Where Aesthetics and Health MeetVaginoplasty... Birth, which is one of the important milestones in women's lives, can cause loosening and deformation in vaginal tissues over time. This situation may bring not only aesthetic concerns but also a series of health problems that affect women's daily lives.

In Ankara, the expert staff led by Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN addresses women's concerns on this issue in confidentiality and trust, bringing together aesthetics and function with modern surgical solutions such as Vaginoplasty. Continue reading our article carefully to learn more about this special subject that touches your life and to rediscover yourself.

Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to aesthetically and functionally correct the vaginal area. This procedure aims to correct vaginal sagging and enlargement due to postpartum loosening, aging or genetic factors.

Vaginoplasty applications are among the most preferred cases;

  • Postpartum Effects: It is preferred to correct postpartum loosening and sagging problems.
  • Genetic Factors : It can be performed to treat vaginal deformations caused by genetic reasons.
  • Aging : It can be applied in cases of vaginal sagging and enlargement due to aging.

can be shown.

Vaginoplasty Surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia. Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN performs this procedure in privacy and security with her expertise. The operation involves the reorganization of the muscles and tissues in the vagina. By using Laser Therapy techniques, the shape and color defects in the vaginal area are eliminated.

Vaginoplasty Surgery Duration may vary depending on the patient's condition and needs. This treatment is completed between 1 and 3 hours on average. The recovery period after vaginoplasty, which is a safe treatment if performed by a specialist physician under sterile clinical conditions, varies from person to person. The person can return to normal activities within a few weeks. Following the physician's recommendations positively affects the healing process.

Pain after vaginoplasty surgery is mild and moderate (manageable). It can be controlled with medications prescribed by the doctor. The aesthetic structure in the genital area obtained with this treatment, the results of which are permanent, may loosen again after birth or due to aging.

Vaginoplasty Surgery Prices may vary depending on the scope of the procedure, the techniques used and the location of the clinic. You can have Vaginoplasty Surgery safely and at affordable prices in Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN's clinic in Ankara. You can contact us through our communication channels to get information about Treatment Prices and to get a Special Price Offer for you...

Advantages of having Vaginoplasty Surgery under the supervision of Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN;

  • Expertise: Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN is a specialist in Gynecology and Genital Aesthetics. In this way, you can have the opportunity to be treated with great confidence and comfort.
  • Sterile Environment : Our clinic, which serves in sterile conditions in Ankara, has been prepared with an understanding that always prioritizes patient health.
  • Confidentiality : The treatment process is carried out in confidentiality by prioritizing the privacy of the patients.
  • Success : The team led by Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN is known for its successful applications.

can be summarized as.

Vaginoplasty stands out as a solution that improves the quality of life of women in terms of aesthetics and function. Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN is always happy to be with you to meet your needs in this field with her experienced team.

Call us now to get detailed information about vaginoplasty and to make a pre-examination appointment to have Vaginoplasty Surgery in Ankara..


What is Vaginoplasty 

Vaginoplasty : Solution in Women's Health and Genital Aesthetics... Today, women are becoming more conscious about genital aesthetics and functional improvements and resort to various surgical interventions. With Ankara Vaginoplasty Surgery performed by Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN under sterile clinical conditions, successful solutions are offered for the issues that women are uncomfortable and need.

Treatment Description : Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to correct aesthetic and functional problems in the vaginal area. This treatment involves tightening and reshaping the vaginal tissues. It is a safe, comfortable and effective application if performed by specialist physicians in a sterile environment.

In Which Situations Vaginoplasty is Applied

Today, Vaginoplasty Surgery has become one of the most demanded treatment methods within the scope of Genital Aesthetic applications. Common problems of women who prefer this application;

  1. Postpartum Effects : Childbirth can cause loosening and sagging in the vaginal area. Vaginoplasty is preferred to correct postpartum effects.
  2. Genetic Factors Vaginoplasty can be applied in cases of vaginal deformations or enlargement caused by genetic reasons.
  3. Effects of Aging : Vaginal sagging and enlargement problems due to aging can be corrected with Vaginoplasty.

can be stated as.

