Vaginal Filling : An Innovative Approach in Women's Health and Aesthetics... Women's health and self-confidence constitute an important part of their lives. Under the leadership of Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN, Vaginal Filling Applications open the doors of an aesthetic revolution that allows women to feel stronger, healthier and more confident in our sterile clinic in Ankara, where aesthetic and functional solutions are offered on many issues that women are uncomfortable and need.

Vaginal Filling is not only an aesthetic touch but also a step that supports women's physical well-being. In this article, we will enlighten those who are curious about Vaginal Filler and take a closer look at the advantages of these innovative applications performed with the expertise of our doctor.

Filling is an aesthetic application used to smooth wrinkles on the skin, increase volume or improve contours. Vaginal Filler is the adaptation of this concept to the genital area. By injecting materials such as hyaluronic acid into the tissues in the genital area within the scope of Vaginal Filler, the lost volume is recovered; tissues are provided to have a firmer, younger and more vibrant appearance.

Vaginal Filling applications, also referred to as Genital Filling, bring many benefits to the areas where it is used. "What Does Vaginal Filler Do?" to the question;

  • Eliminating Volume Loss : Vaginal tissues may lose volume due to birth, aging and genetic factors. Vaginal Filler helps the area look fuller and younger by restoring this lost volume.
  • Increasing Elasticity : Vaginal Filler can increase the elasticity of tissues. Thus, it helps the vagina to gain a younger and healthier feeling.
  • Aesthetic Corrections : Vaginal Fillers can be used for asymmetry, deformities or general aesthetic concerns. In this way, women feel better about themselves.

we can respond as follows.

Vaginal Filling Applications performed under the supervision of our doctor are short-term, minimally invasive and painless. A detailed examination is performed before the treatment. A plan is created according to the specific needs of the person. Injections are performed under the experience of the physician and under sterile conditions.

Vaginal Filler Prices vary depending on the material used, the application area and the special condition of the person. You can contact us using our communication channels to get detailed information about the pricing of the treatments we offer in our center...

Advantages of Vaginal Filling under the Supervision of a Specialist Physician;

  1. Expertise and Experience : Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN is known for her expertise in Gynecology and Genital Aesthetics. It follows the current techniques and innovations in this field.
  2. Sterile Clinic Environment: Vaginal Filling applications performed in sterile clinical conditions in Ankara are in full compliance with hygiene and safety standards.
  3. Confidentiality and Security : Our specialist doctor and his team respect the privacy of their patients and carry out the applications with confidentiality principles.

can be summarized as.

You can contact us immediately to get more information about Vaginal Filler applications or to make an appointment... Our specialist doctor, known for the importance he attaches to women's health and aesthetics, will help you feel healthier and more confident by offering you customized solutions.

Vajinal Dolgu

What is Filling

Filling applications are a method used for aesthetic and rejuvenation purposes. This application, which is performed with natural substances such as hyaluronic acid, is used to smooth wrinkles on the skin, increase volume or improve contours in certain areas. Filling provides an aesthetic improvement by making facial contours look fuller and younger.

What is Vaginal Filling

Vaginal Filling is a type of aesthetic application using materials such as hyaluronic acid. This method aims to eliminate the loss of volume in vaginal tissues, increase elasticity and correct general aesthetic concerns. Vaginal Filling applications performed under the supervision of our specialist physician help women to relax and feel confident.

Why Vaginal Fillers Are Used

Today, it provides many benefits to those who are frequently demanded by women and popular among Genital Aesthetic applications. "For What Purposes Are Vaginal Filling Applications Performed?" in items;

  • Eliminating Volume Loss : Vaginal tissues may lose volume due to birth, aging or genetic factors. Vaginal Filler helps the area look fuller and younger by restoring this lost volume.
  • Increasing Elasticity : Vaginal Filler can increase the elasticity of tissues. In this way, it contributes to a younger and healthier feeling of the vagina.
  • Aesthetic Corrections : Vaginal Fillers can be used for asymmetry, deformities or general aesthetic concerns. This allows women to feel better about themselves.

to the following question.

How is Vaginal Filling Done

Vaginal Filling applications should be performed by a specialist physician in a sterile clinical environment. Under these conditions, the treatment performed within an average of 30 minutes gives successful results. Since it is performed under local anesthesia, Vaginal Filler, which does not feel any pain, is classified as comfortable and safe treatment techniques.

Procedure details of Vaginal Filling applications applied under the control of our doctor;

1-) Inspection and Evaluation

  • Our doctor performs a detailed examination to assess the patient's specific situation and understand their expectations.
  • The anatomical structure of the vaginal area is examined and the areas to be treated are determined.

