. Can Support Sexual Dysfunctions: Orgasm Vaccine provides support for women who want to cope with sexual dysfunctions.
  5. Long-term effects : The effects of the vaccine can be long-lasting. This means that regular administration can contribute to lasting improvements in sexual health.
  6. A Natural Healing Process: The vaccine activates the body's own healing mechanisms and initiates a natural healing process.

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Orgasm Vaccine Price

In order to get detailed information about Orgasm Vaccine Prices, it is necessary to be examined by a specialist doctor. Since the problems and treatment plan of each patient are different, it is not correct to pronounce a clear price.

Orgasm Vaccine Price 2024 also varies depending on many factors, but these factors include;

  • Genetic characteristics and age of the person to be treated,
  • Number of sessions required for the desired result,
  • The amount of Orgasm Vaccine to be administered to the individual,
  • The experience of the clinic and the physician who will perform the treatment,

can be shown.

Call Us Now to have detailed information about the procedures to be performed within the scope of Orgasm Vaccine procedures, to be examined by our specialist physician in the field of Genital Aesthetics and to create a treatment plan tailored to you...

Ankara Orgasm Vaccine

Nowadays, women are eager to treat any kind of discomfort in their genital areas for different reasons in order to stay physically healthy and feel psychologically comfortable. Finding the clinic and specialist physician with the best conditions in this regard is very important for one's health and life.

Orgasm Vaccine procedure is a method applied for women to experience the pleasure they dream of during sexual intercourse and to have orgasms more easily. With Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN, who successfully applies this treatment in Ankara, women can experience the happy unions they desire much more easily.

Contact us using our communication channels to complete the procedures that need to be done in your genital area with a comfortable, safe and painless treatment process to achieve the passionate sexual intercourse you dream of...

Dr.Meltem Erkmen


Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Number of Operations

2 to 3 Sessions
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Operation Duration

15 to 20 Minutes
Dr.Meltem Erkmen


Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Sensitivity Process

1 to 2 Days
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Full Recovery

1 Week
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Persistence of Results

8 to 12 Months
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Length of Stay in Hospital

Same Day Release

What does orgasm vaccine mean?

Orgasm Vaccine is a treatment method applied under the supervision of our doctor to increase sexual arousal and optimize orgasm frequency.

How much is the orgasm vaccine?

Prices of the Orgasm Vaccine vary according to the application area, clinical conditions and individual needs. For detailed information, you can contact us using our communication channels...

Can the orgasm vaccine be given to everyone?

The Orgasm Vaccine is a good option for women in good health who are experiencing sexual health problems. However, each patient should be evaluated individually.

What is the success rate of orgasm vaccination?

The Success Rate of Orgasm Vaccine varies from individual to individual. However, if it is performed under the supervision of a specialist physician, positive effects are seen in the vast majority of patients.

Is Orgasm Vaccine and G Shot the Same Procedure?

Orgasm Vaccine and G Shot are treatments with the same goals. However, while 1 to 2 mm. injection is made around the G Spot with G Shot, a more comprehensive injection is made with Orgasm Shot (O Shot).

Who is the orgasm vaccine suitable for?

Orgasm Vaccine is a viable option for women with sexual health problems and orgasm problems. However, an individual assessment is required for each patient.

What does O Shot mean?

O Shot is an abbreviation for "Orgasm Vaccine". It is a treatment method used to increase sexual arousal and optimize orgasm frequency.

Reviews of those who had an orgasm vaccine?

Satisfaction with Orgasm Vaccine varies from person to person, but there are many comments about positive experiences after treatment.

What is the O Shot Orgasm Vaccine?

O Shot is an abbreviation for "Orgasm Vaccine". It is a treatment method used to increase sexual arousal and optimize orgasm frequency.

Comments of those who have O Shot?

Although the satisfaction of those who have O Shot varies from person to person, most women experience positive effects on sexual health and share their satisfaction.

Dr.Meltem Erkmen