Who Can Have Vaginoplasty

Vaginoplasty Surgery is a safe and comfortable application that can be requested by every woman who has aesthetic and functional problems in the genital area for different reasons. However, the treatment is among the most demanded women;

  • Women After Giving Birth : Women who experience vaginal loosening after childbirth can regain vaginal tightness with Vaginoplasty.
  • Those with Genetic Deformities: Those who experience deformities in the vaginal area due to genetic factors can provide correction with Vaginoplasty.
  • Aging Related Problems: Women who have vaginal sagging and enlargement problems due to aging may consider Vaginoplasty Surgery.

can be shown.

Vaginoplasty Symptoms

One of the most common questions we receive from patients who come to our clinic for examination is "How Can I Understand That I Need Vaginoplasty?". Functional problems in your vaginal area or conditions that cause aesthetic concerns in you can be easily eliminated with Vaginoplasty Surgery.

Among the symptoms that make it necessary to have vaginoplasty procedures;

  1. Vaginal Loosening : A feeling of loosening in the vaginal tissues may cause Vaginoplasty to be considered.
  2. Sagging Sensation : Sagging and deformity symptoms felt in the vaginal area may indicate the need for Vaginoplasty.
  3. Sexual Satisfaction Problems : Women who experience a decrease in sexual satisfaction due to childbirth or aging may consider Vaginoplasty surgery.
  4. Aesthetic Concerns : Aesthetic concerns in the vaginal area may be effective in the demand for Vaginoplasty.

can be shown.

Vaginoplasty can be an effective solution for women who experience these symptoms and want to improve their quality of life. However, it is important to consult with a specialist doctor before making this decision. You can contact us using our communication channels to get immediate support in this regard and to consult our specialist physician about the questions you have in mind...

Vaginoplasty Surgery

Vaginoplasty Surgery An Aesthetic and Functional Transformation... Vaginoplasty Surgery, which is performed to address the aesthetic and functional concerns of women in the vaginal area, aims to tighten and reshape the vagina with modern surgical techniques. The expert team led by Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN helps women regain their self-confidence by performing this special surgery in sterile clinical conditions in Ankara.

What is Vaginoplasty Surgery

Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to correct aesthetic and functional problems of the vaginal area. By addressing conditions such as postpartum loosening, deformities due to genetic factors or aging effects, the vagina is tightened and reshaped.

How Vaginoplasty Surgery is Performed

Vaginoplasty Surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia. During the operation, surgical techniques are applied to tighten and, if necessary, reshape the vaginal tissues. Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN ensures that the treatment is successful and safe. It is completed in great comfort and confidence in expert hands.

Vaginoplasty Surgery is planned individually, taking into account the problems and needs of the patient. The treatment aims to eliminate all functional and aesthetic problems in the vaginal area. All kinds of deformations that may occur in the genital area are quickly eliminated with this treatment.

How Many Hours Does Vaginoplasty Surgery Take

Vaginoplasty Surgery Duration varies according to the patient's condition. This treatment is completed in an average of 1 to 3 hours. Our specialist doctor and his experienced team work with great care to maximize the comfort and safety of the patient during the operation.

Vaginoplasty Recovery Process

The patient's full recovery process after Vaginoplasty Surgery may vary from individual to individual. It is possible to return to normal activities within the first few weeks. Following the doctor's recommendations can accelerate the healing process. Detailed information on this subject is given in detail by our specialist physician after the operation.

When do vaginoplasty stitches fall out?

The stitches used during vaginoplasty surgery have a special form that can be absorbed by the body. In this way, there is no situation such as taking stitches after the operation. These stitches dissolve and disappear spontaneously within 1 to 2 weeks.

Vaginoplasty Surgery Prices

The cost of vaginoplasty surgery may vary depending on the scope of treatment, the techniques used and the location of the clinic. The affordable prices offered in Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN's clinic show that quality service is a goal accessible to everyone. Call us now to get detailed information about prices...