2-) Patient Information

  • The patient is informed in detail about the Vaginal Filler procedure.
  • Explanations are made in a way that is understandable to the patient about the expected results, risks and the application process.

3-) Determination of Application Areas

  • Our specialist physician determines the specific areas where Vaginal Filler will be applied. A plan is created with the patient on these areas and expectations.

4-) Anesthesia Application

  • Vaginal filling application is performed under local anesthesia.
  • This ensures that the patient experiences minimal pain or discomfort during the procedure.

5-) Injection of Filling Material

  • The selected filler material (Hyaluronic Acid) is injected into the vaginal tissues with sterile injectors.
  • Our physician aims to achieve the desired aesthetic & functional results by controlling the amount and distribution of fillers.

6-) Control and Final Review

  • After the application is completed, the vaginal area is carefully checked and it is evaluated whether a symmetrical result has been achieved.
  • Necessary corrections are made and the whole process is completed before the patient can relax.

7-) Patient Aftercare Instructions

  • Our doctor explains to the patient in detail what to pay attention to after vaginal filling.
  • Information is given about the healing process and possible side effects.

8-) Control and Follow-up Appointments

  • A plan is made with the patient for the controls determined after Vaginal Filling.
  • The effectiveness of the application and the patient's satisfaction are monitored regularly.

can be explained as.

Vajinal Dolgu Sonrası


Things to Consider After Vaginal Filling

As after every application in the field of health, it is very important for the success of the treatment and the health of the person to pay attention to certain issues after vaginal filling. Among the Things to Consider After Vaginal Filling;

  • Follow the Healing Process: It is important to carefully follow the healing process of the tissues after vaginal filling. It is important to follow the doctor's recommendations and perform planned controls regularly.
  • Caution in Sexual Activities: Avoiding sexual activities in the first few days has a positive effect on the healing process. Care should be taken in this regard for the period determined by the specialist after the application.
  • Follow Hygiene Rules : It is important to pay attention to the hygiene of the vaginal area during the healing process. The cleaning products recommended by the doctor should be used and substances that damage the area should be avoided.
  • Contact Your Specialist in Case of Pain or Abnormality: In case of pain, swelling or any abnormality after Vaginal Filling, our specialist doctor should be contacted immediately. This will help to diagnose potential problems early.
  • Sun Protection : Sunscreen products should be used during the healing period to avoid the harmful effects of the sun. This helps to maintain the pigmentation of the vaginal area.
  • Do Not Disrupt Planned Checkups: It is important not to disrupt the controls determined by our specialist doctor in order to evaluate the long-term effects of the application and to detect possible problems early.

can be shown.

Vaginal Mesotherapy

Vaginal Mesotherapy is a form of mesotherapy applied specifically to the vaginal area. This treatment involves injecting vitamins, minerals and nutrients under the skin. Vaginal Mesotherapy is used to increase the firmness of the skin, support sexual health, and promote the overall healing of vaginal tissues. Vaginal Mesotherapy Sessions performed under the guidance of a specialist physician positively affect women's health and overall quality of life.

Vaginal Filler Prices

In order to get information about Vaginal Filler Prices, it is necessary to be examined by a specialist physician. Since the problems and treatment plan of each patient are different, it is not correct to pronounce a clear price.

Vaginal Filler Prices 2024 also differ depending on many factors, but among these factors;

  • Genetic characteristics and age of the person to be treated,
  • Problems in the patient's genital area,
  • Number of sessions required for the desired look,
  • Vaginal Filling techniques to be applied to the person,
  • The experience of the clinic and the physician who will perform the treatment,

can be shown.

Call Us Now to have detailed information about the procedures to be performed within the scope of Vaginal Filling procedures, to be examined by our specialist physician in the field of Aesthetic Surgery and to create a treatment plan tailored to you...

Vaginal Filling Ankara

Nowadays, women are eager to treat any kind of discomfort in their genital areas for different reasons in order to stay physically healthy and feel psychologically comfortable. Finding the clinic and specialist physician with the best conditions in this regard is very important for one's health and life.

Vaginal Filling Treatment is applied in safe and sterile clinical conditions under the leadership of Op. Dr. Meltem ERKMEN in Ankara. Our physician, one of Ankara's leading doctors in this field, treats various disorders related to women's genital health with her experience and experience.

Contact us using our communication channels to have the genital area structure of your dreams with a comfortable, safe and painless treatment process...

Dr.Meltem Erkmen