Sexual Therapy : A Special Support that Relieves Discomfort... Sexual Therapy is a special support system that helps individuals cope with sexual health problems. Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN, who supports women who are in search of critical periods of their lives, continues to offer healing solutions to the deep emotional and sexual problems of many women in a sterile clinical environment in Ankara.

Sexual Therapy is a type of therapy that helps individuals find solutions to their sexual health problems. It addresses both physical and psychological factors and focuses on improving sexual health. It can help individuals overcome difficulties with sexual dysfunctions, relationship problems or other issues related to sexuality.

With Sexual Therapy sessions carried out under the control of an expert therapist;

  • Communication between couples is strengthened,
  • Sexual self-confidence is increased,
  • Sexual dysfunctions are treated,

and overcome sexual traumas & emotional problems.

Sexual Therapy is practiced by Sexual Therapists, Psychiatrists or Psychologists with expertise in the field of Gynecology. Our doctor offers important guidance in eliminating sexual dysfunctions of individuals with his experience in the field of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Genital Aesthetics.

Sexual Therapy can address many sexual health issues. It can provide support for many issues such as Relationship Problems, Vaginismus, Sexual Dysfunctions, Sexual Traumas. Sexual Therapy can take place in individual or couple sessions. The therapist creates a customized treatment plan according to the needs of the individual or couple. Talk Therapy, Behavior Therapy and various techniques can be used within the scope of Sexual Therapy.

The duration of sexual therapy may vary depending on the complexity of the individual or couple's problems. While some problems can be solved with short-term therapy, some situations may require a longer therapy process. The clearest information on this issue will be revealed as a result of the examination to be performed by the specialist physician.

Sexual Therapy Prices vary depending on therapist experience, frequency of sessions and duration of treatment. To get information about the prices of Sexual Therapy Services offered by our physician, you can contact us using our communication channels...

Sexual Therapy led by Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN takes place under the supervision of an expert team. It is supported by experience in the field of Gynecology and Genital Aesthetics. In this way, it contributes to the effective and safe management of the treatment process. In addition, the confidentiality and comfort of the patients are prioritized in the therapies that take place in the clinical environment.

Sexual Therapy is a tool to help individuals and couples improve their sexual health. Sexual Therapy Services offered by our doctor's expertise and appropriate clinical environment aim to provide specific solutions to the needs in this field. You can contact us immediately to get professional support in this regard...

What is Sexual Therapy

Sexual Therapy is a type of therapy that helps individuals find solutions to their sexual health problems. It focuses on improving sexual health by considering both physical and psychological factors. This therapy can treat sexual dysfunctions while strengthening communication between couples and increasing self-confidence.

What Does Sexual Therapy Do

Sexual Therapy offers an effective solution to various sexual health problems. Advantages of Sexual Therapy under the supervision of our doctor;

  • Sexual Therapy offers effective treatments for sexual dysfunctions.
  • Strengthens communication between couples by addressing relationship issues.
  • It positively affects the sexual lives of individuals by increasing sexual self-confidence.
  • It helps to overcome sexual traumas and emotional problems.
  • It guides individuals in establishing and maintaining healthy sexual relationships.
  • It strengthens emotional bonds and promotes bonding between partners.

as the most important factor in the development of the country's economy.

Sexual Therapy Ankara

Every woman or man may have some physical & psychological needs related to sexuality at a certain period of his/her life. All kinds of problems about sexuality, which is an integral part of life for women and men, can be resolved in great confidentiality and comfort with Sexual Therapy practices.

By accessing our article titled Ankara Sexual Therapy, women & couples who want to have Sexual Therapy in Ankara should click on the link in order to have information about everything they wonder about this process.

How to do sexual therapy

Sexual Therapy is a form of therapy that individuals or couples apply to get support for their sexual health problems for different reasons. This application is a successful and safe treatment that is carried out in a clinical environment under the control of expert therapists.