Advantages of Vaginoplasty

Vaginoplasty is a very important genital aesthetic application that offers many advantages to women. With this operation, women gain many physical and psychological advantages. Benefits of Vaginoplasty Surgery;

  1. Increased Self-Confidence : Vaginoplasty increases women's self-confidence with vaginal tightening and aesthetic corrections.
  2. Improvement in Sexual Satisfaction : The treatment provides an increase in sexual satisfaction by tightening the vagina.
  3. Aesthetic Improvement : Vaginoplasty offers a more aesthetic appearance by correcting aesthetic problems in the vaginal area.
  4. Postpartum Relief: It helps women to relax by correcting vaginal relaxation problems experienced after childbirth.
  5. Functional Improvement : Vaginoplasty improves vaginal function and increases the comfort of women in their daily lives.
  6. Correction of Genetic Deformities: Vaginal deformities that occur due to genetic factors are corrected with Vaginoplasty.

can be summarized as.

After Vaginoplasty 

The Post Vaginoplasty Process involves a delicate recovery period and involves several important issues that patients need to manage carefullyAmong the Things to Consider After Vaginoplasty;

  • Following the Doctor's Instructions: In the post-treatment period, the instructions given by the doctor should be strictly followed.
  • Rest and Activity Control : It is important to rest and avoid intense activity during the recovery process.
  • Suture Care : Keeping the suture site clean and dry can reduce the risk of infection.
  • Recovery Follow-up : Follow-up appointments determined by your physician should be attended regularly.
  • Sexual Activities : Sexual intercourse should be avoided for the specified period without the doctor's approval.
  • Swimming and Sauna : Swimming in the pool and sauna should be avoided for a certain period of time after surgery.
  • Good Nutrition and Hydration : A good diet and adequate fluid intake can support the healing process.
  • Pain and Complaints : In case of postoperative pain, swelling or any complaints, you should contact your doctor immediately.

can be specified.

The post-vaginoplasty period requires patients to undergo a careful recovery process. Following the specialist doctor's recommendations and seeking professional help immediately in case of any symptoms can support a successful recovery. We want you to know that we are with you every moment after treatment.

Symptoms of Infection after Vaginoplasty

To reduce the risk of infection after vaginoplasty, hygiene rules must be strictly followed. Despite this, symptoms of infection may sometimes occur. These symptoms may include excessive redness, swelling, foul odor or abnormal discharge. If these symptoms occur, it is important to consult a specialist immediately.

Sexual intercourse after vaginoplasty

Returning to sexual intercourse after vaginoplasty surgery is subject to a period of time recommended by the doctor. Observing this period can help the tissues to heal fully and the body to adapt to the postoperative changes.

Bleeding during intercourse after vaginoplasty

During the healing process after vaginoplasty, slight bleeding may occur during sexual intercourse. However, severe bleeding is a cause for concern and a doctor should be consulted immediately. Prolonged bleeding may indicate that stitches or tissues may be affected.

Pain After Vaginoplasty

After Vaginoplasty Surgery Pain is felt in the first few days. Painkillers prescribed by the doctor and rest can help control this pain. However, a specialist should be consulted in case of a significant increase in pain or persistent severe pain.

Bleeding After Vaginoplasty

A slight bleeding after vaginoplasty surgery is normal. However, this should decrease within a few days. If bleeding continues or increases, you should consult a doctor immediately. This may indicate slippage of the stitches or infection.

First intercourse after vaginoplasty

The first sexual intercourse after vaginoplasty should be performed after the period determined by the doctor. This period may vary depending on the healing process of the vagina. Following the doctor's recommendations can help prevent any complications.

Vaginoplasty Prices

In order to get detailed information about Vaginoplasty Surgery Prices, it is necessary to be examined by a specialist physician. Since the problems and treatment plan of each patient are different, it is not correct to pronounce a clear price.

Vaginoplasty Prices 2024 also vary depending on many factors, but these factors include;

  • Genetic characteristics and age of the person to be treated,
  • Deformations in the patient's genital area,
  • The extent of problems in the vaginal area,
  • Vaginoplasty Surgery method to be applied to the person,
  • The experience of the clinic and the physician who will perform the application,

can be shown.

Call Us Now to have detailed information about the procedures to be performed within the scope of the Vaginoplasty procedure, to be examined by our specialist physician in the field of Genital Aesthetics and to create a treatment plan tailored to you...

Ankara Vaginoplasty

Nowadays, women are eager to treat any kind of discomfort in their genital areas for different reasons in order to stay physically healthy and feel psychologically comfortable. Finding the clinic and specialist physician with the best conditions in this regard is very important for one's health and life.

