Genital Aesthetics: The Harmonious Dance of Beauty and Health... The female body is uniquely beautiful and complex. Over time and with the changes brought by life, there is a possibility that this enormous structure may lose its aesthetic & functional balance. Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN, the leading Gynecology and Genital Aesthetics Specialist in Ankara, offers a special service to women to ensure this balance.

Genital Aesthetics is not only about external beauty, but also offers solutions that strengthen women's health and self-confidence. In this article, you will discover the important touches created by the expert team under the leadership of our doctor in women's lives and understand that Genital Aesthetics is not only an aesthetic, but also a health and self-confidence-oriented adventure.

Genital Aesthetics is the general name of surgical and non-surgical applications that offer solutions to aesthetic and functional problems in the genital area of women. These applications include aesthetic adjustments and functional improvements together. Techniques such as Labiaplasty and Vaginoplasty are among the methods used in cases such as postpartum changes, anatomical problems, sexual dysfunctions as well as aesthetic concerns.

Genital Aesthetic Applications are performed in a sterile environment under local & general anesthesia. Depending on the type of application, surgical incisions or minimally invasive techniques may be used. Our physician and his experienced team adopt a customized approach for each patient.

Genital Aesthetic Application Time varies depending on the procedure performed and the techniques used. However, most Genital Aesthetic applications are completed within 1 to 2 hours. The healing process varies depending on the application and the general health status of the patient. The follow-up process under the guidance of our doctor is organized to maximize the comfort of the patient and to ensure a rapid recovery.

Since anesthesia is used during genital aesthetic procedures, patients do not feel pain. Minimal pain or discomfort may be felt during the healing process. However, this situation will pass in a short time. Although treatments give long-term or permanent results, the permanence of the results may vary with factors such as aging and childbirth. Following the care and follow-up guidelines recommended by the specialist contributes to the longevity of the results.

Genital Aesthetic Prices vary depending on the procedure, materials used and clinical standards. Op. Dr. You can contact us using our communication channels to get detailed information about the applications performed by Meltem ERKMEN in great confidentiality, security and comfort...

Advantages of Having Genital Aesthetic Applications Under the Supervision of a Specialist Doctor;

  • Experience of the Expert Team: Our doctor and his experienced team provide customized & effective treatment for each patient.
  • Sterile Clinic Environment: Applications performed in sterile clinical conditions in Ankara are carried out by prioritizing the health and safety of patients.
  • Confidentiality and Security : Applications in the field of Gynecology and Genital Aesthetics are carried out with great confidentiality and security.

can be expressed as.

Our physician and his team continue to offer healthy & satisfying results to their patients by adopting a professional approach to the aesthetic and functional needs of women. You can contact us immediately to get detailed information about Genital Aesthetic applications and to make an appointment...

Genital Estetik

Genital Aesthetics is the general name of surgical and non-surgical applications that offer solutions to aesthetic and functional problems in the genital area of women. Such applications cover aesthetic concerns as well as anatomical corrections and functional improvements.

Our doctor aims to increase women's self-confidence and quality of life with Genital Aesthetic Applications. Call Us Now to eliminate the problems you are exposed to in your genital area for different reasons with great confidence and comfort...

Why Genital Aesthetics is Performed

Genital Aesthetic applications are planned by specialist physicians to eliminate many problems that women are exposed to for different reasons. Today, the most common problems and Genital Aesthetic applications that eliminate these problems;

1-) Aesthetic Concerns

  • Labiaplasty : It is performed to correct the excesses seen in the inner and outer labia.
  • Vaginoplasty : It is preferred for tightening the vagina and providing anatomical order.

2-) Postpartum Changes

  • Vaginal Regeneration : It aims to correct the loosening of vaginal tissues after pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Hymenoplasty: It is performed to restore the anatomical integrity of the hymen after childbirth.

3-) Sexual Dysfunctions

  • Vaginismus Treatment : It aims to relieve sexual intercourse in women with vaginismus problem.
  • Improvement of Sexual Satisfaction: Genital aesthetic applications also contribute to increasing sexual satisfaction.

as the most important factor in the development of the country's economy.