The procedure of sexual therapy in steps;

  1. Assessment Phase : The specialist conducts a detailed assessment of the person's sexual history, relationship dynamics, emotional state and sexual health issues. This phase helps the therapist to create a personalized treatment plan.
  2. Goal Setting : The therapist communicates with individuals or couples to understand their goals and expectations from the therapy process. This helps to identify areas of focus for the therapy.
  3. Education and Information : The specialist helps individuals to better understand their own sexual health by providing education on sexual health issues. This stage includes understanding healthy sexual function and finding solutions to potential problems.
  4. Communication Skills Development : The therapist helps individuals or couples to communicate with each other in a healthier way. Good communication is a key factor in finding solutions to sexual health problems.
  5. Exercises and Techniques : During the Sexual Therapy process, individuals are taught various exercises and techniques. This can help them to improve their sexual life and ensures that the therapy is implemented effectively.
  6. Home Assignments : The specialist may give individuals or couples specific tasks or exercises to do at home as part of the therapy. This can help them to carry the effects of the therapy into their daily lives.
  7. Follow-up and Evaluation : Throughout the sexual therapy process, the therapist regularly evaluates progress and updates the treatment plan if necessary. It is a process that is specifically adapted to the needs of individuals or couples.

can be expressed as.

Sexual Therapy Sessions are carried out with a procedure as mentioned above, and personalized treatment plans are applied. Call Us Now to quickly overcome the sexual dysfunctions you are exposed to and to have a healthier private life...

How Many Sessions of Sexual Therapy

The Sexual Therapy Process varies depending on the needs of the individual or couple and the complexity of the problems. This therapy starts with a few sessions. However, addressing deeper issues may take longer. It often continues as one session a week.

Sexual Therapy Techniques

Techniques used in Sexual Therapy may vary depending on the needs of the various therapists and the individual/couple. Among the techniques commonly used today;

  • Exercises to improve communication skills,
  • Emotional attachment studies,
  • Relaxation and focus techniques,
  • Sex Education and information sessions,

can be shown.

Vaginismus Treatment with Sexual Therapy

Sexual Therapy can offer an effective treatment option for sexual dysfunctions such as Vaginismus. The therapist can help the individual understand the emotional and physical factors associated with Vaginismus. Therapeutic Exercises and Sex Education play an important role in overcoming Vaginismus.

Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN supports individuals by offering personalized approaches to Vaginismus Treatment. You can click on for detailed information about vaginismus.

Sexual Therapy Exercises

Sexual Therapy Exercises are practical exercises performed under the guidance of a therapist. These exercises can help couples or individuals to improve their sex life.

  • Develop communication skills,
  • Strengthening emotional bonds,
  • Exercises such as relaxation techniques,

It is frequently used in the Sexual Therapy process. These practices focus on sexual health issues while also supporting relational and emotional healing.

Sexual Therapy Movements

Sexual Therapy Movements address the combination of the body and its emotional state. These therapist-guided movements aim to strengthen couples' bonds with each other, overcome emotional barriers and increase sexual harmony. These movements focus on physical contact and emotional bonding. It can help couples to develop a closer relationship with each other.

Sexual Therapy Training

Sexual Therapy Training is a specialization for individuals with a bachelor's or master's degree in Psychology, Psychiatry, Social Work or similar fields. This training is offered by Sexual Therapy institutions or universities.

Sexual Therapy Programs are designed to provide in-depth knowledge on sexual health issues, improve communication skills and teach sexual therapy techniques. The education process may also include internship and clinical practice. In this way, individuals can gain expertise by combining their theoretical knowledge with practical experience.

Sexual Therapy Specialist

A Sexual Therapist is a professional with competence training and experience in sexual health issues. They can be specialists in the field of gynecology, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers or sexual therapists.

Sexual Therapy Specialists use a variety of therapy techniques to help individuals or couples solve their sexual problems, improve their communication skills and help them build healthy sexual relationships. Sexual Therapy Specialists work in accordance with ethical standards and protect patient confidentiality and safety.

