Genital PRP : A Mysterious Rebirth... Women meet with a solution that opens the dark curtains of our age, especially in Genital Area Aesthetics and functional improvements. Genital PRP Treatment, which takes place under the leadership of Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN in a sterile clinical atmosphere in Ankara, makes you feel like you have stepped into a mystery.

This method, which restores women's sexual health with the magic touch of platelets, gives women the feeling of rebirth by addressing aesthetic & functional disorders in privacy and security. To discover the details and join this mysterious journey, you should take a look at the details of this unique treatment under the guidance of our specialist physician.

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is an enriched form of cells called platelets in the blood. Platelets have the ability to accelerate and regenerate the healing processes in the body. In genital PRP treatment, these properties are used to solve aesthetic and functional problems in the genital area.

Genital PRP is a treatment method applied especially to the female genital area. This application, performed by a specialist doctor in the field of Genital Aesthetics, aims to eliminate aesthetic and functional disorders in the genital area. Among the main functions of this treatment, which provides a series of benefits to improve women's sexual health;

  • Tissue Regeneration : Growth factors in PRP content support the regeneration and revitalization of tissues in the genital area.
  • Increasing Blood Circulation: The healing processes triggered by platelets contribute to the support of healthy functions in the genital area by increasing blood circulation.
  • Increasing Sexual Satisfaction: Genital PRP Treatment can help increase sexual satisfaction by positively affecting sexual health.

can be shown.

Genital PRP Treatment is performed in a simple way by a specialist physician. During the procedure, blood samples taken from the patient are passed through a special application and a platelet-rich plasma is obtained. This enriched plasma is then injected into the genital area. Although it varies from person to person, as a result of the sessions completed in a short period of approximately 20 to 30 minutes, women have the aesthetic genital area appearance they desire.

Genital PRP prices vary according to the application, clinic and treatment process. Since the needs of each individual may be different, it is not possible to give a clear price without examination. You can contact us using our communication channels to get detailed information and make an appointment...


Advantages of Genital PRP under the supervision of Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN;

  • Expertise: The expertise of the physician ensures that the treatment can be done reliably and effectively.
  • Confidentiality and Security: The treatment performed under clinical conditions is handled with great sensitivity regarding the confidentiality and safety of patients.
  • Personalized Approach : Our specialist doctor focuses on the individual needs of our patients by providing treatment with a personalized approach.

It can be summarized as.

Genital PRP Treatment, which is applied under the supervision of a specialist physician, offers solutions to aesthetic and functional disorders by prioritizing women's genital health. Contact Us Now for detailed information and appointment...

PRP Nedir


What is PRP 

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is an enriched form of platelet cells contained in the blood. Platelets contain growth factors that stimulate tissue repair by activating the body's natural healing mechanisms. PRP Treatment involves the use of this enriched plasma obtained from the patient's own blood for various medical purposes. This treatment method is applied to accelerate the healing of tissues and revitalize them.

What is Genital PRP 

Genital PRP is a treatment method in which this enriched plasma is applied especially to the female genital area. Genital PRP, which is performed under the supervision of a specialist in the field of Genital Aesthetics and Gynecology, aims to improve women's sexual health and eliminate aesthetic disorders. This application supports tissue regeneration in the genital area by using the regenerative properties of platelets.

What Does Genital PRP Do 

Genital PRP treatment can be used for various purposes to positively affect female sexual health. The main functions of this treatment include; Regeneration of Genital Tissues, Acceleration of Blood Circulation and Increasing Sexual Satisfaction. The growth factors contained in platelets promote cellular regeneration, providing rejuvenation and revitalization.

"What Does Genital PRP Do?" in detail to the question;

  • Increases pleasure during sexual intercourse.
  • Supports and accelerates the orgasm process.
  • Removes discoloration in the vaginal area.
  • Improves the thinning skin structure in the genital area.
  • Eliminates the problem of vaginal dryness.
  • Eliminates the problem of painful sexual intercourse.
  • Improves non-advanced urinary incontinence problems.
  • Prevents loss of sexual desire and dysfunction.
  • Increases the feeling of pleasure and performance during sexual intercourse.
  • Helps regulate hormone levels.

We can respond.

How Genital PRP is done 

Genital PRP is a safe, comfortable and effective application if performed by a specialist doctor under sterile clinical conditions. This treatment is carried out with a special procedure. The steps followed during the procedure under the supervision of Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN;

  • Blood Sample Collection: A small blood sample is taken from the patient. The blood is processed in a special centrifuge device.
  • Plasma Enrichment : The centrifugation process is used to obtain a plasma enriched with platelets. This enriched plasma is used to enhance the effects of the treatment.
  • Injection : The PRP material obtained is injected into the genital area under sterile conditions. Injection points are determined depending on the target of the treatment and the special techniques to be applied.
  • Post-Application Follow-up: The patient's condition is closely monitored after the application. The healing process is supported in accordance with the recommendations of the specialist physician.

It can be summarized as follows.