Vaginoplasty is one of the most important techniques for women to achieve the aesthetic appearance of the genital area they desire. With Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN, the physician who successfully applies this treatment in Ankara, women can quickly get rid of the aesthetic and functional problems they are exposed to for different reasons and have the genital area structure they dream of.

Contact us using our communication channels to have the vaginal area structure you desire with a comfortable, safe and painless treatment process...In Which Situations Vaginoplasty is Applied

Today, Vaginoplasty Surgery has become one of the most demanded treatment methods within the scope of Genital Aesthetic applications. Common problems of women who prefer this application;

  1. Postpartum Effects : Childbirth can cause loosening and sagging in the vaginal area. Vaginoplasty is preferred to correct postpartum effects.
  2. Genetic Factors Vaginoplasty can be applied in cases of vaginal deformations or enlargement caused by genetic reasons.
  3. Effects of Aging : Vaginal sagging and enlargement problems due to aging can be corrected with Vaginoplasty.

can be stated as.

Who Can Have Vaginoplasty

Vaginoplasty Surgery is a safe and comfortable application that can be requested by every woman who has aesthetic and functional problems in the genital area for different reasons. However, the treatment is among the most demanded women;

  • Women After Giving Birth : Women who experience vaginal loosening after childbirth can regain vaginal tightness with Vaginoplasty.
  • Those with Genetic Deformities: Those who experience deformities in the vaginal area due to genetic factors can provide correction with Vaginoplasty.
  • Aging Related Problems: Women who have vaginal sagging and enlargement problems due to aging may consider Vaginoplasty Surgery.

can be shown.

Vaginoplasty Symptoms

One of the most common questions we receive from patients who come to our clinic for examination is "How Can I Understand That I Need Vaginoplasty?". Functional problems in your vaginal area or conditions that cause aesthetic concerns in you can be easily eliminated with Vaginoplasty Surgery.

Among the symptoms that make it necessary to have vaginoplasty procedures;

  1. Vaginal Loosening : A feeling of loosening in the vaginal tissues may cause Vaginoplasty to be considered.
  2. Sagging Sensation : Sagging and deformity symptoms felt in the vaginal area may indicate the need for Vaginoplasty.
  3. Sexual Satisfaction Problems : Women who experience a decrease in sexual satisfaction due to childbirth or aging may consider Vaginoplasty surgery.
  4. Aesthetic Concerns : Aesthetic concerns in the vaginal area may be effective in the demand for Vaginoplasty.

can be shown.

Vaginoplasty can be an effective solution for women who experience these symptoms and want to improve their quality of life. However, it is important to consult with a specialist doctor before making this decision. You can contact us using our communication channels to get immediate support in this regard and to consult our specialist physician about the questions you have in mind...

Vaginoplasty Surgery

Vaginoplasty Surgery An Aesthetic and Functional Transformation... Vaginoplasty Surgery, which is performed to address the aesthetic and functional concerns of women in the vaginal area, aims to tighten and reshape the vagina with modern surgical techniques. The expert team led by Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN helps women regain their self-confidence by performing this special surgery in sterile clinical conditions in Ankara.

What is Vaginoplasty Surgery

Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to correct aesthetic and functional problems of the vaginal area. By addressing conditions such as postpartum loosening, deformities due to genetic factors or aging effects, the vagina is tightened and reshaped.

How Vaginoplasty Surgery is Performed

Vaginoplasty Surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia. During the operation, surgical techniques are applied to tighten and, if necessary, reshape the vaginal tissues. Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN ensures that the treatment is successful and safe. It is completed in great comfort and confidence in expert hands.

Vaginoplasty Surgery is planned individually, taking into account the problems and needs of the patient. The treatment aims to eliminate all functional and aesthetic problems in the vaginal area. All kinds of deformations that may occur in the genital area are quickly eliminated with this treatment.

How Many Hours Does Vaginoplasty Surgery Take

Vaginoplasty Surgery Duration varies according to the patient's condition. This treatment is completed in an average of 1 to 3 hours. Our specialist doctor and his experienced team work with great care to maximize the comfort and safety of the patient during the operation.