Certificate in Sexual Therapy

A Certificate in Sexual Therapy is a document awarded to professionals specializing in Sexual Therapy. These certificates represent a specific training program completed and a certification process successfully completed. The certification process includes an assessment of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and ethical issues.

The Certificate in Sexual Therapy allows individuals to update their professional development and knowledge in their area of specialization. This makes them more effective and reliable sexual therapists. Specialists like our doctor have special certificates and training in Sexual Therapy. This allows them to provide specialized and quality services to patients.

Sexual Therapy Prices

In order to get detailed information about Sexual Therapy Prices, it is necessary to be examined by a specialist physician. Since each patient's needs and treatment plan are different, it is not correct to pronounce a clear price.

Sexual Therapy Prices 2024 also vary depending on many factors, but among these factors;

  • The genetic makeup and age of the person to be treated,
  • Sexual problems experienced by the patient,
  • Number of sessions required during the recovery process,
  • Sexual Therapy techniques to be applied to the person,
  • The experience of the treating physician and the clinic,

can be shown.

Call Us Now to have detailed information about the procedures to be performed within the scope of the Sexual Therapy procedure, to be examined by our specialist physician in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology and to create a treatment plan tailored to you...

Sexual Therapy Center

Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN, the first physician who comes to mind when it comes to Ankara Sexual Therapy Center, is one of the leading sexual therapy service providers in the capital. With its expert team and modern approach, it aims to offer special solutions to the sexual health problems of individuals & couples. Our center, which acts with the principles of confidentiality, security and professionalism, offers a suitable environment to support and relax individuals during the sexual therapy process.

Doctor of Sexual Therapy

The expert team under the leadership of our physician, who stands out among Ankara Sexual Therapy Doctors, has been trained and certified to provide specific solutions to sexual health problems. Doctors who adopt a sensitive approach to individuals & couples manage the Sexual Therapy process in an effective and personalized way.

Sexual Therapy Session Fees

Sexual Therapy Session Fees may vary depending on the experience of the therapist, the duration of the session and the services offered. Fees may vary according to the Sexual Therapy Doctor and other services offered by the center. You can contact us using our communication channels to get clear information about session fees...

Dr.Meltem Erkmen


Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Number of Operations

2 to 3 Sessions
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Operation Duration

30 to 60 Minutes
Dr.Meltem Erkmen


Anesthetic Cream
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Sensitivity Process

Anesthetic Cream
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Full Recovery

1 to 2 Months
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Length of Stay in Hospital

Same Day Release

What is Sexual Therapy?

Sexual Therapy is a type of therapy that helps individuals find solutions to their sexual health problems.

What is Sexual Therapy Training?

Sexual Therapy Training refers to the special training specialists receive to specialize in sexual health issues.

Where to Get Sexual Therapy Training?

Sexual Therapy Training is offered at universities or private training institutions.

How does sexual therapy work?

Sexual Therapy is a process that includes Talk Therapy and Various Techniques under the guidance of a therapist.

What is sexual therapy and how is it done?

Sexual Therapy includes Specialized Therapy Techniques used to help individuals find solutions to their sexual health problems.

Which doctor to go to for sexual therapy?

Gynecologists & Obstetricians, Psychologists, Psychiatrists or Sexual Therapists are consulted for Sexual Therapy.

How to do Sexual Therapy Training?

Sexual Therapy is a process that includes Talk Therapy and Various Techniques under the guidance of a therapist.

How to Become a Sexual Therapist?

In order to become a Sexual Therapist, it is necessary to have competency training in gynecology, psychology, social work and similar fields.

Has anyone had sexual therapy?

Yes... Professionals specialized in Sexual Therapy can work in hospitals, clinics or private practice.

How does sexual therapy work?

Sexual Therapy includes Talk Therapy and Applied Techniques under the guidance of a therapist to find solutions to sexual health problems of individuals & couples.

Dr.Meltem Erkmen