Laser Labiaplasty : Modern Solution in Women's Aesthetics... Laser Labiaplasty, which is preferred for many aesthetic and functional reasons for women, is performed in sterile clinical conditions in Ankara under the supervision of Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN. This innovative method is an ideal option for women to eliminate their discomfort and gain self-confidence.

Labiaplasty is a treatment procedure that intervenes in the shape, size or symmetry problems of the labia located in the female genital area. This aesthetic operation aims to improve the appearance of the genital area while at the same time eliminating functional disorders. With the professional approach and experience of our specialist doctor, Laser Labiaplasty is performed in a minimally invasive way.

Labiaplasty is preferred to solve women's labial problems that arise as a result of congenital or age-related changes. These include asymmetrical vaginal lips, excessive size & small size, deformation, sagging due to aging or discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Laser Labiaplasty offers a more painless and scar-free approach compared to traditional surgical methods. This treatment, which is performed under the supervision of a specialist physician, allows the desired corrections to be made to the vaginal lips using special laser technology (Monalisa Touch Laser). Laser Labiaplasty is known for faster recovery times and minimal suture scars.

Laser Labiaplasty Prices vary depending on the complexity of the procedure, the materials used and the place of application. You can contact us using our communication channels to get information about the personalized treatment price to be determined after a detailed examination in our specialist doctor's office...

Advantages of Having Laser Labiaplasty in Our Modern Center by Our Specialist Physician;

  1. Specialization : Our doctor is specialized in Gynecology and Genital Aesthetics has expertise in the field.
  2. Confidentiality and Security : The confidentiality and security of patients are prioritized in the procedures performed in a sterile clinical environment in Ankara.
  3. Minimally Invasive Approach: Laser Labiaplasty is a minimally invasive treatment method. It offers faster recovery times.
  4. Personalized Solutions: Treatment plans and price information determined specifically for each patient provide the most suitable solutions.

can be stated as.

The professional approach of the expert team led by Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN to its patients at every stage of Laser Labiaplasty Surgery offers a reliable option to meet aesthetic and functional expectations. You can contact us immediately to get information or to make an appointment...

What is Labiaplasty

Labiaplasty refers to a surgical intervention for problems with the shape, size or symmetry of the labia in the female genital area. This aesthetic treatment procedure is performed to correct the appearance of the labia and relieve functional disorders. Labiaplasty Surgery It can be performed on the inner and outer lips of the vagina. This procedure helps women to improve the aesthetics of the genital area.

In Which Situations Laser Labiaplasty is Performed

Laser Labiaplasty allows the elimination of many aesthetic or functional disorders that women are exposed to for different reasons. Among the most common conditions that women who request this treatment are;

  • Asymmetry Problems : Asymmetry caused by differences in size and shape between the vaginal lips
  • Aesthetic Concerns : Women who experience discomfort in the genital area due to aesthetic concerns
  • Functional Discomfort : Those who want to eliminate this problem because the vaginal lips cause discomfort during sexual intercourse
  • Congenital Problems : Congenital structural problems in the genital area.
  • Age Related Changes : Age-related sagging or deformations of the vaginal lips
  • Hypersensitivity : Labia causing discomfort during sexual activity

can be shown.

How Laser Labiaplasty is Performed

Laser Labiaplasty is a modern treatment procedure that offers a painless and scarless approach compared to traditional surgical techniques. This application, which is performed under local anesthesia in an average of 1 to 2 hours, allows you to have the desired aesthetic genital area appearance in a single session.

"How is Labiaplasty with Laser?" in bullet points;

1-) Inspection and Evaluation

  • Our doctor assesses the patient's general state of health.
  • Analyzes the desires and expectations of the person by examining the anatomical structure of the genital area.
  • A detailed examination is performed before the application and a personalized treatment plan is created.

2-) Anesthesia

  • The operation is performed under local anesthesia.
  • Our physician determines the choice of anesthesia according to the patient's condition to ensure the patient's comfort.

3-) Laser Application

  • Unwanted tissue or deformities in the genital area are corrected using laser technology (Mona Lisa Touch Laser)
  • The laser acts precisely on the tissues, ensuring that the surgery is painless and does not leave any scars.
  • Laser incisions are smaller and more precise. This accelerates the healing process.