Who Can Have Genital Aesthetics

Genital Aesthetics can be applied to women who have aesthetic or functional problems and seek relief in this regard. Women who experience dissatisfaction in the genital area due to postpartum changes, sexual dysfunctions, anatomical problems or general aesthetic concerns can benefit from Genital Aesthetic applications.

How to Perform Genital Aesthetics

Genital Aesthetic applications are safe, comfortable and effective treatment methods if performed under the control of specialist physicians under sterile clinical conditions. These procedures can be performed by following different procedures, taking into account the specific needs of the person and the techniques to be applied.

"How Are Genital Aesthetic Applications Performed?" in items to the question;

  1. Examination and Assessment: Our doctor and his team perform a detailed examination to understand the patient's specific needs.
  2. Personalized Planning : A plan specific to each patient is created and expectations and details of the surgery are shared.
  3. Anesthesia Application : The application is performed under local or general anesthesia.
  4. Labiaplasty and Vaginoplasty: With labiaplasty, excess tissue is removed and symmetry of the labia is achieved. With vaginoplasty, excess tissue is removed from the vaginal walls and tightening is achieved.
  5. Hymen Restoration: Surgical intervention is performed to restore the integrity of the hymen.
  6. Recovery and Follow-up : The patient's recovery process is regularly monitored under the guidance of our physician.
  7. Evaluation of Results : The results obtained after Genital Aesthetic applications are evaluated whether they meet the patient's expectations.
  8. Support and Counseling : After the operation, psychological support and counseling is provided to patients to ensure a full recovery process.

we can answer as follows.

Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN and her team meticulously follow these steps and complete Genital Aesthetic applications by adopting a special approach to each patient. It ensures that its patients have a healthy and satisfied experience. You can contact us using our communication channels to have the treatments you need successfully...

How Many Hours Does Genital Aesthetics Take

The duration of Genital Aesthetic Applications varies depending on the procedure to be performed and the techniques to be used. However, most Genital Aesthetic Surgeries are short-term interventions completed within 1 to 2 hours. Our doctor ensures that this process is managed effectively.

Genital Aesthetic Surgeries

Labiaplasty, Vaginoplasty and Hymenoplasty are the most frequently requested Genital Aesthetic Surgeries today. Labiaplasty corrects the shape of the inner and outer labia, while Vaginoplasty aims to tighten the vaginal tissues. Hymenoplasty aims to restore the anatomical integrity of the hymen. These surgeries are performed with a personalized approach, taking into account the needs and expectations of the patient.

Genital Aesthetic Surgeries are among the first applications that come to mind;

  • Labioplasty
  • Vaginoplasty
  • Hymen Suture
  • Clitoris Aesthetics
  • Orgasm Vaccine
  • G Spot Magnification
  • Perineal Aesthetics
  • Vagina Tightening
  • Vagina Whitening
  • Vagina Rejuvenation
  • Laser Vulva Whitening
  • Laser Vagina Tightening
  • Big Lip Fat Filler

can be specified.

Our specialist doctor and his professional team in the field of Genital Aesthetics and Gynecology carry out all the above-mentioned Genital Aesthetic Surgeries with precision and help women feel better about their health and aesthetics.


Labiaplasty is a procedure that involves aesthetic and functional adjustments to the lips (labia) in the genital area of women. This treatment, which is preferred due to aesthetic concerns, discomfort or hygiene problems, provides symmetry by regulating the shape and size of the lips. The operation is performed in accordance with a personalized plan according to the patient's specific needs with the expertise of our physician and his team. Labiaplasty offers aesthetic and functional improvements by positively affecting women's body image.

You can click on for detailed information about labiaplasty.


Vaginoplasty is a Genital Aesthetic application performed to tighten the tissues in the vagina and to provide anatomical order. It is preferred in cases of postpartum loosening, aging or decreased vaginal tightness due to genetic factors. Our doctor and his team customize the Vaginoplasty operation in accordance with the patient's specific situation. This procedure can also improve the quality of life of patients by providing solutions to sexual dysfunctions.

For detailed information about vaginoplasty, you can click on

Clitoris Aesthetics

Clitoris Aesthetics is a Genital Aesthetic procedure that aims to correct aesthetic concerns in the clitoris area. The clitoris plays an important role in the female sexual arousal process and aesthetic concerns can also be seen in this area. Clitoris Aesthetics provides aesthetic improvements by regulating the appearance of the clitoris head or clitoral valve tissue. This treatment, which is performed in a sterile clinical environment with the expertise of our physician, can positively affect the sexual health and self-confidence of patients.