Vaginoplasty Recovery Process

The patient's full recovery process after Vaginoplasty Surgery may vary from individual to individual. It is possible to return to normal activities within the first few weeks. Following the doctor's recommendations can accelerate the healing process. Detailed information on this subject is given in detail by our specialist physician after the operation.

When do vaginoplasty stitches fall out?

The stitches used during vaginoplasty surgery have a special form that can be absorbed by the body. In this way, there is no situation such as taking stitches after the operation. These stitches dissolve and disappear spontaneously within 1 to 2 weeks.

Vaginoplasty Surgery Prices

The cost of vaginoplasty surgery may vary depending on the scope of treatment, the techniques used and the location of the clinic. The affordable prices offered in Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN's clinic show that quality service is a goal accessible to everyone. Call us now to get detailed information about prices...


Advantages of Vaginoplasty

Vaginoplasty is a very important genital aesthetic application that offers many advantages to women. With this operation, women gain many physical and psychological advantages. Benefits of Vaginoplasty Surgery;

  1. Increased Self-Confidence : Vaginoplasty increases women's self-confidence with vaginal tightening and aesthetic corrections.
  2. Improvement in Sexual Satisfaction : The treatment provides an increase in sexual satisfaction by tightening the vagina.
  3. Aesthetic Improvement : Vaginoplasty offers a more aesthetic appearance by correcting aesthetic problems in the vaginal area.
  4. Postpartum Relief: It helps women to relax by correcting vaginal relaxation problems experienced after childbirth.
  5. Functional Improvement : Vaginoplasty improves vaginal function and increases the comfort of women in their daily lives.
  6. Correction of Genetic Deformities: Vaginal deformities that occur due to genetic factors are corrected with Vaginoplasty.

can be summarized as.

After Vaginoplasty 

The Post Vaginoplasty Process involves a delicate recovery period and involves several important issues that patients need to manage carefullyAmong the Things to Consider After Vaginoplasty;

  • Following the Doctor's Instructions: In the post-treatment period, the instructions given by the doctor should be strictly followed.
  • Rest and Activity Control : It is important to rest and avoid intense activity during the recovery process.
  • Suture Care : Keeping the suture site clean and dry can reduce the risk of infection.
  • Recovery Follow-up : Follow-up appointments determined by your physician should be attended regularly.
  • Sexual Activities : Sexual intercourse should be avoided for the specified period without the doctor's approval.
  • Swimming and Sauna : Swimming in the pool and sauna should be avoided for a certain period of time after surgery.
  • Good Nutrition and Hydration : A good diet and adequate fluid intake can support the healing process.
  • Pain and Complaints : In case of postoperative pain, swelling or any complaints, you should contact your doctor immediately.

can be specified.

The post-vaginoplasty period requires patients to undergo a careful recovery process. Following the specialist doctor's recommendations and seeking professional help immediately in case of any symptoms can support a successful recovery. We want you to know that we are with you every moment after treatment.

Symptoms of Infection after Vaginoplasty

To reduce the risk of infection after vaginoplasty, hygiene rules must be strictly followed. Despite this, symptoms of infection may sometimes occur. These symptoms may include excessive redness, swelling, foul odor or abnormal discharge. If these symptoms occur, it is important to consult a specialist immediately.

Sexual intercourse after vaginoplasty

Returning to sexual intercourse after vaginoplasty surgery is subject to a period of time recommended by the doctor. Observing this period can help the tissues to heal fully and the body to adapt to the postoperative changes.

Bleeding during intercourse after vaginoplasty

During the healing process after vaginoplasty, slight bleeding may occur during sexual intercourse. However, severe bleeding is a cause for concern and a doctor should be consulted immediately. Prolonged bleeding may indicate that stitches or tissues may be affected.

Pain After Vaginoplasty

After Vaginoplasty Surgery Pain is felt in the first few days. Painkillers prescribed by the doctor and rest can help control this pain. However, a specialist should be consulted in case of a significant increase in pain or persistent severe pain.

Bleeding After Vaginoplasty

A slight bleeding after vaginoplasty surgery is normal. However, this should decrease within a few days. If bleeding continues or increases, you should consult a doctor immediately. This may indicate slippage of the stitches or infection.