4-) Texture Shaping

  • Laser Labiaplasty involves reshaping excess tissue on the labia minora and labia minora.
  • The tissue is corrected until the desired aesthetic appearance and symmetry is achieved.

5) Stitches

  • Laser Labiaplasty does not require stitches. Because the special laser application causes minimal tissue trauma.
  • If sutures are used, thin and special stitches are preferred.

6-) Recovery and Follow-up

  • In the postoperative period, the patient is rested and monitored for a while.
  • Following the care instructions recommended by the specialist supports a fast and healthy recovery process.
  • Normal daily activities can be resumed within a few days.

7-) Evaluation of Results

  • After the healing process is complete, the patient and the physician come together and the results are evaluated.
  • Aesthetic and functional improvements in the genital area are analyzed. Additional interventions can be planned if necessary.

we can respond as follows.

Since Laser Labiaplasty is an aesthetic procedure performed with modern technology, it can provide less discomfort and rapid recovery in the postoperative period. However, since every patient is different, it is important to have a detailed discussion with the specialist before the procedure. Our specialist doctor aims to achieve safe, comfortable and effective results by offering a personalized treatment plan to his patients.

Laser Labiaplasty Surgery

Laser Labiaplasty is a modern surgical procedure that offers a more painless approach compared to traditional surgical methods. It uses specialized laser technology (Mona Lisa Touch Laser) to make targeted corrections to the labia minora. Laser Labiaplasty is known for minimal suture scars, faster recovery times and less pain.

Laser Labiaplasty Prices

In order to get detailed information about Laser Labiaplasty Prices, it is necessary to be examined by a specialist physician. Since the problems and treatment plan of each patient are different, it is not correct to pronounce a clear price.

Although Laser Labiaplasty Prices in 2024 vary depending on many factors, these factors include;

  • Genetic characteristics and age of the person to be treated,
  • Discomfort in the patient's vaginal area,
  • Laser Labiaplasty technique to be applied to the person,
  • The experience of the clinic and the physician who will perform the application,

can be shown.

Call Us Now to have detailed information about the procedures to be performed within the scope of the Laser Labiaplasty procedure, to be examined by our specialist physician in the field of Genital Aesthetics and to create a treatment plan tailored to you...

Laser Labiaplasty Ankara

Nowadays, women are eager to treat any kind of discomfort in their genital areas for different reasons in order to stay physically healthy and feel psychologically comfortable. Finding the clinic and specialist physician with the best conditions in this regard is very important for one's health and life.

Laser Labiaplasty is one of the most important techniques for women to achieve the aesthetic and perfect genital area structure they dream of. With our physician who successfully performs this treatment in Ankara, women can quickly get rid of the aesthetic problems they are exposed to for different reasons and have the genital area appearance they dream of.

Contact us using our communication channels to have the genital area structure of your dreams with a comfortable, safe and painless treatment process...

Dr.Meltem Erkmen


Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Number of Operations

Single Session
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Operation Duration

90 to 120 Minutes
Dr.Meltem Erkmen


Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Sensitivity Process

3 to 5 Days
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Return to Work Period

3 to 7 Days
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Full Recovery

1 to 2 Months
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Length of Stay in Hospital

Same Day Release

Laser Labiaplasty Reviews ?

Laser Labiaplasty Reviews cover issues such as the process before & after surgery, pain level, healing process and aesthetic results obtained. Laser Labioplasty applications performed by a specialist physician reveal positive results.

How many sessions is Laser Labioplasty performed?

Laser Labioplasty is a treatment method in which the desired results are obtained in a single session.

How long does Laser Labiaplasty take?

Laser Labiaplasty application is completed within 1 to 2 hours on average.

When is full recovery seen after Laser Labiaplasty?

The recovery period after Laser Labiaplasty is stated as 4 to 6 weeks. This period varies from person to person.

Those who had Laser Labiaplasty?

Aesthetic Concerns, Functional Discomfort, Asymmetry Problem, Congenital Problems can be mentioned among the problems seen in Women Having Laser Labioplasty.

Is Laser Labiaplasty painful?

No... Since Laser Labiaplasty treatment is performed under local anaesthesia, the patient does not feel any pain or ache during the procedure.

Dr.Meltem Erkmen