For detailed information about Clitoris Aesthetics, you can click on link.

Hymen Suture

Hymen Restoration is an intervention that aims to restore the integrity of the hymen. Depending on cultural or individual preferences, this application may be preferred in case of Hymen Rupture or if it has lost its integrity due to anatomical changes. Our doctor and his team prioritize the patient's privacy and health in this sensitive issue and create a treatment plan suitable for personal needs. Hymen Restoration can positively affect the patient's self-confidence and psychological health.

You can access our article where you can get more information about Hymen Sewing by clicking the link

Perineal Aesthetics

Perineoplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to correct aesthetic concerns in the perineum, the area between the vagina and the anus. Deformities in this area may occur due to postpartum loosening or genetic factors. Perineoplasty tightens the perineum and provides aesthetic improvements with methods such as suturing and tissue transplantation. Our physician and his team apply Perineal Aesthetics with a personalized approach suitable for the special conditions of the patients.

You can access our article where you can get more information about Perineal Aesthetics by clicking the link

Vagina Whitening

Vaginal Whitening is an aesthetic application that aims to correct the color tone in the genital area. This procedure aims to correct the changes in the color tone of the vaginal area due to hormonal changes, aging and genetic factors. Our doctor helps patients to eliminate their aesthetic concerns by performing the Vagina Whitening procedure safely and effectively.

For detailed information about Vagina Whitening, you can click on

Orgasm Vaccine

Orgasm Vaccine is a treatment method that aims to improve sexual arousal and orgasm processes. This vaccine, which is applied in the genital area, aims to increase sexual functions and increase the intensity of orgasm. Our physician and his team approach the patient's sexual health with a special focus and apply this innovative treatment safely and effectively.

For detailed information about Orgasm Vaccine, you can click on

G Spot Magnification

G-spot Augmentation is an aesthetic application that aims to increase the volume of the G-spot, which plays an important role in sexual satisfaction. This procedure aims to provide more stimulation during sexual satisfaction and orgasm. The expert team led by our doctor performs G-spot Augmentation to meet these special demands for patients' sexual health.

You can click on link to get detailed information about G Spot Augmentation.

Genital Estetik Sonrası

As after every application in the field of health, it is very important for the success of the treatment and the health of the person to follow the recommendations given by the specialist physician after Genital Aesthetic treatments.

Among the Things to Consider After Genital Aesthetics;

1-) Rest and Recovery Process

  • It is important to rest and rest for a certain period of time after treatment.
  • It is best to gradually restore normal activities, following the doctor's instructions.

2-) Complying with Recovery Controls

  • Regular attendance at the control appointments determined by our doctor should be ensured.
  • By following the healing process, possible problems can be detected early.

3-) Keeping the Environment Clean

  • Careful hygiene of the genital area minimizes the risk of infection.
  • Avoid touching the operation area while showering.

4-) Using Medicines Regularly

  • It is important to use the medicines prescribed by the doctor regularly.
  • Medicines such as painkillers and antibiotics can support the healing process.

5-) Avoiding Sexual Activity

  • Sexual activity should be avoided for the period determined by the physician.
  • This period may vary depending on the type of procedure and the patient's recovery rate.

6-) Clothing Selection

  • Light and comfortable clothes should be preferred and tight clothes should be avoided.
  • This can reduce the risk of damage to the surgical site.

can be shown.

Benefits of Genital Aesthetics

Genital Aesthetic Applications offer many advantages to women who have aesthetic or functional problems in their genital areas for different reasons, while saving them from these problems. Benefits of Genital Aesthetic Treatments;

  • Increased Self-Confidence: Genital Aesthetics increases women's self-confidence by correcting the situations they are not satisfied with in their bodies.
  • Improving Sexual Health: Functional adjustments have positive effects on sexual health and satisfaction.
  • Aesthetic and Anatomical Adjustments: Applications such as Labiaplasty or Vaginoplasty provide a symmetrical and healthy appearance by making aesthetic and anatomical arrangements.
  • Increased Sexual Satisfaction: Practices such as G Spot Augmentation and Orgasm Vaccine can increase sexual satisfaction. This can cause positive changes in women's sexual life.
  • Postpartum Correction : Genital Aesthetics can offer a solution that corrects postpartum body changes. Treatments such as Perineal Aesthetics can correct postpartum relaxation.

can be stated as.

