Vaginal Dryness Treatment : An Experience Full of Advantages Under Expert Supervision... At every stage of life, women's health is vital for them to feel happy and peaceful. However, factors such as hormonal changes that occur over time, birth control methods and stress can affect women's sexual health.

In this context, a sensitive issue such as Dry Vagina is no longer just a problem with the meticulous work of an expert team led by Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN and innovative solutions offered by modern medicine. Laser Vaginal Dryness Treatment performed in sterile clinical conditions in Ankara allows women to regain their self-confidence by increasing their quality of life.

Vaginal Dryness can be caused by factors such as Hormonal Changes, Menopause, Birth Control Methods, Stress and Some Medications. This condition can negatively affect women's sexual life and cause discomfort.

Laser Vaginal Dryness Treatment offered by our specialist doctor and his experienced team increases blood circulation and supports collagen production by applying targeted laser energy to vaginal tissues. This method prevents dryness by helping to strengthen the vaginal walls and increase their elasticity.

Laser Vaginal Dryness Treatment Prices may vary depending on the duration of the application, the technology used and clinical features. This service offered by Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN in sterile clinical conditions at affordable prices provides health and peace of mind to its patients together. You can contact us immediately to get detailed information about the treatment...

Advantages of Having Laser Vaginal Dryness Treatment under the Supervision of a Specialist Doctor in Ankara;

  1. Expertise : Our doctor's expertise in the field of Gynecology and Genital Aesthetics ensures that the treatment is applied in a reliable and effective manner.
  2. Sterile Environment : Our clinic in Ankara is equipped with modern technology in sterile conditions. This shows that great importance is attached to the health of patients.
  3. Confidentiality and Security : Our physician approaches his/her patients meticulously to ensure complete confidentiality and security.

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The Vaginal Dryness Treatment offered in Ankara under the leadership of our specialist doctor offers an ideal solution to improve the quality of life of women and to relieve their discomfort safely. This service, combined with the experience of our team and the modern infrastructure of our center, opens the doors of a healthy sexual life to patients. You can contact us using our communication channels to get rid of this problem that you are exposed to for different reasons...

What is Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal Dryness is a condition characterized by decreased moisture and lubrication in the vaginal tissues. This condition can be caused by factors such as Hormonal Changes, Menopause, Contraception, Stress and Certain Medications. Vaginal dryness causes discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse. This reduces the overall quality of life.

What Causes Dry Vagina

Vaginal Dryness is a very common sexual health problem that can occur under the influence of many factors. This condition can occur due to many different reasons such as hormonal changes, aging, various external factors.

Causes of Dry Vagina;

  • Hormonal Changes : The most common cause of Dry Vagina is hormonal changes. The decrease in estrogen levels during menopause reduces the activity of the glands that provide moisture and lubrication of the vaginal tissues. This can cause Vaginal Dryness and Painful Sexual Intercourse.
  • Birth Control Methods : Some hormonal birth control methods can cause vaginal dryness. Especially hormonal birth control pills can cause dryness problems by affecting the natural moisture of the vaginal mucosa.
  • Childbirth and Breastfeeding : Pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding can cause hormonal changes and lead to Vaginal Dryness. During these periods, it is common for vaginal tissues to dry out, especially due to fluctuations in estrogen levels.
  • Stress and Emotional Factors: Stress, anxiety and emotional problems can trigger Vaginal Dryness. Mental health can affect the body's hormonal balance and increase vaginal dryness problems.
  • Medications : Some medications, antihistamines, antidepressants and chemotherapy can cause Vaginal Dryness. These medications can affect the hormonal balance in the body and cause the vaginal tissues to dry out.
  • Smoking : Smoking can trigger Vaginal Dryness. Smoking can reduce the moisture of vaginal tissues by affecting the body's general circulatory system.
  • Antibiotic Use : Antibiotic use can cause dryness problems by disrupting the balance of healthy bacteria in the vagina. This can affect the vagina's ability to maintain its natural moisture.
  • Genetic Factors : Vaginal Dryness Tendency may be genetic in some women. If there are such problems in the family history, the individual may be more likely to have similar problems.

