Hymen Examination: Health and Confidentiality in Safe Hands... Women's health is a sensitive topic and comes together with many emotions and concerns. Among these private and personal issues, Hymen Examination has an important place in terms of health, privacy and security. There is a name in Ankara that makes women feel safe on this journey; Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN.

Hymen Examination is a procedure performed to evaluate the structure of the hymen and to determine whether there is any problem. Most of the women want this membrane, which has an important meaning in our society, to be intact before marriage. If this membrane has deteriorated for different reasons and this situation is detected by Hymen Examination, the Hymen Stitching procedure to be performed by a specialist eliminates the problem.

The Hymen Examination, which takes place in the experienced hands of our specialist doctor in the field of Gynecology and Genital Aesthetics, is primarily performed in a safe and sterile environment to ensure the comfort of the patient. During the examination, our doctor communicates with the patient to reduce tension and help them understand every step.

Although Hymen Examination is a very easy and painless procedure when performed in expert hands, it does not harmthe existing Hymen... Thanks to the professionalism and experience of our specialist physician, this examination is performed with minimal discomfort and with great confidence.

Hymen Examination is carried out within the framework of doctor-patient confidentiality principles. Examination records are kept completely confidential and are not shared with third parties. For Hymen Examination, a doctor specialized in Gynecology and Genital Aesthetics should be consulted. In Ankara, Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN is one of the doctors known for her expertise in this field.

Advantages of Hymen Examination under the supervision of a specialist inAnkara;

  • Experienced Hands: The expertise and experience of our doctor offers a reliable examination experience to his patients.
  • Privacy and Security: The patient's privacy is always prioritized during the examination. Records remain confidential and a safe environment is provided.
  • Personalized Approach: Each patient's condition is different. Our physician adopts an individual and personalized approach to his/her patients.

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Hymen Examination performed under the supervision of a specialist doctor in Ankara offers important advantages in terms of health, privacy and security. In order to successfully eliminate women's discomfort, this examination in expert hands provides a healthy future. Call us now to have a painless Hymen Examination in privacy and security...

Kızlık Zarı Muayenesi

What is Hymen Examination

Hymen Examination is an examination performed to check whether the hymen is intact, to understand the problems women experience during sexual intercourse, to evaluate the structure of the hymen and to determine whether there are any anatomical problems. This examination, which is carried out under the supervision of a specialist physician, is carried out under sterile clinical conditions and in competent hands, prioritizing the comfort and safety of the patient.

How to Perform Hymen Examination

Hymen Examination is performed under sterile conditions by specialists in the field of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Detailed Information on How the Hymen Examination is Performed Step by Step;

1-) Appointment and Preparation

  • Make an appointment for a hymen examination.
  • Care should be taken to clean the vaginal area in preparation for the examination.

2-) Doctor - Patient Communication

  • Before the examination begins, our doctor communicates with the patient, explains the process and answers the patient's questions.
  • Our doctor reduces your worries by explaining every step you may experience during the examination in advance.

3-) Privacy and Comfort

  • The patient's privacy is prioritized and the examination room is organized to ensure confidentiality.
  • The appropriate position is selected to ensure the patient's comfort.

4-) Vaginal Examination

  • Our doctor performs the vaginal examination using sterile gloves and instruments such as a vaginal speculum.
  • At this stage, the structure of the hymen, its elasticity and whether there are any problems are evaluated.

5-) Endoscopic Imaging (Optional)

  • If necessary, a more detailed examination can be performed using endoscopic devices.
  • This method helps our doctor to obtain more detailed information.

6-) Information After Examination

  • After the examination, our doctor will share the findings with the patient and, if necessary, provide information about treatment or further examinations.
  • The patient should not hesitate to ask questions about the examination results and recommended treatments.

7-) Confidentiality and Records

  • The information obtained is stored within the framework of doctor-patient confidentiality principles.
  • Records are created by keeping the patient's health information confidential.

8-) Treatment and Follow-up

  • Depending on the results of the examination, a treatment plan is determined if necessary.
  • It is important to regularly attend the follow-up appointments recommended by our doctor.

We can do it in the form.

If the Hymen Examination is performed under the supervision of a specialist doctor, it is possible to take great care of patient comfort and health. This process can be done at regular intervals or for specific needs as an important part of women's health. You can contact us using our communication channels to have a Hymen Examination...

Is Hymen Examination Performed Before Marriage? 

Yes... Hymen Examination Before Marriage is a common choice especially among women who do not have clear information about the condition of the hymen and have concerns about sexual intercourse. However, this examination is not limited to marriage. The woman has the right to have this examination at any time for her health and sense of comfort.

Does Hymen Examination Damage the Hymen 

No... Hymen Examination does not harm the hymen or genital area when performed by an experienced physician. Thanks to the expertise & attention of our doctor, there is minimal discomfort during the examination and no damage to the hymen. This examination is a safe procedure to support women's health.

Is Hymen Examination Recorded 

All information obtained during the Hymen Examination is kept within the framework of doctor & patient confidentiality principles. Since the records contain the patient's private information, they are kept confidential and not shared with third parties. In this way, the patient's privacy is protected. A safe environment is provided.