Advantages of Genital Aesthetic Applications and Things to Consider are explained by our physician in a way that will be specific to each patient. You can contact us immediately to have Genital Aesthetic applications under the best conditions...

Genital Aesthetic Prices

In order to get detailed information about Genital Aesthetic Prices, it is necessary to be examined by a specialist physician. Since the problems and treatment plan of each patient are different, it is not correct to pronounce a clear price.

Genital Aesthetic Prices 2024 also differ depending on many factors, but these factors include;

  • The genetic makeup and age of the person to be treated,
  • Problems in the patient's genital area,
  • Number of sessions required for the desired look,
  • Genital Aesthetic methods to be applied to the person,
  • The experience of the clinic and the physician who will perform the treatment,

can be shown.

Call Us Now to have detailed information about the procedures to be performed within the scope of Genital Aesthetic procedures, to be examined by our specialist physician in the field of Aesthetic Surgery and to create a treatment plan tailored to you...

Ankara Genital Aesthetics

Nowadays, women are eager to treat any kind of discomfort in their genital areas for different reasons in order to stay physically healthy and feel psychologically comfortable. Finding the clinic and specialist physician with the best conditions in this regard is very important for one's health and life.

Genital Aesthetic applications are one of the most important techniques for women to have the aesthetic and perfect genital area they dream of. With Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN, who successfully applies this treatment in Ankara, women can quickly get rid of the aesthetic problems they are exposed to for different reasons and have the genital area appearance they dream of.

Contact us using our communication channels to have the genital area structure of your dreams with a comfortable, safe and painless treatment process...

What is Genital Aesthetics?

Genital Aesthetics refers to a medical field that covers surgical & non-surgical procedures to correct aesthetic and functional problems that occur in the genital area of women for different reasons.

What are Genital Aesthetic Methods?

Genital Aesthetic Methods include applications such as Labioplasty, Vaginoplasty, Clitoris Aesthetics, Hymen Stitching.

How Long Does Genital Aesthetics Take?

Genital Aesthetic Application Times vary depending on the procedure performed and the techniques used. Treatments are completed within 1 to 2 hours on average.

What Does Genital Aesthetics Do?

Genital Aesthetics provides functional improvements and positive effects on sexual health in addition to correcting aesthetic concerns in the genital area of women.

Does Anyone Have Genital Aesthetics?

Yes... Today, Genital Aesthetic applications are preferred by many women who experience discomfort for aesthetic or functional reasons.

Is Genital Aesthetics Caiz?

It would be correct to seek the opinion of an expert who is competent in religious matters about whether genital aesthetic applications are permissible or not.

Who Can Genital Aesthetics Be Performed?

Genital Aesthetics can be applied to women who experience discomfort for aesthetic or functional reasons and whose health status is appropriate.

Is Genital Aesthetics a Painful Procedure?

No... Whether Genital Aesthetic treatments are painful or not may vary depending on the type of anaesthesia used and the patient's pain threshold.

Can Normal Birth Be Performed After Genital Aesthetics?

Normal birth can be performed After Genital Aesthetics. However, this situation depends on the evaluation of the specialist physician.

Are there any scars after Genital Aesthetic?

No... Even if minimal scars occur in some cases after Genital Aesthetic applications, these scars disappear spontaneously in a short time.

Does Genital Aesthetics Negatively Affect Sexual Relationship?

No... On the contrary, Genital Aesthetics can positively affect sexual intercourse by improving sexual functions and eliminating aesthetic concerns.

Do gynaecological diseases cause leg pain?

No... Gynaecological diseases do not cause leg pain. However, in some cases, disorders in the lower abdomen or pelvic region can cause leg pain.

Do gynaecological diseases cause pain in the lower back?

Gynaecological diseases can cause low back pain. Especially pelvic pain or problems with the uterus can contribute to low back pain.

Gynaecology What is fibroids?

Fibroids are non-cancerous tumours originating from smooth muscle cells in the uterus. They are common problems within the scope of Gynaecology.