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Vaginal Dryness occurs as a result of the interaction of multiple factors. When individuals encounter this problem, they can create a personalized treatment plan and improve their quality of life by consulting a specialist doctor in the field of Gynecology.

How to Relieve Dryness in the Vagina

There are different techniques to eliminate vaginal dryness. These include Hormonal Treatments, Topical Moisturizers, Lubricating Gels and Laser Vaginal Dryness Treatment. The effectiveness of each may vary depending on the individual's condition and preferences.

Vaginal Dryness Treatment

Vaginal Dryness Treatment includes various methods according to the condition and preferences of the person. Hormonal treatments, vaginal lubricants, moisturizers and Laser Vaginal Dryness Treatment offer effective solutions to strengthen the vaginal walls and increase their elasticity. The treatment using a special laser device (Monalisa Touch Laser) gives very fast and successful results.

How to Treat Dry Vagina with Laser

Laser Vaginal Dryness Treatment is one of the innovative solutions of modern medicine. It is successfully applied in sterile clinical conditions under the control of a specialist physician in Ankara. While no anesthesia is required for the treatment, which is performed in sessions of 15 to 20 minutes on average, very successful results are obtained when 2 to 3 sessions are completed.

Laser Vaginal Dryness Treatment Procedure in items;

  1. Examination and Evaluation : The treatment process begins with a detailed examination and evaluation by a specialist physician. A personalized plan is created taking into account the patient's general health status, the severity of Vaginal Dryness and treatment expectations.
  2. Patient Information : The specialist provides the patient with detailed information about Laser Vaginal Dryness Treatment. At this stage, the patient is informed about how the treatment works, expected results, process and possible side effects.
  3. Preparation of the Treatment Area: Before the treatment, the vaginal area is cleaned and a sterile environment is provided. Necessary precautions are taken for the comfort of the patient.
  4. Laser Application : Laser Vaginal Dryness Treatment is performed using a controlled laser energy directed into the vagina. The Mona Lisa Touch Laser beam is applied to the vaginal tissues in a targeted manner, aiming to improve the healing and elasticity of the tissues.
  5. Collagen Stimulation : Laser application increases collagen production in the vaginal walls and provides tightening and rejuvenation of the tissues. In this way, the vaginal walls become more flexible and durable.
  6. A Fast and Painless Process: Laser Vaginal Dryness Treatment is a fast and painless process. Patients experience minimal discomfort during the application and can return to their normal daily activities immediately after treatment.
  7. Observation of Results : After the treatment, the patient's Vaginal Dryness symptoms are observed to decrease and improve. However, a treatment plan consisting of 2 to 3 sessions may be required for full effect.
  8. Follow-up and Support : After treatment, the specialist will arrange follow-up appointments to assess the patient's recovery and optimize the treatment if necessary. The patient may also be offered personal care recommendations and advice on sexual health.

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Laser Vaginal Dryness Treatment offers an effective solution to improve the quality of life of women by combining the experience of our specialist doctor and his experienced team with the advantages offered by technology. Call us now to be treated in a safe and competent clinic...

Solution for Dry Vagina

Effective Solutions for Vaginal Dryness include hormonal treatments, natural products such as vaginal moisturizers, lubricants, herbal oils and Laser Vaginal Dryness Treatment. The specialist doctor who evaluates the condition of the individual can help you determine the most appropriate solution.

Vagina Dryness Olive Oil

In order to find the best solution for dealing with vaginal dryness, it is very important for individuals to consult with a qualified doctor and create a personalized treatment plan. Olive oil is known as a natural moisturizer. In some cases, it can be used as a natural remedy for vaginal dryness. However, it is important for individuals to consult a specialist physician before using it. Because everyone's body structure is different and some products may not be suitable for everyone.