First intercourse after vaginoplasty

The first sexual intercourse after vaginoplasty should be performed after the period determined by the doctor. This period may vary depending on the healing process of the vagina. Following the doctor's recommendations can help prevent any complications.

Vaginoplasty Prices

In order to get detailed information about Vaginoplasty Surgery Prices, it is necessary to be examined by a specialist physician. Since the problems and treatment plan of each patient are different, it is not correct to pronounce a clear price.

Vaginoplasty Prices 2024 also vary depending on many factors, but these factors include;

  • Genetic characteristics and age of the person to be treated,
  • Deformations in the patient's genital area,
  • The extent of problems in the vaginal area,
  • Vaginoplasty Surgery method to be applied to the person,
  • The experience of the clinic and the physician who will perform the application,

can be shown.

Call Us Now to have detailed information about the procedures to be performed within the scope of the Vaginoplasty procedure, to be examined by our specialist physician in the field of Genital Aesthetics and to create a treatment plan tailored to you...

Ankara Vaginoplasty

Nowadays, women are eager to treat any kind of discomfort in their genital areas for different reasons in order to stay physically healthy and feel psychologically comfortable. Finding the clinic and specialist physician with the best conditions in this regard is very important for one's health and life.

Vaginoplasty is one of the most important techniques for women to achieve the aesthetic appearance of the genital area they desire. With Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN, the physician who successfully applies this treatment in Ankara, women can quickly get rid of the aesthetic and functional problems they are exposed to for different reasons and have the genital area structure they dream of.

Contact us using our communication channels to have the vaginal area structure you desire with a comfortable, safe and painless treatment process...

Dr.Meltem Erkmen


Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Number of Operations

Single Session
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Operation Duration

2 to 3 Hours
Dr.Meltem Erkmen


Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Sensitivity Process

5 to 7 Days
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Return to Work Period

2 to 3 days
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Full Recovery

1 to 2 Weeks
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Length of Stay in Hospital

1 Day Hospitalization

What is Vaginoplasty?

Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure to correct aesthetic and functional problems of the vaginal area.

How is vaginoplasty performed?

Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure performed under local or general anesthesia, aiming to tighten and shape the vagina.

What is the Vaginoplasty Price?

Vaginoplasty prices vary depending on the location of the clinic, the techniques used and the scope. You can get the clearest information about this issue by using our communication channels.

What is Laser Vaginoplasty?

Laser Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure that uses laser technology to tighten vaginal tissues.

In which cases is vaginoplasty performed?

Conditions such as postpartum loosening, deformities due to genetic factors or the effects of aging are common reasons for Vaginoplasty Surgery.

How Many Days Does Vaginoplasty Heal?

Vaginoplasty Recovery Process varies from person to person. It is possible to return to normal activities within a few weeks after treatment.

Does the State Cover Vaginoplasty?

Vaginoplasty Surgery is not covered by the state. This application is considered within the scope of Aesthetic Surgery.

What should be considered after vaginoplasty?

During the recovery period after vaginoplasty, it is important to follow the doctor's recommendations, pay attention to hygiene rules and avoid excessive activities.

Sexual intercourse after vaginoplasty surgery?

The process of returning to sexual intercourse after vaginoplasty surgery may be after a period of time determined by the doctor. The doctor's recommendations should be followed.

How Long Does Vaginoplasty Take?

Vaginoplasty Surgery Duration is stated as 1 to 3 hours on average.

When does vaginoplasty heal?

The recovery period after vaginoplasty varies from patient to patient. However, a significant improvement can be seen within a few weeks.

How much is vaginoplasty?

Vaginoplasty prices vary depending on the location of the clinic, the techniques used and the scope. You can get the clearest information about this issue by using our communication channels.

Inability to have intercourse after vaginoplasty?

The process of returning to sexual intercourse after vaginoplasty should be carried out within the period recommended by the doctor. Otherwise, the healing process may be negatively affected.

How much is vaginoplasty?

Vaginoplasty prices vary depending on the location of the clinic, the techniques used and the scope. You can get the clearest information about this issue by using our communication channels.

Dr.Meltem Erkmen