What is Gynaecology and Obstetrics?

Obstetrics and Gynaecology is a branch of medicine that focuses on female reproductive health. It includes birth processes.

Gynaecology What is Polyp?

Polyps are small, flesh-like growths that can form in the uterus or cervical regions. It is a common condition in gynaecology.

What does Gynaecology and Obstetrics look at?

Obstetrics and Gynaecology is a branch of medicine responsible for women's reproductive health. This field focuses on issues such as Pregnancy, Birth, Gynaecological Problems.

What does the Gynaecology department look for?

Gynaecology is a branch of medicine that deals with women's reproductive health and offers solutions to various health problems by working together with gynaecology.

What does Gynaecology mean?

Gynaecology refers to a branch of medicine that focuses on health problems related to women's reproductive organs.

Which department to go to for gynaecology?

For Gynaecology, go to the department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics.

What is Gynaecologist?

Gynaecologist is a doctor who specialises in areas such as women's reproductive health, birth control, gynaecological problems.

Which diseases does Gynaecology deal with?

Gynaecology focuses on gynaecological cancers, infections, hormonal problems and other health problems related to the reproductive organs.

What are Gynaecological Surgeries?

Gynaecological surgeries may include various surgical interventions such as fibroid removal, hysterectomy, ovarian surgery.

How is Gynaecology Biopsy Performed?

Gynaecology Biopsy is when the doctor performs an examination to remove suspicious tissues. It is performed during a gynaecological examination.

What is Gynaecology Department?

The Department of Obstetrics is a branch of medicine that focuses on women's reproductive health and, together with Gynaecology, serves the general health needs of women.

What is Obstetrics Gynaecology?

Gynaecology is a branch of medicine dealing with diseases and problems of female reproductive organs. It forms part of the Gynaecology department.

What is Obstetrics Obstetrics?

Obstetrics is a branch of medicine that examines pregnancy, birth and postnatal period. It forms part of obstetrics and gynaecology.

Gynaecology What is good for infection?

Appropriate treatment for Gynaecological Infections is provided by treating the underlying cause in combination with antibiotics or antifungal drugs.

How is Gynaecology Hormone Test Performed?

The Gynaecology Hormone Test is a laboratory test that measures hormone levels with blood or urine samples. It is used to evaluate hormonal imbalances.

Which department deals with gynaecology?

Gynaecology is examined under the "Gynaecology and Obstetrics" department. It is handled by doctors specialised in this field.

How is Gynaecology Examination Performed?

The Gynaecological Examination is called a Gynaecological Examination and is an examination by a doctor using hands & special instruments to check the pelvic organs. During this examination, gynaecologists also perform a cervical cancer screening (pap smear).

What does Gynaecology mean?

Gynaecology is a branch of medicine that deals with female reproductive organs.

What is Gynaecology Department?

Gynaecology is a medical speciality focusing on gynaecology and reproductive health.

What is Gynaecology Oncology?

Gynaecological Oncology is a sub-branch of Gynaecology that deals with cancers of the female reproductive organs.

What does Gynaecology Oncology look for?

Gynaecology Oncology describes and treats cancers of organs such as the uterus, ovaries and cervix.

What does a Gynaecology outpatient clinic look for?

Gynaecology clinics are centres that provide a wide range of services related to women's health. These polyclinics focus on issues such as examinations, contraception, pregnancy follow-up.

Which diseases does the gynaecology department treat?

The Gynaecology Department focuses on various issues such as diseases of the female reproductive organs, contraception, pregnancy follow-up.

What is General Gynaecology?

General Gynaecology refers to a field that provides an overview of the female reproductive system and covers many women's health topics.

What is Cosmetic Gynaecology?

Cosmetic Gynaecology includes surgical or non-surgical interventions in the female genital area for aesthetic and functional purposes.

What does Gynaecology deal with?

Gynaecology evaluates the health status of female reproductive organs and diagnoses and treats diseases. It also focuses on issues such as birth control and pregnancy follow-up.

What is Gynaecology and Menopause Clinic?

The Gynaecology Clinic is a medical unit that focuses on health problems related to the menopause.

What is Obstetric Gynaecology?