Vaginal Dryness Treatment Price

In order to get detailed information about Laser Vaginal Dryness Treatment Prices, it is necessary to be examined by a specialist physician. Since the problems and treatment plan of each patient are different, it is not correct to pronounce a clear price.

Laser Vaginal Dryness Treatment Prices 2024 also differ depending on many factors, but among these factors;

  • Genetic characteristics and age of the person to be treated,
  • The extent of the Vaginal Dryness problem suffered by the patient,
  • Laser Treatment method to be applied to the person,
  • The experience of the clinic and the physician who will perform the application,

can be shown.

Call Us Now to have detailed information about the procedures to be performed within the scope of the Laser Vaginal Dryness Treatment procedure, to be examined by our specialist physician in the field of Gynecology and to create a treatment plan tailored to you...

Ankara Vaginal Dryness Treatment

Our clinic in Ankara, under the supervision of Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN, serves as a reliable and expert center that offers effective & customized treatment options against Vaginal Dryness problems. Our sterile clinical conditions and experienced team utilizes its expertise in the field of Gynecology to the fullest by offering a special approach to the health of our patients.

Within the scope of Laser Vaginal Dryness Treatment, we aim to provide a healthy, comfortable and reliable solution to our patients with applications performed under the supervision of our specialist physician in Ankara. We adopt the principle of improving the quality of life of our patients by prioritizing confidentiality and safety standards in our treatments planned specifically for each patient.

Without wasting time, you can contact us using our communication channels and get rid of all the problems you are exposed to for different reasons, and discover the advantages of receiving Laser Vaginal Dryness Treatment with an approach that values your health problems.

Dr.Meltem Erkmen


Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Number of Operations

Single Session
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Operation Duration

15 to 20 Minutes
Dr.Meltem Erkmen


No Anesthesia
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Sensitivity Process

1 to 3 Days
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Full Recovery

1 to 2 Months
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Persistence of Results

2 to 3 Years
Dr.Meltem Erkmen

Length of Stay in Hospital

Same Day Release

What is good for Vaginal Dryness?

Methods that can be good for vaginal dryness include hormonal treatments, vaginal moisturisers, lubricants and Laser Vaginal Dryness Treatment.

Is Vaginal Dryness a sign of pregnancy?

Yes... Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause Vaginal Dryness. But this symptom is not the only indicator of pregnancy.

How to Treat Vaginal Dryness Naturally?

To Alleviate Vaginal Dryness Naturally; You can use water-based lubricants, drink plenty of water, adopt a balanced diet and avoid stress.

How to eliminate Vaginal Dryness in Menopause?

To eliminate Vaginal Dryness in Menopause; methods such as hormonal treatments, vaginal moisturisers and Laser Vaginal Dryness Treatment can be used.

Which doctor to go to for Vaginal Dryness?

It is recommended that you consult an Obstetrics and Gynecology specialist, ie a Gynaecologist for Vaginal Dryness.

Does Vaginal Dryness occur during pregnancy?

Yes... Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause Vaginal Dryness. But this symptom is not the only indicator of pregnancy.

Is Vaginal Dryness normal?

Vaginal Dryness can be caused by factors such as hormonal changes, stress or some medications. However, if it becomes a constant problem, it is important to consult a specialist physician.

Does Vaginal Dryness cause itching?

Yes... Vaginal Dryness can cause itching, burning and pain during sexual intercourse.

Which plant is good for Vaginal Dryness?

Although scientific support is limited, it is said that herbs such as lavender, rosemary and calendula can alleviate Vaginal Dryness for some women.

Herbal Solution to Vagina Dryness?

To alleviate Vaginal Dryness; Herbal products such as coconut oil, aloe vera gel or olive oil can be used. But it is important to consult a specialist doctor on this subject.

Dr.Meltem Erkmen