Is Hymen Examination Recorded 

No... Hymen Examination results are not recorded in the registry. Since this examination is a private and personal matter, records are kept confidential based on doctor-patient confidentiality. The patient's health information can only be shared with relevant health professionals and judicial authorities upon request.

Kızlık Zarı Muayenesi Fiyatı

Hymen Examination Price 

In order to get detailed information about Hymen Examination Prices, it is necessary to be examined by a specialist doctor. Since the demands and treatment plan of each patient are different, it is not correct to pronounce a clear price.

Although the Hymen Examination Price 2024 also varies depending on many factors, these factors include;

  • The genetic structure and age of the person to be treated,
  • Characteristics of the patient's vaginal area,
  • The scope of the Hymen Examination to be applied to the person,
  • The experience of the clinic and the physician who will perform the application,

can be shown.

Call Us Now to have detailed information about the procedures to be performed within the scope of the Hymen Examination procedure, to be examined by our specialist physician in the field of Genital Aesthetics and to create a treatment plan tailored to you...

In Which Hospitals Hymen Examination is Performed

Hymen Examination can be performed by Gynecologists in both public and private hospitals. Hymen Examinations performed under the control of our specialist physician in Ankara are provided under sterile clinical conditions and in expert hands, prioritizing the comfort and safety of the patient.

Is Hymen Examination Performed at the State Hospital? 

Hymen Examinations can be performed in gynecology departments in state hospitals. However, due to the density and limited resources in state hospitals, it can sometimes take time to make an appointment or wait for an examination. Examinations carried out in the experienced hands of our specialist doctor are carried out faster and with personalized planning.

Is Hymen Examination Performed in a Private Hospital 

Yes... Hymen Examinations can also be performed in private hospitals. Faster appointments can be made in private polyclinics. The examination process can be carried out in a more personalized way. Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN Gynecology and Obstetrics Center aims to provide patients with a safe and comfortable examination experience.

Is Hymen Examination Recorded in a Private Hospital 

Records of the Hymen Examination performed in a private hospital are kept within the framework of doctor-patient confidentiality principles. Since the records contain the patient's private information, they are kept confidential and not shared with third parties. Examinations performed by our specialist doctor provide a safe environment by protecting the patient's privacy.

How Much is Hymen Examination in a Private Hospital 

The cost of Hymen Examination in Private Hospitals varies according to the clinic and doctor's tariff. The examination fee may vary depending on whether you are covered by health insurance or not, the methods used and additional services. For detailed information about the examination fee and details, you can contact us using our communication channels...

Hymen Examination Ankara

Today, women may be under pressure about Hymen (Virginity) due to cultural pressure and community expectations. In order to prevent these situations and to start the process of becoming a family without any problems, Hymen Examination and Hymen Stitching applications are procedures that make a great contribution.

If you are in doubt about your Hymen, if you want to be examined and if necessary, if you want to have a sewing procedure, you can get support from Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN Gynecology & Obstetrics and Genital Aesthetics clinic, which is the first center that comes to mind when it comes to Ankara Hymen Sewing. Contact Us Now for Information and Appointment...

Dr.Meltem Erkmen


Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Number of Operations

Single Session
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Operation Duration

15 to 20 Minutes
Dr.Meltem Erkmen


Anesthetic Cream
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Sensitivity Process

1 to 3 Days
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Full Recovery

2 to 3 Days
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Length of Stay in Hospital

Same Day Release

How is Hymen Examination?

Hymen Examination is performed by the Gynaecologist by vaginal examination method. The doctor evaluates the structure of the hymen using sterile tools.

Is Hymen Examination Visible on E-Nabız?

No... Hymen Examination Results are not visible on E-Nabız or similar digital platforms. Such information is stored within the framework of doctor-patient confidentiality principles.

How is the Hymen Examination recorded?

Hymen Examination Results are recorded in accordance with the principles of doctor - patient confidentiality. Information is shared only with the patient's healthcare team. It is not shared with third parties.

What is required for Hymen Examination?

It is sufficient to make an appointment for Hymen Examination. It will be correct to pay attention to the cleaning of the vaginal area before the examination.

Which department to go to for Hymen Examination?

Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Gynaecology) department is visited for Hymen Examination.

How much is the Hymen Examination?

The fee of the Hymen Examination varies according to the clinic, the doctor's tariff and the methods used. It is important to contact us for detailed information about the fee.

How is the Doctor Hymen Examination Performed?

Gynaecologist performs vaginal examination using sterile gloves and tools such as vaginal speculum. In this process, the structure and condition of the hymen is evaluated.

Is Hymen Examination Performed During Menstruation?

It is not correct to perform Hymen Examination while menstruating. Examination outside the menstrual period may be more appropriate.

Does Every Gynaecologist Do Hymen Examination?

Every Gynaecologist can do Hymen Examination. However, doctors who specialise in this subject should be preferred.

Does Hymen Examination Damage the Hymen?

No... Hymen Examination does not damage the hymen when performed by expert hands. The experience and attention of the physician makes this process safe.

Which Doctor to Go to for Hymen Examination?

An Obstetrics and Gynecology specialist should be consulted for Hymen Examination.

How Much Does a Hymen Examination Cost?

Hymen Examination Fee varies according to the hospital, doctor and methods used. You can contact us immediately to get detailed information about the price...

Dr.Meltem Erkmen