Obstetrics and Gynaecology is a branch of medicine that deals with obstetrics and pregnancy.

What is Gynaecology Service?

Gynaecology Service is a health unit providing gynaecology and reproductive health services.

Does Gynaecology wear a spiral?

Yes... Gynaecologists can also perform the insertion of a spiral as a contraceptive.

Does Gynaecology look at Menstrual Irregularities?

Yes... Gynaecology assesses and treats problems such as menstrual irregularities.

Is ghusl required after a gynaecological examination?

No... No ghusl is required After a Gynaecological examination. However, this may vary depending on personal preferences and beliefs.

Does Gynaecology remove the spiral?

Yes... Gynaecologists can perform many gynaecological procedures, including spiral removal.

What does vaginal PRP mean?

Vaginal PRP is the application of PRP to the vaginal area. This treatment is a modern technology application developed to support women's sexual health and treat various vaginal disorders.

How is Vaginal PRP applied?

Vaginal PRP is a procedure performed under sterile conditions. The blood sample taken from the patient is enriched in platelets and this enriched plasma is injected into the vaginal area. The procedure is performed without any anaesthesia.

What is Vaginal PRP Treatment?

Vaginal PRP Treatment is a procedure that involves injecting enriched plasma into the vaginal area. This treatment targets female disorders such as vaginal rejuvenation, dryness, sexual health problems.

How Many Sessions Does Vaginal PRP Show Its Effect?

Vaginal PRP Effect is a modern treatment that occurs with 2 to 3 sessions of application.

Those who have Vaginal PRP?

Vaginal PRP is very popular among women seeking solutions to various sexual health problems. This treatment may be preferred by women interested in vaginal rejuvenation, dryness or other disorders.

Is Vaginal PRP Good for Fungus?

Yes... Vaginal PRP can support the healing process of vaginal disorders such as yeast infections. The healing properties of platelets contribute to the healthy reconstruction of vaginal tissues.

Comments of those who had Permanent Hymen Stitching?

Those who had Permanent Hymen Stitching in our clinic in Ankara met their aesthetic and functional expectations. You can call us immediately to join the people who successfully perform the treatment they need...

How Long Does Permanent Hymen Sewing Take?

Permanent Hymen Sewing procedure can take an average of 30 to 40 minutes.

Does Permanent Hymen Stitching Work?

Permanent Hymen Sewing offers a successful solution to meet aesthetic and functional expectations. As a result of this treatment, bleeding occurs during the first sexual intercourse.

How Many Years Does Permanent Hymen Sewing Last?

Permanent Hymen Stitching results show lifelong continuity. The person who has this treatment will experience bleeding in the first sexual intercourse in the future.

How Much is Permanent Hymen Sewing?

Permanent Hymen Sewing Prices may vary according to the clinic where the procedure is performed and the methods used. It would be correct to contact us directly to get detailed information about the pricing in our centre.

How Many Days Does Permanent Hymen Sewing Heal?

The recovery period after Permanent Hymen Sewing is stated as 1 to 2 weeks on average.

Does Permanent Hymen Stitching Bleed For Sure?

Yes... Permanent Hymen Sewing offers a successful solution to meet aesthetic and functional expectations. As a result of this treatment, bleeding occurs during the first sexual intercourse.

Permanent Hymen Sewing Reviews?

Those who had Permanent Hymen Stitching in our clinic in Ankara met their aesthetic and functional expectations. You can call us immediately to join the people who successfully perform the treatment they need...

How Much Is The Price Of Permanent Hymen Sewing?

Permanent Hymen Sewing Prices may vary according to the clinic where the procedure is performed and the methods used. It would be correct to contact us directly to get detailed information about the pricing in our centre.

When Does Permanent Hymen Stitching Heal?

The recovery period after Permanent Hymen Sewing is stated as 1 to 2 weeks on average.

How is Permanent Hymen Sewing?

Permanent Hymen Sewing is a surgical intervention performed under local anaesthesia. Op. Dr.Meltem ERKMEN. It is performed under sterile clinical conditions under the leadership of .

When is the Permanent Hymen Sewing done?

Permanent Hymen Sewing is planned depending on the needs and preferences of the patient. This decision is determined according to the individual's personal preferences and lifestyle. However, since there will be a recovery period of 1 to 2 weeks after treatment, this period should be taken into consideration.