You can call us immediately to eliminate the aesthetic & functional problems you are exposed to for different reasons in your genital area and to have the young, bright and smooth vaginal structure you dream of with a painless treatment process...

Genital PRP in Young Women 

Genital PRP Treatment in young women stands out as an option to eliminate the problems experienced in aesthetic and sexual health issues. This treatment, which is performed under the supervision of a specialist physician, aims to increase the aesthetics of the genital area of young women and improve their sexual health. The regenerative effects of platelets can revitalize the tissues of the genital area, increase self-confidence and optimize sexual satisfaction.

Genital PRP during Menopause 

Genital disorders experienced with hormonal changes during menopause can be eliminated with Genital PRP Treatment. The doctor's experience addresses problems such as dryness, loss of elasticity and sexual dissatisfaction experienced by postmenopausal women. The growth factors contained in platelets can support the genital health of women in this period and increase relaxation and satisfaction.

Genital Whitening PRP 

Genital Area Whitening with PRP is a treatment option that offers a solution for aesthetic concerns. This treatment, which is applied by a specialist physician, aims to reduce color irregularities in the genital area and give the skin a younger, more vibrant appearance. The regenerative effects of PRP regulate the skin tone and increase women's self-confidence. This helps to eliminate aesthetic concerns.

Genital PRP

Genital PRP Duration and Permanence

Genital PRP application is completed in a short time and creates minimal discomfort for patients. Although the application time varies depending on the patient's age, skin structure and treatment area, it can be specified as 20 to 30 minutes on average.

The effects of the treatment are long-term and the permanence may vary from person to person. The positive appearance after genital PRP lasts for 8 to 12 months. The revitalization and rejuvenation effects provided by the procedure may continue for a long time depending on the general health status and lifestyle of the patient.

After Genital PRP 

There are important factors that patients should consider after genital PRP treatment. The issues that should be taken care of after this application are in items;


  1. Among the problems within the scope of Gynecology where genital PRP treatment is preferred;
  2. Sagging and Wrinkles in the Vaginal Area
  3. Sexual Arousal & Pleasure Problems
  4. Vaginal thinning due to menopause
  5. Clitoral Insensitivity and G-spot Problems
  6. Painful Sexual Intercourse & Dyspareunia
  7. Urinary Incontinence Disorders

can be shown.

Genital PRP Price 

In order to get information about Genital PRP Prices, it is necessary to be examined by a specialist physician. Since the problems and treatment plan of each patient are different, it is not correct to pronounce a clear price.

Genital PRP Price 2024 also varies depending on many factors, but these factors include;

  • Genetic characteristics and age of the person to be treated,
  • Problems in the patient's genital area,
  • Number of sessions required for the desired look,
  • Genital PRP techniques to be applied to the person,
  • The experience of the clinic and the physician who will perform the treatment,

can be shown.

Call Us Now to have detailed information about the procedures to be performed within the scope of genital PRP procedures, to be examined by our specialist physician in the field of Aesthetic Surgery and to create a treatment plan tailored to you...

Genital PRP Ankara

Nowadays, women are eager to treat any kind of discomfort in their genital areas for different reasons in order to stay physically healthy and feel psychologically comfortable. Finding the clinic and specialist physician with the best conditions in this regard is very important for one's health and life.

Genital PRP Treatment is applied in safe and sterile clinic conditions under the leadership of Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN in Ankara. Our physician, one of Ankara's leading doctors in this field, treats various ailments for women's genital health with her experience and experience.

Contact us using our communication channels to have the genital area structure of your dreams with a comfortable, safe and painless treatment process...

Dr.Meltem Erkmen


Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Number of Operations

2 to 3 Sessions
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Operation Duration

20 to 30 Minutes
Dr.Meltem Erkmen


Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Sensitivity Process

1 to 3 Days
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Persistence of Results

8 to 12 Months
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Length of Stay in Hospital

Same Day Release

Reviews of those who have Genital PRP?

The experiences of those who have Genital PRP Treatment may vary from individual to individual. However, treatments performed under the supervision of a specialist physician receive positive feedback.

Does Genital PRP hurt?

No... Even if there is a slight discomfort during Genital PRP application, it is not a painful procedure. The doctor's instructions and local anesthetics used before the application help to minimize this discomfort.

Is Genital PRP Permanent?

The effects of Genital PRP are long-term and may vary depending on the individual's lifestyle and general health status. This treatment, which is permanent for an average of 8 to 12 months, can be repeated at regular intervals to ensure continuity in the aesthetic results obtained.

Is Genital PRP done in the State Hospital?

No... Genital PRP is applied in private clinics and aesthetic surgery centers. Such special aesthetic applications are not performed in state hospitals.

Places that do Genital PRP?

Genital PRP is performed in private clinics under the supervision of specialist doctors in the field of Women's Health and Genital Aesthetics such as Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN.

Benefits of Genital PRP?

Genital PRP Treatment aims to eliminate aesthetic and functional disorders by promoting tissue regeneration in the genital area. Benefits of the procedure include skin rejuvenation, increased blood circulation and improved sexual health.

Dr.Meltem Erkmen