How Many Minutes Does Permanent Hymen Sewing Take?

Permanent Hymen Sewing procedure can take an average of 30 to 40 minutes.

Where is Permanent Hymen Sewing Done?

Permanent Hymen Sewing can be performed in a specialist clinic led by Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN in Ankara.

How many days before marriage is Permanent Hymen Stitching done?

Permanent Hymen Stitching can be performed 1 week to 10 days before marriage. However, since the treatment results are preserved for life, women who do not plan to marry can also have this application.

How Long Does Permanent Hymen Sewing Heal?

The recovery period after Permanent Hymen Sewing is stated as 1 to 2 weeks on average.

Is Permanent Hymen Sewing Understandable?

No... Permanent Hymen Sewing is done in an extremely natural and incomprehensible way.

Is it possible to sew a Permanent Hymen Sewing?

Yes... Permanent Hymen Sewing can be successfully applied when performed by a specialist doctor.

How Many Days Before Permanent Hymen Sewing?

Permanent Hymen Stitching can be performed 1 week to 10 days before marriage. However, since the treatment results are preserved for life, women who do not plan to marry can also have this application.

Is there a Permanent Hymen Sewing?

Yes... Permanent Hymen Sewing can be successfully applied when performed by a specialist doctor.

Is There Bleeding After Permanent Hymen Sewing?

Yes... Permanent Hymen Sewing offers a successful solution to meet aesthetic and functional expectations. As a result of this treatment, bleeding occurs during the first sexual intercourse.

Temporary Hymen Stitch Reviews?

The comments about Temporary Hymen Stitching performed by our doctor are positive. Patients emphasise that this process, which they spend in an aesthetic and hygienic environment, is successfully carried out by an expert team.

When does the Temporary Hymen heal?

Temporary Hymen Stitching is permanent for 5 to 7 days. Women who have this treatment should have sexual intercourse before the time is completed.

Temporary Hymen Stitching Things to Consider?

Special attention should be paid to rest, cleanliness and regular use of medications recommended by the doctor during the recovery period after Temporary Hymen Stitching. Physical activities should be limited and the controls determined by the physician should be done regularly.

Those who had temporary hymen stitching?

Depending on cultural or personal preferences, those who have Temporary Hymen Stitching are individuals who attach special importance to their aesthetic and sexual identity. Women who have this application in our clinic are quite satisfied and leave with the result they want.

How is Temporary Hymen Stitching?

Temporary Hymen Restoration involves the repair of the membrane at the entrance of the vagina. The procedure is performed by a specialist team, under sterile conditions and under local anaesthesia.

How Many Minutes Does Temporary Hymen Stitching Take?

Temporary Hymen Stitching is completed in about 15 minutes.

Is Temporary Hymen Stitching Painful?

No... It can be expressed as a painless method since local anaesthesia is applied during Temporary Hymen Stitching.

Where is the Temporary Hymen Stitching done?

Temporary Hymen Stitching is performed by reliable physicians such as Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN in a sterile clinical environment in Ankara.

What does Vaginal Filling mean?

Vaginal Filling is an aesthetic application method using materials such as Hyaluronic Acid. This procedure aims to increase the volume of vaginal tissues, improve their elasticity and provide aesthetic corrections.

Vaginal Fillers?

Vaginal Filling is preferred by women who want to reduce the effects of postpartum or aging, who desire to improve vaginal aesthetics or function.

What is Vagina Filling?

Vaginal Filling is another name for vaginal filling application. In this procedure, hyaluronic acid or similar materials are injected into the vaginal tissues to increase the volume.

What is Vaginal Mesotherapy?

Vaginal Mesotherapy is a form of mesotherapy applied specifically to the vaginal area. It aims to increase skin firmness and support general health by injecting vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

Is Vaginal Filling Painful?

No... Since local anaesthesia is used during Vaginal Filling applications, minimal pain or discomfort is felt.

Are Vaginal Filling Results Permanent?

Vaginal Filling Results are permanent for 2 to 3 years. Since materials such as hyaluronic acid are absorbed by the body over time, the results are not permanent for life. However, the desired effect can be maintained with regular maintenance and repeated applications if necessary.

Dr.Meltem Erkmen